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A-Z Herb List

A-Z Herb List
Anthelmintic Herbs Anti-inflammatory Herbs Antifungal Herbs Natural Antioxidants Antiseptics-Antimicrobials Antiviral Herbs Bio-active Compounds Essential Oils Fruits Herbs Minerals & Trace Elements Nuts, Seeds, Legumes Omega Oils Phytoestrogens Spices Vegetables Vitamins

Related:  Medicinal plants & herbsNEED TO KNOW INFORMATIONsarathsiripala

Ayurveda: Ayurvedic Herbology One of the main methods of treatment in Ayurvedic medicine is through the healing properties of plants and other substances. This style of Herbolism is based on principles that have been past down for a myriad of centuries. The wisdom of the vedic sages is at the foundation of this “Science of Life”. Herb List with Pictures Join Over 1,875,000 Fans On Facebook! Homepage Blog Individual Herbs Herbal Remedies Herbal Preparations After Reading This You Will Never Throw Your Banana Or Orange Peels Away Again Did you know the peels of some fruits hold some of the most powerful nutrients in the world? There are many uses, both medicinal and practical, for orange and banana peels that aren't known by many. So, next time you think about throwing away one of these peels, you may want to remember this information. Orange Peels It's always a good idea to minimize pesticide levels by choosing organic oranges.

How to Make Medicinal Vinegars & Oxymels Medicinal vinegars (Vinegar Extracts) have been around since ancient times, and were an excellent way to preserve and dispense herbs before distilled spirits were known about. While the advantages of using vodka or brandy to make your herbal tinctures are many – including greater potency and longer shelf life, there are those who wish to avoid alcohol for personal reasons or due to the higher cost, making vinegar extracts ideal for them to create. Vinegar extracts (also known as “aceta”) are weaker than alcohol based tinctures, so the required dose is higher. And, while vinegar won’t draw out as many of the beneficial components of an herb that alcohol will, it does excel at drawing minerals and vitamins from a plant.

Healthy herbs nutrition facts and the health benefits of herbs Healthy herbs have long held an important place in our wellness. Prized since ancient times, and today we even more depend on them to purify our body, mind, and soul! Of course, we all use herbal parts in our daily lives, one way or the other, whether for their fragrance, for their healing power, or in lovely recipes. Herbal benefits are many; be it for spiritual reasons or to spice up your taste buds, or as a home remedy for ailments like cold, or sore throat... herbs are handy for each need!

Pineapple Enzyme and its Benefits Pineapple Enzyme is a member of the bromeliad family. It is extremely rare that bromeliads produce edible fruit enzymes. The pineapple enzyme is the only available edible bromeliad today. It is a multiple fruit. 20 of the Best Antiviral and Antibacterial Herbs and Plants Ever! Photo credit: Depending on your age, your mother or grandmother most likely used some type of herb or plants to help heal you when you were sick without you realizing it, or perhaps you just didn’t appreciate it at the time. For many of us, it’s not until we have our own children that we realize that we don’t want to put chemicals and other toxic things into those precious little bodies. Especially when it comes to antibiotics or antiviral medicines. You start to think that Mother Nature knew what she was doing when she made this planet, and that she must have put some type of healing plant on this earth to help us along.

19 Herbs for Vision and Eye Health Wake Up World By Tony Isaacs What you consume has a tremendous affect on the health of your eyes, and vision problems can often be addressed by giving the body what it needs. Best Budget DSLR Video Shoulder Rig DSLR videos rigs come in all shapes and sizes and these days there are endless options available. But there is only one rig that is cheap, customizable and durable enough to last over 3 years without trouble. I’ve had the Cowboy Studio support rig for over 3 years and it works as well as it did the day I got it. I love a lot of things about this rig. It’s Cheap - $30 isn’t bad for a rig that lasts 3+ years (don’t know when mine will die). This gives you more room for other accessories like I mention in the reviewIt’s Tough – I’ve put this little rig through a lot.

Usnea - an herbal remedy for strep throat and staph infections. Usnea is a lichen rather than a plant. Lichens are unusual combinations of algae and fungi that work together as a single organism. It can be found growing on old trees in the cool damp of the forest. Native to the Pacific Northwest, this is an epiphytic herb, meaning that it grows abundantly on other trees without taking any nutrients from the tree, and instead gets its nutrients from surrounding air and moisture in rain or on the surface of the host tree. Historically, it was used to make skin creams, vaginal inserts, and mouthwashes and used as a dressing.

California Poppy Seed As Effective As Prescription Pain Killers - Living with chronic pain can be a daily struggle. On top of the physical discomfort, there is the endless cycle of medication. Prescription pain medications can also become addictive, posing additional health risks when taken in excessive doses for extended periods of time.

Free portrait lighting cheat sheet Feeling in the dark about portrait lighting? Whether it’s a flashgun or a softbox, off-camera lighting has confounded many aspiring portrait photographers. But your portrait photography doesn’t need to suffer because of this. You Could have Parasites and Not Know It! 12 Herbs that Kill Them Photo credit: Parasites are a fairly common problem, even in America. Most Americans think that there is no way that they could become infected. They live in one of the richest countries in the world, don’t they? Six natural alternatives to ibuprofen - Phoenix Alternative Medicine The saying used to be, “Take two aspirin and call me in the morning,” but many people turn to ibuprofen to relieve inflammation, pain, and fever. This nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), available both over the counter and by prescription, is commonly used to treat arthritis, menstrual symptoms, headache, general aches and pains, and various inflammatory conditions. Side effects of ibuprofen
