A few Religious Studies articles showing up in SAGE Open open access “mega journal”; reviewers being solicited « Omega Alpha | Open Access
The other day I received an email from a librarian colleague who is also a scholar in New Testament. He considers himself an “under-employed Ph.D.,” by which I gather means having the academic credentials but not a full teaching position. I don’t know the circumstances of his situation, but I do know he is not alone. His email was interesting on a number of levels. These are important questions that I want to follow-up with in a subsequent post. What is SAGE Open? The model for SAGE Open appears to be PLoS ONE, a multidisciplinary open access science “mega journal” (particularly for the life-sciences and medicine) published by Public Library of Science, the now renowned non-profit open access science journal publisher. SAGE has had a program in place for some time which enables authors to pay a fee to make their articles open access, particularly to comply with mandated archiving policies by funding agencies. A few Religious Studies articles showing up in SAGE Open I paid it myself.
PLoS Biology : Publishing science, accelerating research
A Peer-Reviewed, Open Access Journal Current Issue PLOS Biology is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal featuring research articles of exceptional significance in all areas of biological science, from molecules to ecosystems.
Open Science and its role in universities: a roadmap for cultural change | LERU
Open Science opens up new ways in which research/education/innovation are undertaken, archived and curated, and disseminated across the globe. Open Science is not about dogma per se; it is about greater efficiency and productivity, more transparency and a better response to interdisciplinary research needs. The LERU universities are convinced Open Science brings new and exciting opportunities for the scholarly community and for how academics interact with society. They also realise, however, that this transition will not be straightforward to deliver. There are challenges that lie ahead. The LERU universities fully acknowledge that Open Science represents a complex and multi-dimensional process of transition, different for every university.
Tom Hulme: 'Open-source your product to unlock its full potential'
This article was taken from the February 2013 issue of Wired magazine. Be the first to read Wired's articles in print before they're posted online, and get your hands on loads of additional content by subscribing online. Play-Doh was originally invented in the US as a wallpaper cleaner in the 1930s. It wasn't for another 20 years that the nephew of its inventor Noah McVicker repurposed the putty as clay for pre-schoolers and rebranded it Play-Doh. It remains popular today. Contrast this with another putty blob, Sugru, invented in 2003 by a postgraduate student at The Royal College of Art in London. The difference between the businesses is that Sugru is designed for emergence. As it becomes harder to predict how new products and services will be received by customers, we need to allow our strategies, products, brands and services to emerge based on real developing needs. This approach is increasingly common. If Torvalds had been left to work on Linux alone, it wouldn't be as successful.
Accelerating Future
There isn’t enough in the world. Not enough wealth to go around, not enough space in cities, not enough medicine, not enough intelligence or wisdom. Not enough genuine fun or excitement. Not enough knowledge. What we need is more . There is a bare minimum that we should demand out of the future. 1) More space 2) More health 3) More water 4) More time 5) More intelligence First off, we need more space . There is actually a lot of space on this earth.
La mondialisation de la recherche - Bibliothèques de recherche et mondialisation - Collège de France
1 Lucien Febvre et Henri-Jean Martin, L’Apparition du livre, Paris, Albin Michel, 1958 ; nouvelle édi (...) 1« Le livre, ce ferment, cet objet, cette marchandise »1, c’est à cette analyse globale que nous conviait naguère Henri-Jean Martin et à laquelle on peut encore se référer pour décrire les bouleversements qui transforment le monde académique et, partant, les bibliothèques de recherche. Résumons schématiquement trois tendances lourdes qui modifient les conditions de conception des textes scientifiques, les formes qui dominent leur transmission et, par conséquent, les modes de leur réception : 2 Les chiffres cités sur l’édition scientifique proviennent pour l’essentiel du rapport Outsell 2009 (...) 4J’énumère quelques exemples, sur certains desquels je reviendrai par la suite. 5Acquisitions. 3 Ainsi une enquête de 2003 sur les étudiants en lettres et sciences humaines de la région parisienne (...) La mondialisation de l’information scientifique et les effets de la concentration 10 Cf.
Your Web, documented · WebPlatform.org
Kuukauden tutkija Auringon hiukkassade vaikuttaa ilmakehään Akatemiatutkija Annika Seppälä haluaa saada ilmastomalleihin niistä puuttuvan paikallisissa mittakaavoissa oleellisen tiedon – sen, miten Auringosta tulevat hiukkaset vaikuttavat ilmakehän kemialliseen koostumukseen. Lue lisää » Videoblogit Suomalaisen peliteollisuuden kahdet kasvot Pelaaminen on hauskaa, pelintekijät ovat superstaroja ja kansantalouskin kiittää. Kannattaa tutustua Ikuisesti yhdessä – kaksoishautausten tulkintaa Suomessa hautaustapojen tutkimus on aiemmin keskittynyt pääasiassa polttohautauksen ja ruumishautauksen toisistaan erottamiseen, haudan rakenteisiin sekä hauta-antimien tulkintaan. Taiteen kautta mielen ja luovuuden tutkimukseen Mitä aivoissamme tapahtuu, kun opimme uuden käsityötaidon? Miten alkoholi ja tupakka vaikuttavat aivoihin ja kehoon? Ylilääkäri Antero Heloma, dosentti Petri Hyytiä vastaavat ja professori Urho Kujala vastaavat. Tapahtumakalenteri Tiedotteet SivukarttaMediatiedot