How to Grow 100 Pounds of Potatoes in 4 Square Feet
On many occasions, we've been tempted to grow our own potatoes. They're fairly low maintenance, can be grown in a pot or in the ground, last a fairly long time if stored properly, and can be very nutritious (high in potassium and vitamin C). Here's more incentive: according to this article, you can grow 100 pounds of potatoes in 4 sq. feet. Learn how after the jump... According to this article from the Seattle Times, potatoes planted inside a box with this method can grow up to 100 pounds of potatoes in just 4 square feet.
Craft Project: Magazine Gift Bow
The covers and pages of magazines can be recycled into colorful gift bows. This is a guide about making bows from magazines. Solutions Read and rate the best solutions below by giving them a "thumbs up".
The Fun Cheap or Free Queen: "You're Welcome" Wednesday: Tons of home remedy tips and tricks
I’m sure we’ve all gotten the email before. You know what I’m talking about, the spam email that you actually happened to read. You know, the one with tons of random home remedy tips in it that you think, “Huh…I should remember this….”
Four Homemade Cleaners
This was easier than I thought it would be. One of Betsy’s goals for the year was to ditch some of our standard cleaners that we use around the house and make them! Honestly, I was a bit skeptical about this project mainly because I wasn’t sure that homemade cleaners would really get the job done. And my lovely wife is a bit of a neat freak so there’s no way she would use something that didn’t perform well. So a couple of weekends ago she went out and bought a few staple ingredients and some empty spray bottles and we spent a few minutes mixing up four different homemade cleaners that have since replaced 90% of the cleaners we use around the house.
Bold Book Shelving Branches Naturally Along Interior Walls
Want to bring a bit of nature inside, but not have to worry about watering the plants or picking up after the leaves? Well, this branched, tree-shaped bookcase might be just the thing. One hung from the wall itself, simple biscuit joints connect ever-smaller branches that spoke out from the primary limb, providing niches for books, odds and ends in the void spaces Olivier Dollé creates along the way.
The Happy Couple Blanket
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Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Your Natural Hair
Have you tried Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) in your hair regimen? If not, wait no longer! When used on the hair, extra virgin olive oil can nourish, condition and improve the strength and elasticity.
Lemon Cleanse
LEMON DRINK for your Master Cleanseyou need:* 2 tablespoons FRESH squeezed lemon or lime juice (approx. 1/2 lemon)* 2 tablespoons genuine organic maple syrup, Grade B (the darker the better)** 1/10 teaspoon (a small pinch!) cayenne pepper, gradually increase (the more BTUs the better)* 300 - 500 ccm (10-14 oz) pure waterIn a 300ccm (10-ounce) glass (to allow for 227ccm and mixing room): 2 tablespoons fresh (and organic, if possible) lemon or lime juice (absolutely no canned or frozen juice). 2 tablespoons real (and organic, if possible) grade B or C maple syrup. (Don't use Grade A maple syrup or maple-flavored syrup. They are over-refined, which means that they are mostly refined sugars and lack essential minerals.) A small pinch of cayenne pepper (to taste). Spring or purified water, between room temperature and medium hot (but not cold) – fill to 1/4 liter (8 oz).
Today’s post is a lesson in improvisation. Why? Well, this project was INTENDED to be a candy tray, a fancy version of something I saw done flawlessly at Tutto Bella.
11-Ideas For What To Make With Old Jeans
[ Close Privacy Policy ] Privacy Policy / Your California Privacy Rights Revised and posted as of March 4, 2013 Prime Publishing, LLC ("Company," "we" or "us") reserves the right to revise this Privacy Policy at any time simply by posting such revision, so we encourage you to review it periodically.
10 Easy to follow Tips to help YOU Lose Weight, Weight Control, Weight Loss, Strategies for Weight Loss, Dieting,
by Steve Li Dieting is not easy. If it were, we would probably all be thin. Since we are not, here are some tips that successful people use to lose weight so that others can benefit, too. Okay, for many people this is a big problem. Water doesn’t taste all that great generally because water doesn’t really “taste” like anything.
All About the Lemon Juice and Maple Syrup Detox
The third time i caved in on the lemon juice and maple syrup detox diet I knew i needed help. I did not want to fail partly because i had $100 riding on it, partly because of my ego but i think it was really because I wanted it to work deep down. MY cynical nature could not cover up the fact i was fat, i was bloated and i was sick of being sick! I went online and did my research. I found out about the founder of the master cleanse diet as it is also called; Stanley Burroughs.
DIY: Paint Stick Sunburst Mirror
My friends, if there ever was a bandwagon, this carefree DIYer is jumping right on it. For months, I’ve seen fabulous versions of the sunburst mirror pop up all over the blogosphere. And for weeks now, with every stop in the paint department, I couldn’t help but notice how those paint stir sticks might just make a very cool version of this decorative favorite. I couldn’t figure out how to stack them nicely enough around the center to make it worth my effort, but that little road bump didn’t stop me from snagging more than my fair share of free stir sticks at a time, like 8 or 10, over the course of a month. When I read how Danielle used an embroidery hoop, that convinced me to make my own version too!