nouvelle alerte sur une pratique dont chacun peut être victime : les SSHP (Saisies sur salaire hors procédure.) Nous avons un nouveau dossier qui met en lumière une pratique d’un officier ministériel œuvrant pour une administration, donc sous son couvert. Une somme de 473,50 euros est due par une Société. Une action est lancée contre son gérant sans respecter les formes légales, mais c’est un détail car la créance est reconnue du débiteur. Un huissier de justice est mandaté par cette administration pour recouvrir la créance. Avec sa copie exécutoire, il effectue 3 prélèvements de 154,47 euros, soit 463.32 euros.
The Boston Marathon Bombing: Case Closed? Like many of you, I had little to no idea where Chechnya was, let alone its political structure and place in the larger global political narrative. As I spent the bast few days, literally up all night trying to understand the place, its people and history, I had hoped it would help me understand why these boys would do what they did? In the end I found that I have more questions than answers and ominous sick feeling in my stomach. I have learned about this place and its people has been fascinating and their plight admirable to say the least. I also found the extremists among them (as all groups often have), to be incredibly terrifying.
Purple Rain (film) Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Purple Rain est un film musical américain, réalisé par Albert Magnoli et produit par Robert Cavallo, Steven Fargnoli et Joseph Ruffalo, sorti en 1984. En 1983, Prince est une star établie sur le plan national aux États-Unis. Son dernier album en date, 1999, se vend alors à plus de 3,5 millions d'exemplaires et restera classé dans les charts album pendant 152 semaines, soit près de trois ans. En février, le titre Little Red Corvette fut le premier de ses singles à entrer dans le Top 10 du Billboard.
At What Price, Fame: The High Cost of Re-Victimization and the Steubenville Rape Case **This post has been revised to include vital information specifically related to Facebook Private Messages shared between Joey Ortega and Alexandria “Prinnie” Goddard. All messages are reposted with permission of their original recipient and respondent, Joey Ortega. ~by Amy Lynn Burch published on April 29, 2013 @ 10:29pm (EST) With the verdict decided and justice served, I sit here at my computer some six weeks later contemplating the potential aftermath of the Steubenville Rape case. Although, I am satisfied that the correct judgment was rendered I cannot help but wonder how much damage was done to the case and all parties involved due to social media manipulation and the meddlesome behavior of those claiming to be members of the hacktivist group “Anonymous”.
Destockeurs alimentaires: destockage et discount alimentaire par région The Boston Bombing and Terrorism Discussion 04/19 by Joey Ortega Featured follow Call in to speak with the host To if we discuss the Boston tragedy and what we now know about this case and those responsible. We also discuss some of the general and expert heuristics used today to try and understand these types of acts, those who commit them, thier methodologies, and motivation. How dose recent events confirm or challenge such heuristics?
Cohabitatsolidaire - le site habitat groupé et solidaire dans l'ouest Freedom of Speech Doesn’t Sit So Well With Those Who Have Misused It ~by Amy Lynn Burch published on May 1, 2013 @ 10:34pm (EST) I’ve been accused lately of misrepresenting myself as a registered private investigator. I am, for those who cannot figure out how to verify that information on their own. However, my role on this, my victims advocate blog, is not as a private investigator but as a – dare I repeat myself – victim advocate for which I receive no compensation.
LE BLOG DE REGIS GODEC: Adjoint au Maire de Toulouse en charge des Ecoquartiers Freedom of Speech Doesn’t Sit So Well With Those Who Have Misused It ~by Amy Lynn Burch I’ve been accused lately of misrepresenting myself as a registered private investigator. I am one, for those who cannot figure out how to verify that information on their own. However, my role on this, my victim advocate’s blog, is not as a private investigator but as a – dare I repeat myself – victim advocate for which I receive no compensation.
Anonymous, Islamist Hackers Plan Major Assault for Tuesday UPDATED 1 p.m. ET Monday with further comment from the Izz al-Din Qassam Cyber Brigades. Ascribing a consistent political agenda to the hacktivist collective Anonymous is almost impossible. Fabricated Terrorists, Chechen-Jewish Family in Moscow Is under Threat of Murder Their Son Mansur Edilbiev, 26, a football player, who lived in Moscow all his life, was abducted by the FSB agents, tortured in a secret cell to plead guilty in attempted blow-up a luxury train; then, a staged court trial sentenced him to 16 years in high security colony. Mansur had nothing to do with the 18-year-long war in Chechnya, never took any part in hostilities, let alone terrorism, his desperate parents said to human rights activists. Mustafa Edilbiev, father, and Ziva Liron, mother, addressed their plea to Yuri Chaika, Attorney General of the Russian Federation. They also told their story to the Independent International Human Rights Group and published the facts at some Russian-language social networks and websites. According to these sources, Mansur suddenly disappeared on July 5, 2011 on his way from home to work.