Digital Books and Your Rights: A Checklist for Readers
Below we offer a checklist that can help guide your inquiry, as well as an extended explanation of why the answers to these questions matter. Not surprisingly, some of the issues overlap. For example, Digital Rights Management, or "DRM," matters not only because of the limits it places on users, but because of its impact on innovation and competition. Yet by separating out the various issues, we hope to spur a more rigorous consideration of the various digital book offerings. Our goal is not to tell authors, publishers, vendors, libraries, or anyone else what strategies they must adopt, or tell book purchasers what options they must choose.
My Rocketbook
Highly stylized and interactive – created for your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch or DVD player – Rocketbook Study Guides feature chapter summaries, in-depth analyses and pop quizzes that break down and explain classic works of literature. They are the ideal companions for the modern student's reading experience. "These are study guides like you've never seen before.
Excessive Checkout Limit Reached. There have been too many titles checked out and returned by your account within a short period of time. Try again in several days. If you are still not able to check out titles after 7 days, please contact Support.
Reader Privacy Act of 2011
The California Reader Privacy Act (SB 602) passed in October 2011 and will be going into effect on January 1st 2012. EFF and the California affiliates of the American Civil Liberties Union sponsored the bill, as it brings a much-needed digital rights upgrade to state law. It mirrors the strong privacy and free speech standards that are already in place and extends them to digital books and electronic reading records. As Californians increasingly rely on online services to browse read and buy books it is essential that state law keep pace to safeguard readers. Digital books now outsell paperbacks on and over 18 million e-readers are expected to be sold in 2012. But these digital book services can collect extraordinarily detailed information: which books are browsed, how long each page is viewed, as well as digital notes made in the margins.
Best Places to Get Free Books – The Ultimate Guide
When we were reviewing 10 of the best online resources for free books, we had a LOT of readers chime in with their own favorites as well. Thank you for all your helpful contributions! In fact, we had so many suggestions, we have enough to compile a huge list from them, so here they are in no particular order:
The Best Books on Writing, NYC, Animals, and More: A Collaboration with the New York Public Library
By Maria Popova As an enormous lover and patron of public libraries, I was beyond delighted when the fine folks at the New York Public Library asked me to curate a selection of books for their bookstore and gave me free range to do whatever I wished. My original thought was to do a single reading list around a specific theme, much like I had been doing for the TED bookstore.
Shakespeare's Plays
Shakespeare's Plays Before the publication of the First Folio in 1623, nineteen of the thirty-seven plays in Shakespeare's canon had appeared in quarto format. With the exception of Othello (1622), all of the quartos were published prior to the date of Shakespeare's retirement from the theatre in about 1611. It is unlikely that Shakespeare was involved directly with the printing of any of his plays, although it should be noted that two of his poems, Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece were almost certainly printed under his direct supervision. Here you will find the complete text of Shakespeare's plays, based primarily on the First Folio, and a variety of helpful resources, including extensive explanatory notes, character analysis, source information, and articles and book excerpts on a wide range of topics unique to each drama. Tragedies
A list of top 50 Books blogs by Blog Rank
Are you a bookworm who just can’t end the day without reading a page? Do you love reading fictional novels or philosophical, intellectual, non-fiction stuff? If you are any of these, then you might have been scouring around the Internet for the top book blogs. Using the search engines to find what you are looking for will help but may take you some time. Good thing, Blog Rank already did the job for you and ranked the top book blogs on the Internet and compiled them in different lists based on the ranking methods used. Blog Rank lists top blogs in different ways – the Ultimate Rank, RSS membership, unique monthly visitors, pages per visit, Yahoo and Google ranking, and more.
Amazon's Kindle Fire Sales Fizzle in 2012, Market Share Slips to Third
That Apple remains in first place in the tablet market comes as no surprise. IDC's latest research shows that in the first quarter of 2012, Amazon's once-hot Kindle Fire is struggling. According to IDC, Amazon's share dropped from nearly 17% of the tablet market to 4%, with fewer than 700,000 units sold compared to Apple's 11.8 million. The inexpensive Kindle Fire took off when it was introduced in late 2011, giving Amazon 16.8% of the tablet market with 4.8 million shipments. Amazon's 7-inch tablet was the right product at the right price at the right time, that being the all-important holiday season. The Fire is an inexpensive tablet that offered many of the features that people want for less than half the price of an iPad.
Einstein for Everyone
Einstein for Everyone Nullarbor Press 2007revisions 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Copyright 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 John D. Norton Published by Nullarbor Press, 500 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260 with offices in Liberty Ave., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15222 All Rights Reserved John D.
a Fantasy Reader: Round of covers
With many covers appearing around the web, it's time for another round of covers! First up is the UK cover art for Brandon Sanderson upcoming novel, Steelheart. The art style is the same as the previous UK release for the author.
将书籍分成几部分,通过Email发送给你阅读,适合于每天有时间读邮件而没时间阅读的人群 by laoxiuwu Aug 1