Datos curiosos o Datos para el asombro Lista de Curiosidades
Sabias que las ratas se multiplican tan rápidamente que en 18 meses, dos rata pueden llegar a tener 1 millón de hijos. Sabias que los cocodrilos pueden comer una sola vez al año. Sabias que los koalas pueden vivir toda su vida sin tomar agua. Sabias que Las Vegas es el punto mas luminoso desde el universo. El graznido de un pato (cuac, cuac) no hace eco y nadie sabe por qué.
Beautiful/Decay Artist & Design
How To Win A D&AD Student Award (8 top tips)
[This is an edited version of a masterclass we delivered at the School Of Communication Arts 2.0 in their new home in Brixton. We thought it was only fair that everyone got a chance to see our foolproof tips for DEFINITELY winning an award] First up, have a quick look at our video, which won us D&AD Students Of The Year in 2012, and (to some extent) qualifies us to offer advice to the next crop. It will also make some of our advice make more sense. Now, on with the top tips… 1.
Petite Kitchenesse
The Jealous Curator
Diary of an Adman
February 26th, 2013 Today, we're featuring an interview with Sebastian Mueller-Soppart who is a creative director at Leo Burnett in Chicago. We talk about Mad Men, German accents and great ideas that almost happened. Being a creative director at Leo Burnett is kind of a big deal. What's the quick overview of your career?
News - GeekTyrant
Shit Scamps
When European car manufacturer Opal wanted to launch their new executive saloon the ‘Shapiro’ to the booming Eastern bloc market they required class, sophistication and wit. When briefed to come up with the goods, Swedish super grads, Jorg and Olaf, working for Amsterdam pop up agency ‘Argh’, trawled the web looking for the smartest thing they could find. It was Frasier. After much consultation David Hyde Pearce and Kelsy Grammer finally agreed to reprise their roles as Doctors Niles and Frasier Crane. However, with legal bods threatening over copyright, they opted to give the whole thing a twist.
Laughing Squid
When you are Nike, you just do it. There’s absolutely no point being timid or ordinary. You blaze trails, create trends, draw attention. Here at Access, we are creating Nike Extreme experiences around the globe. Here are a few of our concepts in which we use the Nike singular swoosh power to create serious buzz.
Top 10 Lists - Listverse
Omnicom merges £60m Adam & Eve with DDB
Adam & Eve/DDB's management line-up includes only two DDB executives The deal is expected to net James Murphy and David Golding, who hold 25 per cent stakes in Adam & Eve, total payments in the order of £15 million upon the completion of a five-year earnout. Ben Priest could clear a total in excess of £13 million, with the remainder of the shareholding split among other staff.
Art Directors Club / Hall of Fame/ Walt Disney
“I don’t pretend to know anything about art. I make pictures for entertainment and then the professors tell me what they mean.” Walt Disney left the academic analysis to the professionals and the popular analysis to his audiences. He knew what they liked and they loved what he did. Disney was a storyteller foremost who, early on, used the film medium to its maximum potential and later applied his genius for spinning worlds of fantasy to his magical theme parks.