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Folksonomies - Cooperative Classification and Communication Through Shared Metadata

Folksonomies - Cooperative Classification and Communication Through Shared Metadata
The Creation of Metadata: Professionals, Content Creators, Users Metadata is often characterized as “data about data.” Metadata is information, often highly structured, about documents, books, articles, photographs, or other items that is designed to support specific functions. These functions are usually to facilitate some organization and access of information. Administrative, structural, and descriptive metadata are three broad categories of metadata (Taylor, 2004). This paper focus primarily on descriptive metadata which identifies and functions to organize information based on its intellectual content. Traditionally metadata is created by dedicated professionals. While professionally created metadata are often considered of high quality, it is costly in terms of time and effort to produce. User created metadata is a third approach, and this paper focuses on grassroots community classification of digital assets. Tagging Content in and Flickr “a social bookmarks manager.

YAGO-NAGA - D5: Databases and Information Systems (Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik) Overview YAGO is a huge semantic knowledge base, derived from Wikipedia WordNet and GeoNames. Currently, YAGO has knowledge of more than 10 million entities (like persons, organizations, cities, etc.) and contains more than 120 million facts about these entities. Tags & Folksonomies - What are they, and why should you care? Tags, or folksonomies are actually a lot simpler than much of the acedemic debate surrounding them. Put simply, they are a user defined method for organizing data. Im going to try to explain what they are, why they are important to marketers and web devs and suggest some ways you might use them. Follow the title link above for the full post. First, Some Examples of Tags in Action

Challenges for Ontology Design Author: Thomas GruberTitle: Grande Challenges for Ontology Design (or is it Vente?)Date: March 1, 2007Type: Invited presentation Citation: Tom Gruber (2007). Public could help BBC to index archive Pilot project allows listeners to add searchable keywords to audio programmes The BBC could ask listeners to write programme information about its radio news bulletins in order to make its vast archives more accessible to future generations of licence payers. Under the Annotatable Audio project, radio listeners would be able to mark and add descriptive keywords to segments of programming they want to flag for bookmarking or sharing with others. It means they could highlight a specific item within a lengthy bulletin stream and return to that particular point later. Inspired by Flickr and Wikipedia, the project is a private, early-stage pilot of social software produced at BBC Radio and Music Interactive that lets listeners slice programmes into chunks that can be identified by using tags. "How are people supposed to find the specific bit of audio or video that they're looking for?

Associative model of data The associative model of data is an alternative data model for database systems. Other data models, such as the relational model and the object data model, are record-based. These models involve encompassing attributes about a thing, such as a car, in a record structure. This page is a static permanent web document. It has been written to provide a place to cite the coinage of folksonomy. This is response the request from many in the academic community to document the circumstances and date of the creation of the term folksonomy. The definition at creation is also part of this document. This document pulls together bits of conversations and ideas I wrote regarding folksonomy on listserves, e-mail, in my blogs and in blog comments on other's sites in 2004.

The Need for Creating Tag Standards at The NeoSmart Files Web 2.0, blogging, and tags all go together, hand-in-hand. However, while RPC standards exist for blogs and the pinheads boggle over the true definition of a “blog,” no one has a cast-in-iron standard for tags. Depending on where you go and who you ask, tags are implemented differently, and even defined in their own unique way.

Common Sense Computing Initiative Years ago, we made a decision to put all our Python packages in a common namespace called csc . To put it simply, this did not work well. Today, we have finally undone this decision by deprecating the csc namespace and renaming every single one of our modules. Python programmers, please learn from our mistake and never make a namespace package. If you upgrade our software, you'll get more straightforward names for our modules. The new releases are ConceptNet 4.0.0 , Divisi2 2.2.0 , csc-utils 0.6 , and a new package called simplenlp 0.9 . Folksonomy An empirical analysis of the complex dynamics of tagging systems, published in 2007,[8] has shown that consensus around stable distributions and shared vocabularies does emerge, even in the absence of a central controlled vocabulary. For content to be searchable, it should be categorized and grouped. While this was believed to require commonly agreed on sets of content describing tags (much like keywords of a journal article), recent research has found that, in large folksonomies, common structures also emerge on the level of categorizations.[9] Accordingly, it is possible to devise mathematical models of collaborative tagging that allow for translating from personal tag vocabularies (personomies) to the vocabulary shared by most users.[10]

You’re It! » Blog Archive » Peter Morville: the Tagsonomy interview Last week I got the chance to talk to Peter Morville about his recent article Authority, his excellent new book Ambient Findability, and the future when everything will be taggable. As usual Peter has some provocative ideas. I’ve asked him to watch the comments here, so feel free to post your comments or ask questions. Gene: How is authority related to findability?

Common Sense Computing Initiative ConceptNet aims to give computers access to common-sense knowledge , the kind of information that ordinary people know but usually leave unstated. The data in ConceptNet is being collected from ordinary people who contributed it on sites like Open Mind Common Sense . ConceptNet represents this data in the form of a semantic network, and makes it available to be used in natural language processing and intelligent user interfaces. ConceptNet is an open source project, with a Python implementation and a REST API that anyone can use to add computational common sense to their own project. A great tool to help you use ConceptNet in your software is Divisi .

Intute: Encouraging Critical Thinking Online Encouraging Critical Thinking Online is a set of free teaching resources designed to develop students' analytic abilities, using the Web as source material. Two units are currently available, each consisting of a series of exercises for classroom or seminar use. Students are invited to explore the Web and find a number of sites which address the selected topic, and then, in a teacher-led group discussion, to share and discuss their findings.

Thinkmap SDK The Thinkmap SDK enables organizations to incorporate data-driven visualization technology into their enterprise Web applications. Thinkmap applications allow users to make sense of complex information in ways that traditional interfaces are incapable of. The Thinkmap SDK (v. 2.8) includes a set of out-of-the-box configurations for solving common visualization problems, as well as new visualization techniques for customizing data displays. We have designed Thinkmap to be lightweight, fast, easily extensible, and able to connect seamlessly to a wide variety of data sources. Thinkmap is composed of two primary components: an extremely lightweight and fast browser-based Visualization Component that renders the visualizations and allows for interactive exploration a Data Source API that enables connection to many different types of data sources
