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21st century Gypsies: New Age Travellers adopt horse drawn-caravans and a love of Facebook (as long as it's solar powered)

21st century Gypsies: New Age Travellers adopt horse drawn-caravans and a love of Facebook (as long as it's solar powered)
By Daily Mail Reporter Published: 11:35 GMT, 30 September 2012 | Updated: 10:12 GMT, 1 October 2012 They were the inner-city youth who, fuelled by punk spirit, anarchist philosophy and a hate of Margaret Thatcher, clambered aboard a fleet of battered old vehicles to shun the trappings of the modern world for a life of nomadic freedom. And while today's new-age travellers appears to have taken the philosophy even further, preferring to use traditional horse-drawn caravans instead of gas-guzzling vans, they also appear to be embracing the modern technology like mobile phones, laptops and even Facebook. During the late 1980s and 1990s stories about the travellers were commonplace - illegal raves, clashes with the police, drug busts and fury at the criminal justice act. Photographer Iain McKell took his first pictures of new-age travellers 25 years ago. And while little has been written about the New Age travellers in the past decade, the movement has far from fizzled out.

Sometimes a Wild God | Coyopa :: lightning in the blood Sometimes a wild god comes to the table. He is awkward and does not know the ways Of porcelain, of fork and mustard and silver. His voice makes vinegar from wine. When the wild god arrives at the door, You will probably fear him. He reminds you of something dark That you might have dreamt, Or the secret you do not wish to be shared. He will not ring the doorbell; Instead he scrapes with his fingers Leaving blood on the paintwork, Though primroses grow In circles round his feet. You do not want to let him in. The dog barks. The wild god stands in your kitchen. ‘I haven’t much,’ you say And give him the worst of your food. When your wife calls down, You close the door and Tell her it’s fine. The wild god asks for whiskey And you pour a glass for him, Then a glass for yourself. Oh, limitless space. You cough again, Expectorate the snakes and Water down the whiskey, Wondering how you got so old And where your passion went. The wild god reaches into a bag Made of moles and nightingale-skin.

We declare the world as our canvasHelp us funding Street Art Utopia - The Book Followers, artists and photographers have for years been asking us if we’re going to print a book. The last two years, our response have been that we will do it when we have 1 million followers on Facebook: We are ready We have close to 4 years of daily charing of street art and contact with artists and photographers. Time to order your book To do the book as big, thick and colorful as possible we ask for prepaid orders! You can make your order for a book here (shipping included): Thanks! Change of Address: Send us a mail with your new adress from the emailaccount you put your oder from and we will send you the book to your new home. We hope this will be some of the photos we can include in the book: On Facebook. On Facebook. On Facebook. On Facebook. On Facebook. More info. More info. More info. On Facebook. More info. On Facebook. On Facebook. On Facebook. On Facebook. On Facebook. On Facebook. On Facebook. On Facebook. On Facebook. On Facebook. More info. On Facebook. On Facebook. More info. – Getting Better at Being Human 19 Wild Costumes From European Pagan Rituals Still Practiced Today EmailEmail Halloween is just around the corner, and while the usual Hallmark-holiday-style costumes are plenty of fun, there are also options for those of us that want something a little wilder. Photographer Charles Freger has traveled through 19 European nations to gather pictures of impressive costumes from pagan rituals that have survived to this day. The series, entitled “Wilder Mann,” inspires images of an older, wilder and more tribal Europe filled with wild beasts, bonfires and pagan gods. Website:

The 33 Most Beautiful Abandoned Places In The World Beauty Without Bunnies The list includes companies that make cosmetics, personal-care products, household-cleaning products, and other common household products. In the U.S., no law requires that these types of products be tested on animals, and companies can choose not to sell their products in countries such as China, where tests on animals are required for cosmetics and other products. Companies on this list should be supported for their commitment to manufacturing products without harming any animals. Companies that aren't on this list should be boycotted until they implement a policy that prohibits animal testing. The list does not include companies that manufacture only products that are required by law to be tested on animals (e.g., pharmaceuticals and garden chemicals).

America Could End Homelessness in One Year by Doing This If America really cared about solving the problem of homelessness among it’s citizenry, here’s an idea that would work. Oh- and that opening line references the fact that as far back as 2011 empty houses in America outnumbered homeless families by five times, according to Amnesty International. Anyway, let’s say the problem with homeless people in America was a result of not enough housing. Then, this idea would work. Did you know that you can make houses out of plastic bottles? By filling them with sand, and molding them together with mud or cement, the walls created are actually bullet proof, fire proof, and will maintain an comfortable indoor temperature of 64 degrees in the summer time. And it’s not like there is any shortage on used plastic bottles out there. “The United States uses 129.6 Million plastic bottles per day which is 47.3 Billion plastic bottles per year. To build a two bedroom, 1200 square foot home, it takes about 14,000 bottles.

The largest photo ever taken of Tokyo is zoomable, and it is glorious: It took photographer Jeffrey Martin two days of shoot and four months of editing to create the interactive panorama you’re about to experience. At 600,000 pixels wide, it would measure 50 meters by 100 meters if printed at photographic resolution. And yes, it is every bit as awesome as it sounds. Go ahead. Do you feel like some ridiculously awesome, eagle-eyed super mutant? It’s the idea of creating a view that literally extends our senses far beyond what we can sense on our own. The founder of, a website where photographers can upload 360-degree images of beatiful locations around the globe, Martin is no stranger to this medium. I use a Canon SLR (in this case, a 7D) and a 400mm lens (in this case a canon L f/5.6 lens) mounted on a Clauss Rodeo on gigapixel robot which is controlled by a tethered laptop to move the camera and fire the shutter while the camera is moving. Also, disk space. (Link)

Zaļā dzīvesstila žurnāls "Vides Vēstis" Bīstamāko produktu saraksts Anitra Tooma Nesen e-pastā saņēmu šādu vēstuli: «Labdien! Alises vēstule mani pamatīgi piezemēja – tik tiešām, žurnālā «Vides Vēstis» jau 14 gadus rakstām par dažādām bīstamībām, kas apdraud cilvēku veselību un planētas nākotni, bet šādas ābeces patiesības neesam skaidrojuši. Kaitīgās vielas mēs visbiežāk apēdam, ieelpojam vai uzsmērējam uz ādas, tāpēc vispirms jātaisa lielā revīzija virtuvē un vannas istabā. Dažādas vielas organismā visbiežāk nokļūst caur muti, plaušām un ādu. Ļoti bieži svešdabīgās vielas organismā iekļūst caur plaušām. Ādas uzdevums ir pasargāt organismu, tāpēc kaitīgo vielu iedarbība caur ādu nenotiek tik ātri. Izrādās, ka svešdabīgās vielas vislabprātāk uzkrājas saistaudos, kaulos un taukos, asinsrite caur taukiem ir lēna, tāpēc bieži vien novājēšana izraisa slimību saasinājumu. Gaļa un zivis satur vairāk pesticīdu nekā augļi un dārzeņi Vairāk nekā 95% dioksīnu, ko, paši neapzinoties, apēdam, atrodas zivīs, gaļā, piena produktos, olās.
