Library Orientation Breakout EDU
Planning (Kaitlyn & Stony) We actually started talking about this potential early in August. Tiffany Whitehead even brainstormed with us in a webcam session prior to school starting. She gave us many good pointers (she had done several last year with her students).
How To Save Time Teaching With Technology
How To Save Time Teaching With Technology Technology is great–when it works. While using technology for learning is easy, mastering it–using it to save time, reduce busy work, and ultimately increase student understanding–is another matter entirely. Lost passwords, blocked YouTube channels, and 200 unread emails in your inbox can really put a dent in your enthusiasm for consistently using technology.
Point of Entry: Poetry in the Classroom
A Way In At the beginning of the school year, poetry is a creative way to get to know your students. Begin by having students Think, Turn, and Talk about where they are from. (I often show clips from an episode of The Dick Van Dyke Show, "Where Did I Come From?")
E-learning team blog
In case our Moodlemoot Dublin abstract has left you salivating but you have found that our presentation wasn’t recorded, we thought we’d give a quick overview. Sussex University is a research-led Higher Education institution using a customised Moodle install called Study Direct. We have 1,500 editing tutors, 15,000 students, 2,099 2012/13 Moodle courses and 13,500 unique hits per day. The e-learning team is a team of five including two developers, one front line support officer, one teaching support officer and one manager. We don’t have any departmental learning technologists like many institutions.
How To Integrate Multimedia For Effective Learning
Sharebar Integrating the multimedia assets of a course can raise a host of issues. In my world, this can be as simple as explaining to a client why screens of text with an out-of-sync voice over will not be effective—to more complex issues, such as determining whether an animation will promote greater comprehension than a series of stills. Although we know it can be advantageous to present content through multiple forms of media, the big question is how to integrate the mediums. When deciding on these issues, I use two principles from cognitive science as guidelines that I think you’ll find helpful too.
Revamping your school library orientation
Does your library orientation plan for next year’s students feel a bit stale? Have you been doing the same lesson for the last few years (or more)? Do you feel bored just thinking about what you have planned?
Your School and Google’s Nine Principles of Innovation
The other day Kathy Chin Leong published a review of what Google’s chief social evangelist, Gopi Kallayil, calls Google’s Nine Principles of Innovation. I tweeted out the post (as did others) and I know many of my followers linked to it. A major section of my upcoming book will discuss how key elements of innovation strategy are particularly effective in a school setting. Much of what I found in my many school visits resonates with this list of what makes Google one of the most innovative cultures on the planet.
School: Is It a Q&A Period or a Place to Explore New Ideas?
A MiddleWeb Blog I’ve never considered myself to be a fearful person. Sure, I have been afraid. It’s just that I never experienced a genuine fear of the future. Like all human beings, I have a life that involves scheduling time to enjoy family, focus (happily, I might add) on “work,” and still find some time to relax and unwind.
Scott's eLearning Library
It’s that time of year again when thoughts turn to planning the annual learning resources conference in order to offer some blue-sky thinking and fresh ideas on how to reinvigorate the library service, so I thought I’d take the opportunity to share a quick blog post about some of the developments I’ve been working on with fellow librarians and RSC colleagues lately. Continue reading I can’t claim the credit for this one, the idea’s adapted from a post in Doug’s blog (via my eagle-eyed friend Merv Stapleton ), but makes for such a neat little activity to do with learners to check their digital footprints I had to share. Continue reading
The 33 Digital Skills Every 21st Century Teacher should Have
By EdTech Team Updated on march 2, 2015 : The original list that was created in 2011 comprised 33 skills , after reviewing it we decided to do some merging and finally ended up with the 20 skills below. The 21st century teacher should be able to :
It’s In the Bag: Welcome Back to The Library Goodness!
In May, I thought it would be fun to welcome the teachers back with a “goody bag” from the library. I have been wanting to do such a gesture of goodwill since I opened the library, but this is the first summer I’ve actually felt I had time to follow through on the goody bag idea. In May, I contacted my GALE representative who graciousy arranged for me to recieve a box of pens, assorted bookmarks, a tension-release “squeegie”, and a pad with sticky notes for bookmarking.
Silvia Zanatta wrote how she incorporated the Classroom Habitudes into her 7th grade classroom in a wonderful post last year. Here, she updates us on her progress of using Heartbreak Mapping and the transformation she’s seen in her students—and her school. One year ago, Angela Maiers asked me to share my students’ work and experiences around Following Their Heartbreak, and what resulted was a blog post that she graciously published on her website. At that time, I had been in the midst of exploring and learning about the Classroom Habitudes and the #youmatter movement with my students. And although my class shared their learning through social media, in my own school I was alone in my journey. As I began to experience the power of these ideas and the impact they made on my students and my teaching, I became excited to share with colleagues at my school.
Think of your website like a digital storefront to your business. Website design has evolved from just words and pictures to include a meaningful experience for the user, fast load speed interactive features, search friendly design, and much more. Your web presence now has to be proactive in the customer conversion / buying cycle. That’s why A website (a good website) is one of a company’s most valuable assets by jonhvonmon Apr 16