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Interactive Whiteboard Resources

Interactive Whiteboard Resources

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La despensa educativa La rebelión de los números La rebelión de los números Antonio de la Fuente Arjona es actor y autor teatral. Acaba de publicar un nuevo texto teatral para niños/as de 6 a 12 años. Scénarios pédagogiques « TBI Store – Tout sur l'univers des TBI Cours d’histoire avec le TNI 9 mars 2011 Une séquence d'histoire en classe de 3e concernant le Front Populaire est décrite et illustrée pour mettre en évidence les avantages du TNI : enregistrement du travail, mise en évidence des notions à retenir, réconciliation avec l'écriture… Trois fichiers PDF à télécharger sur Tags: 3e, collège, front populaire, histoire, TNIScénarios pédagogiques Géométrie et TBI au collège Interactive Whiteboard A cost-effective, fixed interactive whiteboard solution The MimioBoard™ interactive whiteboard is a full-featured interactive whiteboard solution like none other. It's cost-effective, exceptionally lightweight, easy to install, dry-erasable, and durable.

Aprender es divertido: Matemáticas Generador de ejercicios de cálculo. Permite operaciones con números naturales, enteros, racionales, potencias y radicales. Entrar Inter TNI Interactive Whiteboard Interactive whiteboards can be expensive and complicated, and most must be permanently installed. Not anymore. Now teachers can place the small MimioTeach™ interactive whiteboard on the dry erase boards they already have, push two buttons, and – just like that – they have a full-featured interactive whiteboard for a fraction of the cost of conventional fixed whiteboards. The MimioTeach interactive whiteboard comes prepackaged with award-winning MimioStudio™ classroom software.

lògica i monedes Recursos digitals per treballar amb monedes Dinero- Infantil- Las monedas - Descargar .zip. Contenidos digitales Extremadura. Dinero-1º Ciclo- Comparación de monedas. Touch Boards Have Many Educational Benefits Touch boards are driving group learning to a new level of relevance and engagement. The latest touch displays allow all students – including those with disabilities – to become more engaged with the curriculum being taught. These interactive boards are intuitive technologies that allow students to experience touch, gestures, and engagement with the content, the learning, and each other in new ways. Below are some of the key benefits offered by interactive touch boards: PROYECTO EL SISTEMA SOLAR Y EL ESPACIO Aquí os dejo algunas fichas para trabajar el tema con los niños y debajo información. – Conocer el sistema solar. – Identificar el Sol como el astro que nos proporciona luz y calor. – Comprender los conceptos de día, noche, Sol, estrellas, planeta, satélite y cometa.

MimioMobile • Retail Price: Classroom Annual License Educator $199; Site License $2,699; District Quotes also available (Must also purchase MimioStudio software, included with some Mimio hardware) MimioMobile is an app that works in conjunction with MimioStudio and other Mimio interactive tools. The app allows students to use Mimio hardware, Android, and Apple-based handheld devices for front of the classroom control, collaboration, and assessment. MimioMobile allows students to participate in multiple choice, short essay, numerical, and true/false questions with their mobile devices. Teachers can share a lesson with multiple students, as well as display multiple students’ work at the front of the classroom. Quality and Effectiveness: MimioMobile is a great answer for teachers using different mobile devices in the classroom.

Have students practice their rhyming skills with Reggie the Rhyming Rhino, displaying the activity on Whiteboard, have different students choose the words that rhyme. Nina the Naming Newt will help students identify places within their community and common items found in those places. Display the activity on Whiteboard and have different students drag the correct items into the box. by fidrivas Nov 2

Make new words using the "Make a Word" game. Display the activity on Whiteboard when students enter the classroom and challenge each student to create a new word. Students will look forward to creating new words when they enter the classroom in the morning. The "Make a Word" game can also be used whole class to review vowel sounds and even rhyming words. by fidrivas Nov 2

Rhyming and Letter recognition: Practice letter recognition with the word match game. Activity can be completed as a whole class or with a small group of students who need extra practice. Have students take turns dragging the words into the box with the appropriate starting letter. by fidrivas Nov 2
