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Livret d'initiation au graphisme
Livret d'initiation au graphisme© Aurélien Farina, Sophie Cure, HEAD – Genève Lead by Aurélien Farina et Sophie Cure The introductory booklet to graphics was designed by Paper! Tiger (Aurélien Farina) and Sophie Cure for Chaumont Festival graphic design. It is an introduction to the concepts and techniques of typography and graphic design, through a series of games for young and adults. By this playful way, the reader / player can "learn without understanding", "understandwithout learning how a typeface is it designed?
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10 graphic design cheat sheets
I love cheat sheets. They’re not only handy, they’re practically essential for many graphic designers who are expected to know a never-ending list of numbers and codes: standard sizes for various applications, color hex codes, basic web languages, and, of course, myriad keyboard shortcuts for powerful graphic design software. Unless you have a photographic memory (and you do not, my friend), there is no way you can possibly retain so much specific information with error-free recall. Looking up the information every single time is cumbersome and time-wasting. Cheat sheets make it easy for you to quickly reference the information you need so you can stop searching for answers and get back to creating. As such, here are 10 indispensable graphic design cheat sheets you should print today.
@Issue Journal of Business & Design
In the early 1980’s, psychologist William Cain conducted a study with students at Yale University to see if they could identify 80 common products just by their scent. Here are the top 20 recognizable odors. See if you can arrange them according to immediately recognizable to least.
Trip's GeoAdventures
If there was ever a cache that everyone should try once, pict-o-caches would likely be near the top of the list. They take aspects of several different types of caches and join them together to make a cache that everyone can participate in and enjoy. But how do they work? First, we need to establish what they are… Pict-o-caches are a class on their own. Taking cues from multi-caches, on-site puzzles, and visual puzzles, these puzzles definitely require an observant eye.
POLARIS Creative Solutions – 2016 Social Media Guide
2016 Social Media Guide Facebook Cover Photo dimensions: 851 x 315 pxFacebook Profile Image dimensions: 180 x 180 pxFacebook Shared Image dimensions: 1200 x 630 pxFacebook Shared Link dimensions: 1200 x 627 pxFacebook Highlighted Image dimensions: 1200 x 717 px Pinterest Profile Image dimensions: 165 x 165 pxPinterest Board Display dimensions: 222 x 150 pxPinterest Pin dimensions: 236 width
uSquare Joomla Component - responsive squared grid
Details Category: Joomla Components Written by uSquare is a responsive squared grid that can display your content in a unique and interesting way.
The Eggcorn Database » About
The idea to embark on this project hatched in November 2004. I had been interested in language for a long time and become an avid reader of the numerous linguistics blogs that thrive in the English-speaking segment of the blogosphere. Six months earlier I had started a bilingual blog of my own.
Think back to the last time you played a game. What was the game? Why did you choose to play? Was it a simple game like tic-tac-toe, or something more complex, like Monopoly, Scrabble or Chess? Or maybe it was a game of basketball? Did you play with friends?
Creating a custom HTML theme
Want to create a custom look for your blog? If you’re comfortable hand-coding HTML, then you’ve come to the right place! If not, choose from hundreds of beautiful themes in the Theme Garden. Introduction Tumblr is built around seven key post types: text, photos, links, quotes, chat, audio, and video.