China IWOM Blog- Making Sense of the Buzz launched a new online product, “ Free Group Purchase ”, at 5 p.m. on the 1st of March, encouraging users to initiate a group purchase on any product they want. This “C2B” group purchase would be achievedas long as they round up enough participants. So far, more than 15,000 group purchases have been started, 100 of which have been successful. Social platform has at last launched a web version. For what is essentially a Pinterest clone, this web version features organizing and sharing features for foodies to share photos of all their favorite eats. You’re also able to search for the hottest content (or shoulf that be filling?)
Extract of Be An Island, The Buddhist Practice Of Inner Peace by Ayya Khema
Extract : Talking To One Another Seeking mental solitude instead of conversation is sometimes of great benefit. The Buddha mentioned right speech many times. It is a step on the Noble Eightfold Path, one of the five precepts, and also one of the blessings in the Mahamangala Sutta (Great Blessings Discourse).
Social Media Metrics Superlist: Measurement, ROI, & Key Statistics Resources
Are you using content marketing as part of your digital strategy to grow your business? If so, you're not alone. According to the Content Marketing Institute, the lion's share of marketers (some 92%) report using content marketing. In the fast moving world of digital strategy, things are always changing. What should you expect in 2014 to change in the world of content marketing?
Be a Leader
Leadership can be a tricky thing. On one hand you're supposed to appear calm under pressure, on the other you need to impart passion and energy to your team. And what about those days when you just don't feel like leading? No matter the situation you find yourself in, knowing how to lead and feeling like a leader is vital to give you the confidence that others will believe in. Then when you are called upon to demonstrate leadership skills, those skills can come to the fore instantly. Leadership skills can be learned
YouTube Begins Experimenting With Completely New Interface & Rumored 'Mood Wall'
Posted by Matthew Manarino on Wednesday, August 29, 2012 · The mad scientists over at YouTube have really been at it all week. First, several eagle-eyed YouTube enthusiasts noticed that the video-sharing site was tinkering with something the media has dubbed “the mood wall.”
List of Social Media Management Systems (SMMS)
Pain: Social Media Teams Are Challenged To Respond To the Distributed Conversations I’m starting to get a few briefings and requests from strategists LaSandra Brill, about new technologies that enable social marketers to quickly manage, maintain, and conduct reporting on multiple channels. The issue of lack of scale is resonating with social strategists –as a result, the market is developing new tools that will help them manage them. This is one component of Social CRM, which if you haven’t heard about, please read the report on the 18 use cases of Social CRM. (Update: This is only one software segment in the overall Social Business Stack, which you should first understand) Above is the full report, feel free to read, download and share. Update: Jan 5th, 2012.
Make money promoting a solid product If you care about promoting rock solid products that over deliver on value, then you will love the feedback you get when promoting LinkedInfluence. We have spent months working on this product, and the results speak for themselves.
16 Creative Ways to Use Twitter for Business
Is your Twitter activity feeling stale? The good news is that you can easily revitalize your Twitter experience! Here are 16 ways to bring new life and renewed business purpose to your Twitter efforts.