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Free Reference Manager - Academic Software For Research

Free Reference Manager - Academic Software For Research

Home - Research Paper Management - LibGuides at Rice University EndNote has all the functionalities of the free tools in managing references and creating citations. It is a desktop application, and is available offline, but it also has a web aspect to allow you to access references from any computer. EndNote is more often used by professional researchers and academics Since it operates outside of the browser it operates faster than Zotero. It also has a Cite While You Write feature that allows it to add a currently selected citation directly to your document. EndNote also offers more options to customize and organize information. You can also transfer sources between EndNote and Zotero.

Writing Tips by Henry Miller, Elmore Leonard, Margaret Atwood, Neil Gaiman & George Orwell Image by Austin Kleon Here's one way to become a better writer. Listen to the advice of writers who earn their daily bread with their pens. During the past week, lists of writing commandments by Henry Miller, Elmore Leonard (above) and William Safire have buzzed around Twitter. (Find our Twitter stream here.) Google Alertes : un premier pas vers la veille Pour surveiller vos sujets de prédilection, vous avez le choix entre effectuer votre recherche manuellement sur les moteurs et écumer les pages de résultats… ou automatiser cette tâche. Si la première solution peut paraître fastidieuse, Google Alertes, un des services de la galaxie Google vous permet de récolter automatiquement les nouveaux contenus sur un sujet précis. Google Alertes est donc un outil qui vous permet de paramétrer des recherches automatiques.

The Science Network Helping Doctoral Students Write: Pedagogies for Supervision (9780415346832): Barbara Kamler, Pat Thomson The Best Websites For K-12 Writing Instruction/Reinforcement Here’s another one of my “Best of…” lists. This time it’s focused on websites to support writing instruction/reinforcement for grades K-12. You might also find these other writing-related “The Best…” lists useful: Email Collaboration The Thesis Whisperer Intelligence scientifique & Veille

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