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21st century Gypsies: New Age Travellers adopt horse drawn-caravans and a love of Facebook (as long as it's solar powered)

21st century Gypsies: New Age Travellers adopt horse drawn-caravans and a love of Facebook (as long as it's solar powered)
By Daily Mail Reporter Published: 11:35 GMT, 30 September 2012 | Updated: 10:12 GMT, 1 October 2012 They were the inner-city youth who, fuelled by punk spirit, anarchist philosophy and a hate of Margaret Thatcher, clambered aboard a fleet of battered old vehicles to shun the trappings of the modern world for a life of nomadic freedom. And while today's new-age travellers appears to have taken the philosophy even further, preferring to use traditional horse-drawn caravans instead of gas-guzzling vans, they also appear to be embracing the modern technology like mobile phones, laptops and even Facebook. During the late 1980s and 1990s stories about the travellers were commonplace - illegal raves, clashes with the police, drug busts and fury at the criminal justice act. Photographer Iain McKell took his first pictures of new-age travellers 25 years ago. And while little has been written about the New Age travellers in the past decade, the movement has far from fizzled out.

20 Cool Abandoned Places in the World A Primer On Social Media Demographics EGAM - European Grassroots Antiracist Movement EUROPE — Prague Website Medieval architecture, communist history, beer. Yes, yes and yes! Prague still has got it all. Obligatory monuments won’t move any time soon and neither will the city centre’s tourist traps. To skip them means to win enough time to discover better things. SITE: CONTACT: VISITORS DESK: Trojanova 3 OPEN: No fixed opening hours. Print Print this map on 8 pages, and stick them together!

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Texte d’orientation Texte d’orientation Préparé par la commission de rédaction ayant suivi le séminaire « Les Rroms à l’épreuve de la grande Europe », Saint Denis, 15 novembre 2003, dans le cadre du Forum Social Européen La plus grande partie des dix millions de Rroms vivant en Europe connaît une situation de détresse et de discrimination qui ne fait que s’aggraver malgré les programmes censés l’améliorer. Il est donc indispensable de : Ø Reconnaître le Génocide nazi contre les Rroms, Sinté et Kalé (Samudaripen) dans les Etats émules du nazisme avant et pendant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale Ø Exiger pour tous les Rroms l’accès aux droits fondamentaux et à leur exercice, en particulier dans les domaines de l’éducation, de la formation, de la santé, du logement et du travail Ø Exiger : - l’abrogation de tous les textes et le retrait de tous les projets qui entravent, de manière directe ou indirecte au niveau européen, la libre circulation et la libre résidence des personnes

20 Spectacular Abandoned Mansions of the World All over the world, grand mansions, stately homes and other opulent residences that have fallen into ruin are reminders of an elegant past and the changing nature of the times. Underscoring both a rich history and the transience of existence, the reasons behind their abandonment may range from lost fortunes and changing fashions to war, violence and myriad other factors. Today, the crumbling remnants of these great houses serve as a window in time and offer urban explorers the opportunity to capture the ruins in all their glory. In this article, we’ll travel to 20 of the most impressive abandoned mansions across the world. (Image: Bousure, cc-nc-nd-3.0) Browse the gallery via the thumbnails below each image or click the “return to the main article” link to come back to this page. Keep Browsing

Pronoun I Usage Power Status - Self Esteem Early in a relationship, addressing you and your s.o. as "we" can rub your friends the wrong way. But using "we" with abandon in any other context can be a total power move, according to new research. A study conducted by the University of Texas suggests pronouns send subliminal signals of social status. Who knew? According to James W. "Pronouns signal where someone's internal focus is pointing," says Dr. Using the pronoun, especially in a long-term relationship or friendship, can be a tricky road to navigate. Photo: via Wall Street Journal.

A New Low: Dude Watches a Movie on His Laptop at DBGB Not okay.Photo: Jonathan Van Meter People have figured out all sorts of ways to distract themselves, and others, at restaurants: They scroll through their smartphones, they give iPads to their kids, etc. But the other night night, this motherfucker walked into DBGB — a not un-fancy restaurant — put in his ear buds, opened his big-screen laptop, and started watching a movie. Then, while ordering a glass of Champagne and a hamburger, he treated the waiters like they were flight attendants. I took his picture because I was horrified and fascinated, sure, but also because I thought, this is what people — myself included — hate about modern NYC life: Everyone is beginning to act like they are on a flight to Los Angeles, behaving in even the busiest and most crowded of public spaces as if they were in their bedrooms. I asked the sommelier, "Have you ever seen anyone do this before?" Hopefully we can amend that to "never again." Related: Department of Deportment: How (and Why) to Dine Solo
