Organizers Forms, Templates, Documents The Organizers sub-category contains forms that can be useful when planning daily schedules or organizing personal information. These forms include Event Mailing Organizer, Address Book, and a Weekly Planner. Teacher’s Attendance and Roll BookThe Teacher’s Attendance and Roll Book is designed for keeping classroom attendance records on a monthly basis. Next Page » Science Toy Box | Because science is fun and full of surprises. Follow me @braveneutrino With the support of my wonderful Team, Working Lunch is underway. After 1 week of operation, I can say that it has potential. To anyone reading this, I would really appreciate your feedback as I work to fine tune this idea to help me create an atmosphere where redos and retakes are not seen by students (an me) a punishment, but an opportunity. (Send me a Tweet @braveneutrino if commenting on the blog isn’t working or is a pain in the neck!) Setting the Stage – Why Now? This week marks the first week of the second semester for my 7th and 8th graders. My TeamI work with three dedicated educators who fully support giving students what they need to succeed. Why Working Lunch? How it Went I assigned between 8 and 10 students to Working lunch each day. I decided that we would take Friday off. Analysis: Twenty assignments were finished. The attitude of the students was interesting. Here’s What I’m Wondering What do I need to change? Like this: Like Loading...
free, easy and anonymous fake email service. dead fake Want to surf completely anonymously? Try it now! Copyright © 2015 deadfake Privacy Tweet Additional Info Stats Total emails sent: 1767908... in last 24 hours: 381 privacy policy x Twitter for Professional Development: Ultra Beginner Edition, Part 2 Written by Mark Brumley Beyond the Basics In the post Twitter for Professional Development: Ultra Beginner Edition, I offered a simple way to demonstrate the power of Twitter to teachers. If you are introducing Twitter to your colleagues, I highly recommend following that model. Sharing The next step is for teachers to share what they learn. A zillion possibilities exist to share content including a shared Google doc, Evernote notebook and, of course, the faculty room bulletin board. With newbies, I suggest using Diigo. Login to Diigo and create a new group. Social Bookmarking Now the most difficult part by far; explain social bookmarking to your teachers and have them create Diigo accounts. Okay, that’s the hard part…now for the fun. I’m not going to lie; this is an exhausting professional development session.
How to create an internet radio station If you’ve ever wondered how internet radio stations work and/or wanted to create your own, this tutorial will show you how. It is actually very easy, and you can set up your own radio station and begin broadcasting songs in about 10 minutes. First of all, let me give you a quick rundown on how it works. You have your music player (I will use Winamp, get it if you don’t have it) and you play your music as you normally would. You probably need a fast internet connection so you can broadcast without buffering occuring. Through a plugin (which you will download and install), Winamp will send the music you play to the broadcasting server (which can be on your PC or on another one with a larger connection), and the server sends the music to the listeners, reencoding it to a better format, if you are so inclined. The programs I use are Winamp for playing, oddcast DSP for broadcasting to the server and Icecast for serving. Let’s get started, then. Click OK here and then click “Connect”.
Five Ways Teachers Can Use Technology to Help Students The Huffington Post By: Darrell M. West and Joshua Bleiberg Thomas Edison once said, "Books will soon be obsolete in the public schools...our school system will be completely changed inside of ten years." Advances in information technology have revolutionized how people communicate and learn in nearly every aspect of modern life except for education. Technology has failed to transform our schools because the education governance system insulates them from the disruptions that technology creates in other organizations. To overcome these obstacles, we must persuade teachers that technology will empower them and help their students learn. Schools must use technology that empowers teachers. Teachers should treat the adoption of technology as part of lesson planning. Teachers should not fear open-source technologies. Use online education portfolios to evaluate students. Teachers should embrace the Common Core State Standards.
How to Host a Great Sharing Event Reading about exciting things happening in the sharing arena can be inspiring, but the real fun is getting out and connecting with people in-person. Time and time again, members of Shareable's community have expressed an interest in hosting and attending sharing events, so we decided to ask sharing community leaders for their top event organizing tips. Whether your event includes guest speakers, a swap, a Jelly, a mixer, a brainstorm, a group meal or anything else, our panel has valuable tips and tools to help make your sharing event great. Note: Pro tips are tips that were repeatedly mentioned as important. Pro Tips: Encourage participation in the design of the event, find partners and sponsors, take photos and video, get good volunteers, offer food and drink, make it fun and interactive, have someone in charge of audio and video. Melissa O’Young - Founder of Let’s Collaborate! Benita Matofska - Chief Sharer of The People Who Share - We use a format devised by the Art of Hosting.
How Teachers Can Stop Being Scared Of Twitter November’s EdTechTeacher’s iPad Summit (which, by the way, I found through Twitter) completely amazed, overwhelmed, challenged, and inspired me. I left feeling empowered about the 1:1 iPad environment in which I was teaching and excited about the possibilities of technology inside and outside of my classroom. My Twitter Addiction I also left the conference with a mild addiction to Twitter. Like I said, it was a *mild* addiction. It’s A Conversation But it was more than just a running list of sites to check out and apps to investigate. My November tweets were frantic – a rushed effort to somehow document the torrent of information that surrounded me in presentations, online conversations, and Google excursions. The Personal Learning Network The people I had connected to in my PLN (personal learning network) share amazing materials about all aspects of education. Hashtags Ahoy! As a teacher, I have made a commitment to Twitter-time. Connect To Your Passion(s)