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StackEdit – In-browser Markdown editor

StackEdit – In-browser Markdown editor

rbokeh Before providing a tutorial, we first show several examples of plots created with rbokeh. This will both give a feel for what the syntax looks like and provide some motivation to go through the more procedural tutorial. We thought this would be a more enjoyable way to begin than looking at 50 different versions of a plot of the iris data with different parameter settings. Speaking of the iris data, our first plot: p <- figure() %>% ly_points(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width, data = iris, color = Species, glyph = Species, hover = list(Sepal.Length, Sepal.Width)) p Here since we are specifying color and glyph by Species, a legend is automatically created and the points are colored according to the default color scheme. We can also specify legend entries manually: z <- lm(dist ~ speed, data = cars) p <- figure(width = 600, height = 600) %>% ly_points(cars, hover = cars) %>% ly_lines(lowess(cars), legend = "lowess") %>% ly_abline(z, type = 2, legend = "lm") p elements <- subset(elements, ! Log axes: p Or

Original And Innovative Web Layouts Advertisement The layout is the foundation of your website. It guides the user through the sections and tells them what is most important. An original, creative layout goes a long way to improving the user experience of a website, although not letting your creativity get in the way of usability is important. Well, the following websites have some quite… unusual layouts. Original Web Layouts Beurre & Sel This website is just beautiful. Hackery, Maths & Design As the page loads, a fun 3D line animation starts to fill the screen. The Drawing Room I love this layout, simple yet so visually interesting. We Love Noise Luke Finch’s portfolio has a fun and friendly layout. Ende This layout is dynamic. Edward Carvalho Monaghan How’s about some color? Huys This site has an original take on layout with the right side of the page acting like a kind of letterhead, providing all the necessary information like who they are and what they do. KathArt KathArt has a great video layout.

Madoko - CodePlex Archive Madoko is a fast javascript Markdown processor written in Koka It has great support to create beautiful scholarly and industrial documents in both HTML and PDF. For a full description of Madoko syntax and features, see the documentation. Try it The easiest way to try Madoko is on where you can write documents in the browser using shared cloud storage. Install locally You can install Madoko also on your computer using the node package manager: Ensure you have a recent Node version (which comes with the npm program). npm install -g madoko (install Madoko as a command line tool)madoko (and see the command line options) You can now translate Markdown documents to HTML as: madoko -v mydoc.mdk Build it Madoko is written in Koka and to build it you need to install the latest Koka compiler: Install Koka and build a release version of Koka.

f r u s h e d Capturing Wild Widgets With Webshot NOTE: you won’t need to use this function if you use the development version of knitr Winston Chang released his webshot package to CRAN this past week. The package wraps the immensely useful phantomjs utility and makes it dirt simple to capture whole or partial web pages in R. One beautiful bonus feature of webshot is that you can install phamtomjs with it (getting phantomjs to work on Windows is a pain). You can do many things with the webshot package but I hastily drafted this post to put forth a means to generate a static image from an htmlwidget. a file system path reference (e.g. which you can then use in R markdown documents knitted to PDF (or in any other context). Take a look at the function, poke the tyres and drop suggestions in the comments. To use the function, just pipe a sized widget to it and use the output from it. Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: R –

用 Indesign 製作的電子書閱讀軟體 "Content Viewer" 教學 @ BeFun :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 用 Adobe Indesign CS5 製作的電子書閱讀軟體 "Content Viewer" 教學 2010年,蘋果的iPAD挾帶著強烈的優勢狂掃全球,熱銷了近1500萬台,搶下了市佔率高達9成的平板市場,不過這只是開始,今年才正是平板電腦崛起的一年。 開始之前,附帶一提,以下是目前 聯成電腦 Adobe iPAD 電子書 課程會教到的。 若是想看本文範例完整的實機操作,請親洽 聯成電腦 - 館前分校。 說了這麼多(一段也較多?!),平板電腦應用廣泛,有多廣就不多說了,在平板電腦準備風行全球的時候,你是否看見了更遙遠的商機? 沒錯,就是那吵了好一段時間的出版產業數位化的東西,在平板上面可以很輕鬆地去觀看”電子書”,甚至可以隨方向更改版面,以最佳化閱讀。 重點來了,Adobe系列是許多平面設計師會接觸到的軟體,同樣也針對電子書去設計了一套 “Digital Publishing Suite” 針對InDesign去製作可在iOS系統及Android系統上閱讀的 folio 檔案。 首先,去Adobe官方下載Adobe AIR 最新版程式安裝。 網址: (如果是MAC記得選FOR MAC OS X版本下載) 再來是下載並安裝 Adobe Content Viewer(iPAD請到App store下載for iPAD版,Android同樣有for Android版,PC&MAC則同樣一種 .air程式外掛) 其實這才是真正的重點,讓各位搶得先機,先學學怎麼用Content Viewer,下回在學怎麼利用 Digital Publishing Suite 製作電子書吧。 打開Content Viewer 程式後,會看到下面的畫面,請自行翻譯。 好吧,佛心來的翻譯一下,就是跟你說在檔案點兩下或是拖曳進這個視窗可以開啟檔案。 其實這是多餘的動作!! 直接點兩下電子書的 .folio檔案之後就會開啟了。 打開檔案之後再畫面上用你可愛的手指點一下,沒意外的話上下會出現兩條控制區。 在下方的滑塊中,左右滑動可以切換章節,並且在上方會有小預覽圖可以看。 至於上方的工具列依序是歸零(就是關閉檔案,別以為是回首頁喔!!) 再來一個是下圖藍色的區塊(眼睛睜大點就看到了),點下去可以看見各章節的清單, 選到了喜歡的頁面點下去就對了,就會換過去囉。 什麼?! 下載位置如下:

