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Innosight Institute

Innosight Institute

Rose Park Advisors - Home Blended Learning in Higher Education: Framework, Principles, and Guidelines - D. Randy Garrison, Norman D. Vaughan This groundbreaking book offers a down-to-earth resource for the practical application of blended learning in higher education as well as a comprehensive examination of the topic. Well-grounded in research, Blended Learning in Higher Education clearly demonstrates how the blended learning approach embraces the traditional values of face-to-face teaching and integrates the best practices of online learning. This approach has proven to both enhance and expand the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching and learning in higher education across disciplines. In this much-needed book, authors D. Randy Garrison and Norman D. Blended Learning in Higher Education Outlines seven blended learning redesign principlesExplains the professional development issues essential to the implementation of blended learning designsPresents six illustrative scenarios of blended learning designContains practical guidelines to blended learning redesignDescribes techniques and tools for engaging students

Ting - Mobile That Makes Sense BlendKit Course: DIY Project Tasks Course Home | Schedule | Learning Activities | DIY Tasks | Readings | Blogging | Badges | Real Time Sessions/Archive | Stories About the BlendKit Course The BlendKit Course is a set of subject matter neutral, open educational resources related to blended learning and available for self-study or for group use. Periodically, these materials will also be used as the basis for a facilitated open, online course. Get on the mailing list to stay informed about BlendKit developments, including information on the next facilitated cohort. Task 01: Conceptualize Your Blended Learning Course Course Blueprint template, instructions, and sample [Word doc; size=349kb] Mix Map template and instructions [Word doc; size=45kb] Mix Map completed sample [pdf file; size=24kb] Video: Oregon State University Prof. Task 02: Design for Interaction in Your Blended Learning Course Task 03: Decide Upon Assessments of Learning in Your Blended Learning Course Task 05: Assure Quality in Your Blended Learning Course

epicshirtmakers Assistants for Everyone - Fancy Hands Fund Science and Explore the World with Renowned Researchers - Petridish Real-time web analytics with Clicky Clicky clicky on the wall, who’s the best real-time analytics of them all? It’s not a hard question to answer. You should be using Clicky. Sure, Google Analytics has a real-time view of visitors on your site and what they’re doing, but it’s not exactly the best experience or easiest to understand. Since most analytics don’t let you see what’s happening today until the day after, it can be difficult to see how your marketing efforts are effecting people in real time. So let’s say you spent 10 hours on a thought provoking article and tweet it or submit it to You then sit there... and wait for the next day to check for visits, link backs, and interactions. With Clicky, you get real-time data that lets you react to changes in your traffic as they occur. So if your article hit the front page of a popular site like, you would see the traffic spike in Clicky immediately, along with links back to the sources sending you the traffic. You can also do one-click segmentation. P.S.

republic wireless - a community of people “Works Like a Charm” Submitted by brian on Tue, 12/06/2011 – 1:03am As you may have seen, the initial reviews of republic wireless are coming in. We’re glad to read that professional testers and many of our earliest members appreciate the technology and that it’s working for them. Of course, we always can and want to make it even better, and we are. Equally, while the product technology "works like a charm" (in many ways, at least, especially this early in its life), we know very well that republic is not yet serving you the way that we want to. Either way, we thank you for your support! By way of update, since my previous post we have directed our efforts to the following main areas: Our progress in some of these areas is obvious, while in others it remains in the background. An Example: Numbers The process of issuing phone numbers is a great example of this dynamic. That’s a good indicator of the kind of company we are. What’s Next Hiring!
