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*Kathy Schrock's iPads4teaching (Scan)

*Kathy Schrock's iPads4teaching (Scan)

Related:  Week 6: Mobile Learning/Apps (*=Key reading)Tech in class

App Fairy Podcast (Scan & pick one podcast to listen to) Tags: app development, apps, co-play, creativity, digital media, education, joint media engagement, librarians, media mentors, podcasts, producers Turning Your Students Into Web Detectives Our students use the web every day—shouldn’t we expect them to do better at interpreting what they read there? Perhaps, but not necessarily. Often, stereotypes about kids and technology can get in the way of what’s at stake in today’s complex media landscape. Sure, our students probably joined Snapchat faster than we could say “Face Swap,” but that doesn’t mean they’re any better at interpreting what they see in the news and online. Products Gmail Fast, searchable email with less spam Drive Create, share and keep all your stuff in one place Docs Open, edit, and create documents Sheets Open, edit, and create spreadsheets Slides Open, edit, and create presentations Forms Build free surveys Drawings Create diagrams and flow charts Sites Create websites and secure group wikis Calendar Organize your schedule and share events with friends Translate Instantly translate text, web pages, and files between over 50 languages

18 Ways iPads Are Being Used In Classrooms Right Now iPads are quickly becoming a popular and powerful educational tool for classrooms. Beyond the immediate benefit of engaging students, iPads can improve education efficiency and standards. However, many teachers are unsure of how to use them effectively. Coupled with concerns over the costs involved, iPad implementation in schools is seen as an unnecessary and expensive risk. As the case studies below demonstrate, iPads are being used in education environments around the world with great success.

Intriguing Apps for Learning Using mobile technology like tablets, e-readers, and cell phones to extend education is a great way to get children learning on the go. There are so many apps to choose from that sometimes it makes the task of looking for good apps for children a bit daunting. Here are a few intriguing apps, educational, interactive, apps that will engage your children in active learning. Smash Your Food Smash Your Food is a nutrition education app. *Best Websites for Teaching & Learning (scan) Best Websites for Teaching & Learning honors websites, tools, and resources of exceptional value to inquiry-based teaching and learning. Sites recognized foster the qualities of innovation, creativity, active participation, and collaboration. They are free, web-based sites that are user friendly and encourage a community of learners to explore and discover. The Landmark Websites are honored due to their exemplary histories of authoritative, dynamic content and curricular relevance. They are free, web-based sites that are user-friendly and encourage a community of learners to explore and discover and provide a foundation to support 21st-century teaching and learning. Landmark Websites for Teaching & Learning

5 EdTech Sites Every English Teacher Should Use As more and more schools integrate technology into the classroom, the need for high-quality, effective EdTech sites increases. Last year I taught my first year in a 1:1 classroom; every student had access to a Chromebook. It was wonderful. Between using several of my SMARTePlans digital lessons for Google Drive and various EdTech sites, teaching in a 1:1 classroom significantly reduced the amount of paper I used in the classroom. Whether you are teaching in a 1:1 classroom or if you are only able to get into the computer lab once in a while, here is my list of the top 5 EdTech sites for secondary English teachers. 1.

Best Apps for Teaching & Learning 2013 Science 360 by the National Science Foundation Level: ALL (grades K-12)Platform: iOS Website Science 360 is a science and engineering news app designed to engage the user in visual explorations through photos, videos, and text. 45 Outstanding iPad Apps for Science Learning To gain basic knowledge on a new topic do not necessarily demand you to read tons of books or sign up for a course. In some cases, you can actually replace the dusty classroom with a tiny App and gain knowledge while sitting at home and having fun. Right now there are a lot of science iPad Apps you can work with to make it easier and more fun to pick up scientific knowledge. In this article, I am are sharing with you a handpicked collection of Apps divided into different disciplines of science.

Digital preschool A local preschool integrates iPads into the classroom to equip young children with the necessary technological skills for their future. At the school, children are introduced to using the iPad from as young as two-years-old. As digital technologies become ever more pervasive, a preschool in Bryanston, Johannesburg, has implemented iPads in the classroom. The Bryanston campus of The Little Ashford Preschool (The LAP), which opened in September 2011, has the motto: “Innovatively equipping your kids for the future” and introduces children to new technology early on, while also using it to improve parent-teacher communication. The school’s principal, Marli Hoffman, says the school offers entry-level, 16GB iPads with WiFi access, at a subsidised rate of R3 000 for its 37 children.

Teaching with"APP"-itude! □ - Blog #2 This is the SECRET to my success...Seriously, it has changed my WHOLE classroom. I download all my products from Teachers Pay Teachers on my iPad. Whatever I plan to use for the week, I download into my iBooks. I take screenshots of the things I need and will use for the week. Comparison of Screencasting Tools Screencasting is a fast and easy way to capture what is happening on your screen along with your voice or video of you speaking. Teachers can use screencasts to create self-paced lessons for students, tutorials, and supplements to sub plans. Students can use screencasting to tell stories or demonstrate their understanding of a topic or concept.

This website promotes the use of iPads for teaching and learning and also professional development. by katherineking2 Mar 19
