Biker gang steps up to help daughter suffering from child abuse
We've all been on the road and seen a pack of leather-clad bikers come roaring down the highway. Large and loud, it's hard not to be at least a little intimidated by a menacing-looking group of burly, bearded men on choppers riding past you. If you're lucky, you might even spot a particularly "menacing" group that is earning a name for itself in ways most would never expect from bikers. The group BACA, or Bikers Against Child Abuse, has no intention of striking fear into the hearts of children or mothers. In fact, the only people they seek to intimidate are those who would do harm to a child. The biker group is an organization dedicated to protecting children against past or would-be abusers.
How Facebook’s newest teen engineer supported his family with apps until cashing in
There’s nothing that highlights the fact that Silicon Valley is the new Wall Street, gold rush, colonial settlement — insert your American Dream rags-to-riches historical moniker here — quite like the story of 18-year-old Miami resident Michael Sayman. This week, Facebook hired Sayman as one of its youngest full-time engineers in history. He wouldn’t tell me his salary, but admitted his friends are already pressuring him to “buy a Tesla,” which he won’t do because he’d “rather save the money.” Before you go throw up at the idea of a teenager buying himself a Tesla off tech riches, there’s few people who deserve that luxury quite as much as this kid.
The Best Part of Life - Sistering
Recently someone stood up at one of our events and said, G: If you could give women one piece of advice, what would it be? And I said: Sister each other, because Sistering is the best part of life. Then I described what Sistering is, what it looks like and feels like. And my brilliant, generous friends at SALT asked me to repeat what I said: so that every single one of you could hear it. Because you are the most Sistering sisters in all the land.
5 Reasons To Write A Letter To Your Future Self
In March, I turned twenty-five years old, and on that most dreaded day I received a letter from my twelve year-old-self. At twelve, I distinctly remember listening to Britney Spears’ “Ooops I did it Again,” consuming Fruit by the Foot, surviving Y2K, and wearing checkered school jumpers that came down to my knees. It was that magical time right before pimples started growing uncontrollably and watching Saturday morning cartoons was still acceptable. Oh how much has changed since those simple times. Reading my letter evoked a lot of emotions in the span of two minutes. It was hilarious that I questioned my own ability to achieve higher education, or better yet, to even have higher education as my main concern at the age of twelve.
Top Ten Kindness Stories of 2010
1: A 15 Year Blessing From A Homeless Person On the way back from work every evening, more often than not there would be a homeless man standing at the exit of the freeway... He always waved at every car, he was always happy and smiling and sometimes almost dancing. Every day after work I would remember to gather any spare change, and put it aside to give to him if I saw him. A feeling of joy would come over me every time I saw him, as I came off the ramp. He had that effect...
Your Words Matter
Your Words Matter. I had a teacher who once told me I would most likely be a college dropout. Her words mattered.
Give Back This Season with a Reverse Advent Calendar!
3Save What is a Reverse Advent Calendar? This clever way to give back has you collecting items every day in December to donate at the end of the month to a homeless shelter or food bank! I made a FREE printable of suggested donation items that you can print and use for convenience. This is the REVERSE of a traditional advent calendar, where usually the kids enjoy a chocolate each day or get a toy. The holidays are a busy time full of celebration, excitement, and magic.
What it’s like to grow old, in different parts of the world
At TED2013, Jared Diamond shares some of his research on how different societies treat the elderly. Photo: James Duncan Davidson The world’s population is getting older. Across the globe, people are living longer thanks to improvements in healthcare, nutrition and technology. This population shift brings with it incredible possibilities, but also a new set of challenges.
5-Minute Film Festival: Videos on Kindness, Empathy, and Connection
I'd like to offer up a video playlist to remind all of us about the power of empathy, kindness, and human connections. It's always a good time to practice gratitude for the relationships that sustain us all -- for the people who have taught us in a school setting and beyond, and for the young ones we are able to nurture and inspire. I was also thinking about how many of us are living out the paradox of being ever more plugged in, and ever more aware of what's happening in our community via social media platforms, while at the same time, face-to-face interactions are less frequent than ever before. We are in constant touch, but barely touching.
Make Your Life into a Masterpiece
Make Your Life into a Masterpiece The most important masterpiece you’ll ever create is your life. But to create your masterpiece you must first design it.
Kind World
Kind World is a radio series and podcast about how a single act of kindness can change our lives. In each episode, Andrea Asuaje and Yasmin Amer bring you deeply intimate stories and interviews that uplift your spirit and restore your faith in humanity. You can hear Kind World on WBUR’s Morning Edition, online and as a podcast, available on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, RadioPublic or wherever you get your podcasts. Do you have a story of kindness you’d like to share with us? Send us an email or voice memo: Send us a message: Facebook page | Facebook group | Twitter | Instagram Call us: 617-353-6350