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PSY108 Student Assignment

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This is an assignment done by a student to explain what reinforcement and punishment are to parents, and how parents can use these to influence the behavior of their teenage children.

What is Operant and Classical conditioning?

Key Differences in Operant and Classical Conditioning. Differences between Operant and Classical Conditioning. Operant Conditioning and How it Applies to Parenting? Rewarding behavior is key to parenting teens, study suggests. What is reinforcement? What are the different types of reinforcement? Examples of Positive Punishment & Negative Reinforcement. You might be thinking that “positive punishment” sounds like an oxymoron, after all, how can punishment be positive?

Examples of Positive Punishment & Negative Reinforcement

Not many people “like” punishment, right? The disconnect in understanding this concept comes from the usage of the word “positive;” here at, we generally use the term “positive” to refer to things that are inherently good, things that are life-giving, and things that promote thriving and flourishing. Difference Between Positive and Negative Reinforcement.

Is positive or negative reinforcement more effective?

Ways to reward children for their good behaviour? Positive reinforcement to improve behaviour. Effects of Positive Reinforcement. Operant conditioning: Positive-and-negative reinforcement and punishment.