Formulaires dans Symfony2
Table des matières Référence Traiter avec des formulaires HTML est l'un des plus commun - et difficile - des tâches pour un développeur web. Symfony2 intègre une composante formulaire qui fait face à des formes simples. Dans ce chapitre, vous allez construire une forme complexe à partir du sol en place, l'apprentissage des caractéristiques les plus importantes de la bibliothèque de formulaires en cours de route. Le composant de formulaire de symfony est une bibliothèque autonome qui peut être utilisé en dehors de Symfony2 projets.
#Apps : Kalimucho, le framework de développement Java qui permet de créer des applications évolutives
Les Rencontres Numériques, organisées comme chaque année par l’aNTIC Pays basque, revient pour une nouvelle édition le 2 juillet prochain à Anglet, dont le thème est « Bien vieillir avec le numérique ». A cette occasion, la rédaction de Maddyness, partenaire de l’événement est allée à la rencontre d’une initiative portée par le laboratoire informatique de IUT de Bayonne. Philippe Roose, responsable du département Informatique de l’IUT, répond aux questions de la rédaction. Issue de la recherche publique, Kalimucho est une technologie qui se présente comme un framework de développement Java, permettant de créer des applications évolutives, dans lesquels il est possible d’ajouter, de mettre à jour ou de supprimer des fonctionnalités en temps réel.
Web Mozarts - Symfony Development and PHP Best Practices
Jsblocks, dernier-né des frameworks JavaScript Open Source isomorphes
Jsblocks exploite les échantillons d’architecture Modèle-Vue-Contrôleur, Modèle-Vue-Collection, Modèle-Vue-VueModèle. (crédit : D.R.) Exploitant les paradigmes de type Modèle-Vue, le framework Jsblocks peut être utilisé pour concevoir des applications aussi bien pour postes de travail que mobiles.
Twig - The flexible, fast, and secure PHP template engine - Homepage
AngularJS 1.4 is built for speed, animations
Version 1.4 of the AngularJS JavaScript framework, focusing on enhancements for animation and performance, is now available. The release, noted in an AngularJS announcements blog on Wednesday, has been in development since November. "This release brings many feature enhancements and performance improvements, while at the same time introducing as few breaking changes as possible. For apps following best practices, we expect the migration from Angular 1.3 to 1.4 to be smooth and the list of breaking changes is documented in the migration doc," says the blog, posted by Peter Bacon Darwin.
What's New in AngularJS 1.4
If you've been living under a rock, you probably didn't notice the shift in JavaScript programming, going away from jQuery and MooTools to more advanced frameworks like Google's AngularJS and Facebook's React. These two frameworks are the cornerstone for all of today's client-side JavaScript projects, being highly efficient for creating both desktop and mobile JS-driven applications. The new release of AngularJS was released today, and it brings major updates to the framework's animation capabilities. With AngularJS 1.4, developers can now trigger both CSS3 and JavaScript animations, can animate elements across pages, and have a new API at their disposal for handing animation callbacks.
MyEclipse 2015 Updated with Tern.js, Ionic, and More for Java EE Developers
Genuitec has released the latest 2015 update, MyEclipse 2015 Stable 2.0. While the newest feature set focuses on web and mobile development, the core Java EE features of MyEclipse continue to be maintained and improved. Dallas, TX (PRWEB) May 29, 2015 In keeping with Genuitec's recognition of the importance of JavaScript to web-based front-end development, MyEclipse 2015 Stable 2.0 widens technology and productivity possibilities with the integration of Tern.js. This means developers can take advantage of a long list of JavaScript frameworks such as AngularJS, jQuery, Dojo & RequireJS. JavaScript code analysis performance has been improved and is configurable; completion guess and completion string capabilities along with ECMAScript 6 Promise support make code assist even more effective.
AJAX Operations Reduced to a Few HTML5 Attributes
AJAX is not the easiest technology to get into, but due to its immense appeal and usefulness, every developer needs to start learning and working with it at one point or another. Fortunately, working with AJAX requests has been greatly simplified with the launch of intercooler.js, a JavaScript library that uses HTML5 attributes to control how AJAX requests are initiated and handled. The core attributes
10 Tips for Keeping Your WordPress Site Secure
It seems like almost every week we see a new post by Matt Southern on a new WordPress site vulnerability or exploit. This is for good reason as WordPress accounts for over 23% of all of the websites on the internet, and that number is steadily growing. Due to how many websites use the WordPress platform, it’s no wonder why hackers try to exploit this web platform constantly as they can potentially have access to a wide chunk of the internet if they succeed. Don’t Think it Can’t Happen to You! Like many WordPress site owners, I fell into the trap of not being more proactive about security on a few of my gently used personal sites. This came back to bite me with a vengeance this last December when I experienced the worst Christmas present any webmaster can receive – a big fat website hack!
New WordPress Insights tool shows you the best time to post
WordPress is introducing more powerful analytics with a new tool called Insights. The main new feature is the ability to tell you what times and days your website is most popular, for example 9:00AM and Tuesdays. One neat tool for independent publishers is the Posting Activity visualization, a sort of calender infographic describing the days you post most frequently. The deeper the blue, the more often you’ve posted. Meawhile, your old stats such as Comments, Followers, Tags & Categories and Publicize have also moved to the new insight page.