Generative Art Links

Some links to Generative Art, Math & Fractals, and other creative ways of creating computional imagery. The list is not meant to be exhaustive: rather, it is a list of my favorite links. Generative Art Software General-Purpose Software Processing is probably the most used platform for Generative Art. It is an “open source programming language and integrated development environment (IDE) built for the electronic arts and visual design communities”. Nodebox – A Python based alternative to Processing. vvvv is “a toolkit for real time video synthesis”. PureData a “real-time graphical dataflow programming environment for audio, video, and graphical processing.” Specific Systems Context Free Art – uses Context Free Design Grammars to generate 2D images. Structure Synth – my own attempt to extend Context Free Art into three dimensions. TopMod3D – “is a free, open source, portable, platform independent topological mesh modeling system that allows users to create high genus 2-manifold meshes”. Ready.
Related: 2018 Décembre
Distance Estimated 3D Fractals (III): Folding Space
The previous posts (part I, part II) introduced the basics of rendering DE (Distance Estimated) systems, but left out one important question: how do we create the distance estimator function? Drawing spheres Remember that a distance estimator is nothing more than a function, that for all points in space returns a length smaller than (or equal to) the distance to the closest object. This means we are safe to march at least this step length without hitting anything – and we use this information to speed up the ray marching. It is fairly easy to come up with distance estimators for most simple geometric shapes. For instance, let us start by a sphere.
HTML5-Powered Web Applications: 19 Early Adopters
HTML5, rumored as Flash killer, is a brand new web technology that raises a revolution lead by Apple in web application development. It contains canvas element for images and animation drawings, support video and audio embedding, and includes storage database for offline web applications. Most important of all, you don’t need a plugin to get all these features, your latest browser supports that. Flash killer Sounds pretty cool, but what HTML5 can do actually?
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Bonus: Luma Pictures’ new tools for Doctor Strange
Doctor Strange has been a huge film for Marvel. To achieve their sections of the film, Luma Pictures developed a set of new tools, including some they will even be sharing with the community. Luma Pictures worked on several key sequences including the opening London sequence and they also booked ended the film with the Dormammu sequence and the Dark realm. We discussed the tools they developed especially for the film, and below is an exclusive fxinsider podcast with Luma Pictures' visual effects supervisor Vince Cirelli, discussing the new tools. London For the London sequence Luma developed a new fractal tool to do volumetric meshing and transforming of the buildings.
peter blaskovic
This is my experimental research in field of art, graphics, math, physics... I have fun to mix different subjects together and finding a new ways of expression. Some of them have great usage in new medias, production or simulations, some of them are just for fun. :) Experiments are created in Processing or Flash . Processing is a great open source programming language for artists.
Everything Visual » Generative, Coding & Interactive
Posts Filed Under 'Generative, Coding & Interactive' Into the Dark – “Tearing Shadows” projection sculpture (teaser) by Robert Seidel “Tearing Shadows is a new projection sculpture by Berlin-based artist Robert Seidel.
The making of the work_Part II
Helix Tripod The second Piranesi tripod in production at voxelstudios. Here is the Zbrush model being compared to the original etching. This is an early rendering modelled in Zbrush. The finished tripod has been cast in bronze.
Animated gif over a jpg image
It is a tweet from Ryan Seddon that gave me the idea to use a <img> element with a background image to reduce the weight of large animated (gif) images. The original image the artist is using is an animated gif file that weighs 387.5 kb I sliced the image to save the animated part as a gif file (size 152.7 kb) and the static part as a jpg file (size 66.7 kb). The gif is the image in the markup, the jpg its background.