La carte Vitale Vous venez de déclarer la perte, le vol ou le dysfonctionnement de votre carte Vitale ? Commandez-en une nouvelle depuis votre compte. La démarche se fait entièrement en ligne. Nous vous conseillons de la réaliser depuis l’application ameli. Votre téléphone vous aidera à vous prendre en photo et à scanner vos documents d’identité. Sélectionnez votre compte sur l’application puis un mode d’authentification. Soit par empreinte digitale si vous l’avez configurée, soit par un mot de passe. Saisissez-le et connectez-vous. Accédez à l’onglet « Mes démarches », puis dans la foulée à « carte Vitale – Je commande en ligne ma carte Vitale ». Choisissez la personne dans le foyer concernée par la demande. Bienvenue dans l’atelier photo. Vous aurez deux possibilités. Soit la prendre directement avec la caméra de votre smartphone, soit la télécharger, si vous l’avez saisie au préalable. C’est une photo officielle qui doit respecter certains critères. L’environnement de saisie de la photo vous est présenté.

Digital Publishing Suite * 创建用于 iPad 的自定义 Adobe Content Viewer 如果您具有 Professional 或 Enterprise 帐户,可以使用 DPS App Builder 创建您自己的用于 iPad 的 Adobe Content Viewer 版本。构建自己的自定义 Content Viewer 具有以下两大优势。首先,在新版本的 Folio Producer 工具可用时,可以在 Adobe Content Viewer 等待审批时测试新增功能。 如果您使用 Enterprise 帐户登录,则可以创建可以在公司内分发的企业签名的应用程序。 使用 Professional 或 Enterprise 帐户登录到 DPS App Builder。 要安装 Adobe Content Viewer,请将 content-viewer.ipa 文件拖动到 iTunes 库中,然后同步您的 iPad。 不必删除 Adobe Content Viewer 的 App Store 版本。 Adobe Content Viewer 将在您的 developer mobileprovision 文件过期后停止工作。 nsegata / GraPhlAn GraPhlAn is a software tool for producing high-quality circular representations of taxonomic and phylogenetic trees. It focuses on concise, integrative, informative, and publication-ready representations of phylogenetically- and taxonomically-driven investigation. We assumes you have a basic knowledge of shotgun metagenomics and of Unix-based operating systems. After you have downloaded (repository) and installed (readme.txt) GraPhlAn you can follow this tutorial if you aren't used to it. Download and Installation GraPhlAn is available in bitbucket (repository) and should be obtained using Mercurial. In a Unix environment you just have to type: $ hg clone or $ hg clone This will download the GraPhlAn repository locally in the``graphlan`` subfolder. $ export PATH=`pwd`/graphlan/:$PATH Adding the above line into the bash configuration file will make the path addition permanent.

Characters in SI notations This document discusses the character level issues of presenting values of physical quantities according to the SI, the international system of units (Système international). For general information on the SI, please refer to the Metric System FAQ. Note especially its item 1.12, What is the correct way of writing metric units?, which also mentions some practical typing methods not discussed here. Conceptual levels of SI notations The use of the SI can be considered at different levels, which are defined by different standards, conventions, and other norms: This document discusses the last but one level, characters, or abstract characters to be more exact. Notes on individual characters Most characters used in SI notations can easily be identified as abstract characters, or more specifically as Unicode characters. The multiplication symbols, which are used in numeric expressions like the alternative notations “1,5·103” and “1.5×103”. Letterlike symbols Unit Symbols.

Biologie au collégial - Chantal Proulx Évolution et diversité du vivant Cours obligatoire du programme Sciences de la nature De la cellule à la biosphère, ce cours permet d'avoir un aperçu de l'étendue de la biologie. Les thèmes abordés sont présentés en fonction du fil conducteur de l'évolution. Contenu: organisation de la matière; chimie du vivant; cellule; génétique; régulation génique; évolution; diversité; écologie. Accéder au cours Physiologie du vivant Cours optionnel du programme Sciences de la nature Ce cours permet d'aborder le fonctionnement du vivant, autant végétal qu'animal. Contenu: physiologie cellulaire; circulation; respiration; digestion; excrétion; régulation (nerveuse et endocrinienne); reproduction. Accéder au cours Génétique Comprendre les lois fondamentales régissant la transmission des caractères héréditaires. Accéder au cours Biologie I Cours obligatoire du programme Sciences, lettres et arts Ce premier cours de biologie donne un aperçu de plusieurs champs d'étude de cette vaste science qu'est la biologie.
