Plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
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Photography forum
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Dramatik vs. Alltag oder: Perversion vs. Ursprünglichkeit
Sind wir in manchen Bereichen der Fotografie auf dem Holzweg? Wohin bewegt sich der allgemeine Trend der Fotografierenden – und: kann es sein, dass wir eine Neubesinnung brauchen? Das – und viele weitere Fragen möchte ich in den kommendenen Leseminuten erörten. Seit ein paar Wochen schwirren mir tausende kleine Partikel durch den Kopf, die zusammenhängend – schwebend – fließend – klirrend aufeinanderprallen und mich dazu gebracht haben, diesen Artikel zu schreiben. Diese Fragen schließen mich mit ein.
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Thank you for your subscription. To return to this page, either bookmark the page, or re-enter your email address (this will not result in getting multiple email newsletters.) You may unsubscribe at any time, once you receive an email newsletter. Free Webinar: Developing Photos in Lightroom [Recorded March 1, 2014] The recording from my March “Developing Photos in Lightroom” webinar is now available to view for free! It will be available for a limited time only.
The Online Photographer
Friday Night Lite: If you could have any one camera (cost no object), but just one—and you had to use it exclusively for, let's say, the next four years—what would it be? Optional: Why? [If you comment, see if you can please stick to the question—instead of, say, explaining why you absolutely need a minimum of nine different cameras, or why I'm a troll, or why no cameras are any good, or why any camera will do because it's art that matters, or....]
The Good Eye - Mitgliedschaften bei der Lern-Plattform für Fotografie
Das tönt ja alles verlockend. Aber... wer kann zu welchen Bedingungen mitmachen? Die werbefreie (!) Good Eye Community bietet zwei verschiedene Mitgliedschaften an: Die kostenlose (Schnupper-)Mitgliedschaft Nach der kostenlosen Registration beim TGE-Forum kannst du bereits einen Großteil der TGE-Infrastruktur entdecken. Du wirst zwar nicht überall vollen Zugriff haben, aber du kannst sowohl aktiv an Diskussionen teilnehmen, kannst die Bildanalysen studieren und auch einen ersten Einblick in die Lektionen und Übungen nehmen.
Digital Negative (DNG)
Digital Negative (DNG) Specification Patent License Adobe is the publisher of the Digital Negative (DNG) Specification describing an image file format for storing camera raw information used in a wide range of hardware and software. Adobe provides the DNG Specification to the public for the purpose of encouraging implementation of this file format in a compliant manner. This document is a patent license granted by Adobe to individuals and organizations that desire to develop, market, and/or distribute hardware and software that reads and/or writes image files compliant with the DNG Specification. Grant of rights
Capture One Pro 8 Webinars (Attendees)
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The Image Quality Professor's Blog » Blog Archive Customize your workflow in Capture One Pro - The Image Quality Professor's Blog
We’ve all heard it said, and we know it to be true; No two workflows are alike. Photography is a craft and, like every craftsman (or craftswoman), it’s essential for continued success and continued growth to find an efficient way of working that suites your specific needs. Luckily, Capture One Pro offers seemingly endless possibilities to mold its tools to fit your needs. Now, it should go without saying that I’m absolutely 100% biased. I work with Capture One every day and Phase One puts food on my table. But, if you knew me, I think it would be fair to say that I’m a rather straight to the point kind of guy.