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Arkwrite. I had the opportunity to work on scaling a React rendering service, adapting a fixed hardware provision to deal with increasing load.


Over the course of many months, incremental improvements were made to the system to enable it to cope with demand. I thought it might be useful to share the more interesting insights that I gained during this process. Some of the insights here are React-specific, but many are simply generic scalability challenges, or simple mistakes that were made. React server-side performance optimization has been covered elsewhere, so I’m not going to provide an overview of React performance, generally. I’m going to focus on the “big wins” that we enjoyed, along with the subtle, fascinating footguns. What I found so interesting about this project was where the investigative trail led.

Things We Will Talk About The Situation Our team was looking to revitalize the front-end architecture for our product. Load Balancing I Got 99 Percentiles Seasonality Randomness Round-Robin. 2017 JavaScript Rising Stars. Overview These are the hottest projects of the year, all categories included.

2017 JavaScript Rising Stars

Vue.js strikes again Once again, Vue.js is the trendiest project of the year, with more than 40,000 stars added on GitHub during the year. It's far more than in 2016 (26,000 stars), and the gap with the next contender (React) is even bigger. So what makes Vue.js special? First, it has a small learning curve, with a component approach similar to React but with a more familiar syntax.The ecosystem is well defined, including a set of de-facto standards: router: vue-router, State management library: VuexThe concept of single-file component that includes template, logic and styles in a single file .vue file is really nice.It's used by one of the most popular PHP frameworks, Laravel, as its default view engine.It's not backed by a big company of the Internet like Facebook or Google but maintained by Evan You as an open-source project sponsored through crowd-sourcing.

Tutoriel Vidéo JavaScript Découverte de React Native, App Météo. React Native vous permet de construire une application mobile native pilotée en JavaScript gràce au framework React.

Tutoriel Vidéo JavaScript Découverte de React Native, App Météo

Hybride vs React Native Créer des applications mobiles en utilisant des langages web Ce n'est pas la première fois qu'une telle promesse apparait mais l'approche de React Native est originale par rapport à l'approche hybride proposée par Apache Cordova notamment. Pour rappel, Apache Cordova permet de créer une application mobile en utilisant le couple HTML/CSS pour la présentation et utilise une webview pour empaqueter l'application dans une application native.

Une surcouche est rajoutée pour permettre au JavaScript éxécuté au sein de la webview de communiquer avec des éléments natifs (pour accéder aux contacts, fichiers ou autre). React Native, comme son nom l'indique, va permettre de créer une vraie application native qui utilisera les composants disponibles nativement sur la plateforme sélectionnée et les pilotera en JavaScript.

Les inconvénients ? Hot Reload. React Fundamentals - Course by @joemaddalone. Getting Started with Redux - Course by @dan_abramov. In this comprehensive tutorial, Dan Abramov - the creator of Redux - will teach you how to manage state in your React application with Redux.

Getting Started with Redux - Course by @dan_abramov

State management is absolutely critical in providing users with a well-crafted experience with minimal bugs. It's also one of the hardest aspects of a modern front-end application to get right. Redux provides a solid, stable and mature solution to managing state in your React application. Through a handful of small, useful patterns, Redux can transform your application from a total mess of confusing and scattered state, into a delightfully organized, easy to understand modern JavaScript powerhouse. The principles of Redux aren't new, but they are packaged and presented for you in an easy to use library that not only elevates your applications, but also improves your general understanding of building JavaScript UIs. In this course, Dan Abramov will show you the fundamentals of Redux, so that you can start using it to simplify your applications. Building React Applications with Idiomatic Redux - Course by @dan_abramov.