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25 National Flags And Their Meanings Originating on battlefields as a means of identification, national flags have come a long way since their bloody conception. Flying in courthouses, classrooms, and fire stations they typically hold symbolic significance for the nation and have complex meanings ingrained into their designs. So go ahead and test yourself on your flag knowledge because these are 25 national flags and their meanings. Combining the crosses of the patron saints of England, Wales, and Scotland, the Union Jack as it is sometimes called is one of the oldest flags in the world having been around since 1801. It has been said that when Duke Leopold V. of Austria returned from war his white battledress was soaked with blood.

World Migration Map - Data Visualization by Metrocosm This map shows the estimated net immigration (inflows minus outflows) by origin and destination country between 2010 and 2015. Blue circles = positive net migration (more inflows). Red circles = negative net migration (more outflows). Harvard Map Collection The Harvard Map Collection is one of the oldest and largest collections of cartographic materials in the United States with over 500,000 items. Resources range from 16th century globes to modern maps and geographic information systems (GIS) layers. A selection of our materials has been digitally imaged and is offered both as true picture images and georeferenced copies. This Virtual Collection includes those maps and atlases that are available through the Harvard Image Delivery Service. Those maps that have been georeferenced are available through the Harvard Geospatial Library.

Publishing Open Government Data Abstract Every day, governments and government agencies publish more data on the Internet. Sharing this data enables greater transparency; delivers more efficient public services; and encourages greater public and commercial use and re-use of government information. Data Wrangler UPDATE: The Stanford/Berkeley Wrangler research project is complete, and the software is no longer actively supported. Instead, we have started a commercial venture, Trifacta. For the most recent version of the tool, see the free Trifacta Wrangler. Earth at Night 2012 Account Options Sign in Earth at Night 2012

Mapping the world at war An interactive map highlights the shocking number of ongoing conflicts around the world While a handful of conflicts dominate international newswires, a host of bloody, unresolved wars continue to be played out across the globe to devastating human cost, underreported and, in certain instances, largely unnoticed by the wider world. These might not be seismic geopolitical events of the magnitude of the ongoing conflict in Syria, nor generally have Anglo-American interventions in the conflict zone to pique the interest of the international media. But the devastation they have wrought has been just as shocking.

METRO MAP CREATOR If you have the code for a map please paste it into the box below, then click "LOAD"LOAD CODE Alternatively you can chose a sample route.DefaultPoo Land Here is the code for your map. Data Theft: Hackers Attack We are constantly warned to protect our passwords, Social Security numbers and other “personal identifying information” to thwart thieves who may steal laptops or perpetrate online fraud. Although such breaches have soared since 2005 (right) as criminals try to commit identity theft, the truly enormous breaches (bottom) have increasingly been carried out by “hacktivists”—individuals or groups who are angry about an organization’s actions. Hackers, for example, exposed data about 77 million Sony customers after the company pursued legal action against other hackers. “More than 107 million people were affected by hacking during the first half of 2011,” says Jake Kouns, CEO of the Open Security Foundation in Glen Allen, Va., which runs the Data­LossDB project (the data source for graphics on this page). Will you be informed if your data are exposed? Maybe not.

Protovis Protovis composes custom views of data with simple marks such as bars and dots. Unlike low-level graphics libraries that quickly become tedious for visualization, Protovis defines marks through dynamic properties that encode data, allowing inheritance, scales and layouts to simplify construction. Protovis is free and open-source, provided under the BSD License. It uses JavaScript and SVG for web-native visualizations; no plugin required (though you will need a modern web browser)!

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