Decrypted Matrix
At long last, news and other content now continues on our TLD DCMX Reminder: “if they are telling us about it in the mainstream media, they’ve had it for 15 years, at least.” Pentagon-supported physicists on Wednesday said they had devised a “time cloak” that briefly makes an event undetectable. The laboratory device manipulates the flow of light in such a way that for the merest fraction of a second an event cannot be seen, according to a paper published in the science journal Nature.
djmick V2: All Things Sexy & Cool
July 29th, 2016 I Like The Look Of This Hacklberg Hottie If you stopped by Witches last night for the B3 Bavarian Beer Buffet you’d have been greeted by the stunning Hacklberg hottie featured in this gallery. No...
Deep Black Lies
The relentless approach of global feudalism: "In addition to these pragmatic goals, the powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations." Prof.
The 7 Most Sexually Deviant Creatures in Folklore
Human history is rife with monsters, devils, and things that go bump in the night. It also has its fair share of things that go hump in the night. And let's be reasonable; sexual terror is a real and powerful thing. A monster is ever-so-slightly scarier if it violates you in some way.
101 Short Stories that Will Leave You Smiling, Crying and Thinking
post written by: Marc Chernoff Email Since its inception eighteen months ago, our sister site Makes Me Think (MMT) has truly evolved into a remarkable online community. Every day, users share their thought-provoking life stories and vote on stories that other users have shared.
Tunguska event
Coordinates: The Tunguska event was a large explosion, caused by an asteroid or comet, which occurred near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in what is now Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia, at about 07:14 KRAT (00:14 UT) on June 30 [O.S. June 17], 1908.[1][2][3] The explosion occurred at an altitude of 5–10 kilometres (3–6 mi) at 60.886°N, 101.894°E. It is classified as an impact event even though the object is believed to have burst in the air rather than hit the surface.[4] Different studies have yielded widely varying estimates of the impacting object's size, on the order of 60 m (200 ft) to 190 m (620 ft).[5] It is the largest impact event on or near Earth in recorded history.
The Hollow Earth
While most of us would like to coincide with the general idea that life evolves under only certain criteria we have been conditioned to understand, there are some who know the seeming void is teeming with consciousness ... among the many other worlds that are, there exists a world inside earth, subterranean cities where flourish descendants of advanced civilizations from an ancient time. The ones from Atlantis and Lemuria who retreated from the face of the planet escaping inevitable peril due to the great flood and the use of destructive nuclear technology are among the many other civilizations you will find down there ! The first public scientific evidence occurred in 1947 when Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd of the United States Navy flew directly to the North Pole and instead of going over the pole, actually entered the inner earth through the North Pole opening.
Judd Foundation
“Material, space, and color are the main aspects of visual art. Everyone knows that there is material that can be picked up and sold, but no one sees space and color. Two of the main aspects of art are invisible; the basic nature of art is invisible. The integrity of visual art is not seen. The unseen nature and integrity of art, the development of its aspects, the irreducibility of thought can be replaced by falsifications, and by verbiage about the material, itself in reality unseen.”
5 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out to be True
There are types of stories called “conspiracy theories” and the people who teach them are considered by “society” as crazy fanatics who often need medical treatment. What if I tell you that “society” should take some of that medical treatment, because sometimes such incredible stories that nobody believed in, turn out to be 100% true. What if I tell you that the doctors did not treat us, just wait until we die to cut our bodies? 1.
10 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out To Be True
Sometimes conspiracy theories become conspiracy facts. (ANTIMEDIA) In recent years, the mere notion of conspiracy theories has increasingly been stigmatized and ridiculed by mainstream news outlets, internet trolls, and “rational” thinkers. Yet, with powerful revelations by Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, WikiLeaks, and generations of intrepid journalists, we now know that many outlandish geopolitical and domestic “conspiracy theories” were and are cold-blooded truths of the modern world. Here are 10 that are well-documented and profoundly disturbing… The Gulf of Tonkin incident, a major escalator of US involvement in the Vietnam War, never actually occurred.