Kyle's Cousin & An Absolute Beginner's Introduction to... Proper indexes on your tables are a crucial part of any Database design that requires advanced data retrieval. For basic databases with only a few dozen records per table, indexes may not be absolutely necessary and even slow things down (if your RDBMS does not automatically ignores the index), but it’s still good practice to design your database with proper indexes from the start if you expect it to grow big. The minute your number of table records increases and you need to do more advanced select queries (eg. joining of multiple tables), efficiency and speed becomes important. That’s where indexes come into play. In this post I’m going to give you an introduction tutorial/guide about database indexes, for everyone who has no idea what they’re used for. Basic SQL knowledge is required in order to comprehend everything.
SQL to Mongo Mapping Chart In addition to the charts that follow, you might want to consider the Frequently Asked Questions section for a selection of common questions about MongoDB. The following table presents the various SQL statements and the corresponding MongoDB statements. The examples in the table assume the following conditions: Create and Alter The following table presents the various SQL statements related to table-level actions and the corresponding MongoDB statements. For more information, see db.collection.insert(), db.createCollection(), db.collection.update(), $set, $unset, db.collection.ensureIndex(), indexes, db.collection.drop(), and Data Modeling Concepts.
Data Science Toolkit Usage Command Line on OS X and Linux Download, extract into a new folder, cd into it and run . Database Management System Capabilities Breakthrough, in-memory performance With SQL Server 2014, new in-memory capabilities for transaction processing and enhancements for data warehousing complement our existing technologies for data warehousing and analytics. Scale and transform your business with, on average, a 10x performance gain for transaction processing while still using existing hardware, and a greater-than 100x performance gain for data warehousing. Learn more GDB: The GNU Debugger This document is a very basic, brief introduction to GDB, the GNU Debugger. It is our hope that it will give you enough insight into this powerful program for you to be able to utilize it to fix a wide variety of program bugs without needing to consult your teaching staff. The Basic Operation -- Getting Started In its most basic incarnation, GDB simply runs over top of your program and watches for a crash. When it does crash, GDB pipes up and tells you at what point in your program it collapsed.
MongoDb Architecture NOSQL has become a very heated topic for large web-scale deployment where scalability and semi-structured data driven the DB requirement towards NOSQL. There has been many NOSQL products evolving in over last couple years. In my past blogs, I have been covering the underlying distributed system theory of NOSQL, as well as some specific products such as CouchDB and Cassandra/HBase. Last Friday I was very lucky to meet with Jared Rosoff from 10gen in a technical conference and have a discussion about the technical architecture of MongoDb. I found the information is very useful and want to share with more people. One thing I am very impressed by MongoDb is that it is extremely easy to use and the underlying architecture is also very easy to understand.
Build a CMS in an Afternoon with PHP and MySQL You're now ready to build the Article PHP class. This is the only class in our CMS, and it handles the nitty-gritty of storing articles in the database, as well as retrieving articles from the database. Once we've built this class, it will be really easy for our other CMS scripts to create, update, retrieve and delete articles. Inside your cms folder, create a classes folder. Inside that classes folder, create a new file called Article.php, and put the following code into it: New Couch Potato: simple, testable, opinionated. – Upstream - Agile May 17, 2009 by alex After my talk about Ruby CouchDB frameworks at Scotland on Rails where I dismissed a few of of the libraries available (including my own Couhch Potato) as not fitting the CouchDB way of doing things, I have been hacking away the past few weeks working on a complete overhaul of Couch Potato. As a first result I have just released version 0.2 of the framework. Its new goals are simplicity, embracing the CouchDB semantics and testability. In order to achieve this I had to introduce some major changes:
Common Queries Tree Common MySQL Queries Basic aggregation Last updated 05 Jan 2013 Aggregate across columns Thierry FOURNIER: MySQL Simple Asynchronous Client About MySAC MySAC is a library that provides mechanisms for making asynchronous request to MySQL database. It uses uses the official MySQL client library for authentication and network functions. Memory allocation must be done in user code, so any memory manager can be used. The actual library is beta. I search people for testing it and submit ideas.
Get Started Developing For Android With Eclipse, Reloaded - Smashing Magazine In the first part1 of this tutorial series, we built a simple brew timer application using Android and Eclipse. In this second part, we’ll continue developing the application by adding extra functionality. In doing this, you’ll be introduced to some important and powerful features of the Android SDK, including Persistent data storage, Activities and Intent as well as Shared user preferences.
Graphics Welcome to the new platform of Programmer's Heaven! We apologize for the inconvenience caused, if you visited us from a broken link of the previous version. The main reason to move to a new platform is to provide more effective and collaborative experience to you all.
Backdoor webserver using MySQL SQL Injection By David Maman, GreenSQL CTO MySQL Database is a great product used by thousand of websites. Various web applications use MySQL as their default database. Some of these applications are written with security in mind, and some are not. Drawing Polygons, efficient correct polygon rendering Bob Download Demo Download Source Code