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OpenSimon - The Simon Initiative
The vision behind OpenSimon is a more integrated and easier-to-use toolkit, used and expanded by a larger community of educators to drive deliberate, iterative improvements in education. This approach supports educators as citizen scientists, and helps people who support them — at universities and companies that make educational products — provide help that is grounded in the science of learning. Elements of the toolkit provide support across all phases of the Learning Engineering Lifecycle: Design, Develop, Deliver, and Discover. The Cognitive Tutor Authoring Tools (CTAT), is a tool suite that enables you to add learning by doing (i.e., active learning) to online courses. CTAT supports the creation of flexible tutors for both simple and complex problem solving, capable of supporting multiple strategies that students may draw on when solving tutor problems.
Free Sound Effects
SoundBible.com has thousands of free sound effects for everyone. Browse our extensive sound library and pick and choose the sounds you want. Sounds are updated 3x a week or more, so be sure to bookmark this page (Ctrl+d).
Planbook has hundreds of features to help you get more organized, save time, and share your lesson plans Choose Your Schedule Planbook can accommodate schedules where you teach the same thing each day, your classes change each day but repeat weekly and rotating schedules (up to a 14 day rotation).
Twitter Marketing Blog -
Influencer Marketing on Twitter Influencer Marketing on Twitter Influencer Marketing Infographic Back in high school there were the popular kids. Maybe they worn the coolest designer clothes. Maybe they threw the coolest parties. What made them popular isn’t our concern.
The Top 8 Free/Open Source LMSs
Update 10/26/16: Back by popular demand! We saw your comments and decided to incorporate the free LMSs you told us about. We’ve also upgraded our honorable mentions into full entries in order to give you better information about each one. I have a friend who once wrapped his entire body, head to toe, in tin foil. He also wrote “steak + guacamole” on himself in permanent marker, and then sauntered (in public, on public sidewalks with normal people all around) to his local burrito joint. He endured the stares, embarrassment, and giggles all for one, glorious thing: a free burrito.
Download GanttProject
License GanttProject is free software. Code which is written by GanttProject authors and contributors is distributed under the terms of GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL 3) . We also use a number of libraries with different licenses which are known to be compatible with GPL 3. A short summary below will give you an idea of what you can do with GanttProject and we believe this must be enough for the most of you. Please be aware that this summary is not the license text
SVTMedia Blog
I put together a list of 16 most influential bloggers today and added their 3 most important lessons from various interviews, podcasts, articles throughout their careers. Continue reading If you’re not happy with your current job and you hate waking up on Monday mornings, it’s time to consider creating a personal brand around your passion. If you hear names like Tony Robbins or Jamie Oliver you immediately know who they are, what they do. Building your own personal empire doesn’t sounds that bad, right? Continue reading
SEO and Digital Marketing Blog - Clickx
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Lean Communications
Be ready to fail - quickly. That's part of the new mindset advertisers are borrowing from Silicon Valley in order to be more agile in a consumer-driven culture. Abandoning "launch and leave it" attitudes - where only fully functional and uber-researched campaigns will do - means better adapting to consumers' feedback. Establish core values at the start of a project, and adopt a fluid process and flat agency structure to create communications that are more flexible, integrated, and efficient, while remaining authentic. Written by Torrence Boone, Cecelia Wogan-Silva, Blair Dore
adventures in social innovation
Speaking about digital trends for 10 minutes is hard enough. Speaking about digital trends for 10 minutes to a group of around 50 independent consultants is harder. Speaking about digital trends for 10 minutes to a group of around 50, slightly soggy from the London rain, eager to get back to networking, independent consultants was the fine audience I spoke to tonight. I was invited by the PRCA Independent Consultants Group to speak on 10 digital trends in 10 minutes, so here I am replicating that talk in digital form, which should take you – hopefully less soggy, less eager to get back to networking – digital person about 10 minutes to read / consume. Here are my slides and notes. Enjoy.