Total Leadership »
Reduce Stress by Pursuing Four-Way Wins The pendulum is finally swinging back from the apogee of complete immersion in work as the business ideal. A great hue and cry now strains to contain our out-of-control culture of overwork. We know it reduces productivity, destroys civic engagement, and produces all manner of stress-related health problems. The good news is that you can do something about it, for yourself and for your employees.
All-In-One Moving Guide: Printables, Checklists to Organize Your Move
Moving frequently accompanies some of the biggest moments in life: Setting up your first apartment. Buying your first home. Upsizing.
10 Easy Ways to Find More Time in a Day!
By BISSELL|Lifestyle Most of us struggle to find an extra minute or two in our day for anything. With today’s fast paced lifestyles, things like spending time with family and resting can often fall by the wayside. But even with a mountain of responsibilities, sneaky time saving tricks still exist that help you create more time for the things that really matter. Here are a few simple time saving tips that you can start practicing today, and thank us for later.
work+life fit, inc.
What an exciting week! It was an honor to participate in the #DoingItAll series on the TODAY Show in support of Maria Shriver’s important, groundbreaking, The Shriver Report: A Woman’s Nation Pushes Back from the Brink. Many of you have asked for links to the segments and key takeaways…so here you go! Tuesday: Two Amazing Women #DoingItAll
Organize and Decorate Everything — Organize Your Life and Decorate Your World
Here is another garland I made for Emilee’s birthday and to decorate her bedroom door. This is another great way to give money as a gift. To make the Dollar Bow Garland you can make as many bows as you like and in any denomination.
Walking Holidays - BISSELL UK
By BISSELL|Family Fun Everyone knows that going for a walk is good exercise, but it’s getting out the house to go on these walks that is the real problem! It’s a New Year and most of us have already copped out on our New Year’s resolutions. But the fact remains the same: walking is good for you. So how can you make it happen? Picking yourself up and getting out the door can be tricky when you’re alone, so why not turn walking into a fun day out with the family while getting healthy and fit in the process?
Top 10 Websites - 2012
TED City 2.0 In a surprise move, TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design), the influential thought-leader lecture series, awarded its annual prize, meant to spotlight and reward "exceptional individuals," not to a person, but to an idea. The "recipient" of this year's $100,000 prize money and traditional "One Wish to Change the World," is the City 2.0, the "inclusive, innovative, healthy, soulful, thriving" future of the city. The companion to the prize is a website similar in ambition to New York City's Change by Us, but globally oriented to "Combine the reach of the cloud with the power of the crowd.
Fascinating Facts about your Fur-baby!
By BISSELL|Lifestyle Pets. Whether they are our best friends, our babies, or our long time confidants, it’s undeniable that they mean the world to us.