Making reversible bag
from top of straps to bottom of bag: 50 cm / 20 inchesheight: 28 cm / 11 incheswidth: 40 cm / 16 inches I don’t know because I used leftover fabric for my bag. You can print the pattern and place it on your fabric to make an approximation. It is only one piece of pattern. Fort similar bag, you can check Charlie bag by Burdastyle ($1.99). It is a bit bigger and has squared bottom. Please go to the bottom of this post to download the PDF pattern and tutorial. Disclaimer: You may use the finished products for both personal and commercial use (craft shops or markets only – no mass production). 1. 2. If you use my pattern, sew the darts before sewing the bottom and sides of bag. 3. 4. 5. Pull out each of the remaining straps. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A reversible bag! Thank you for reading and I hope this post is useful for you! Click to download:
Sling Bag Tutorial - Part 1
I tend to have a short attention span when it comes to projects, that's why I like making a variety of things. My Etsy shop has an assortment of stuff in it for that very reason...I don't want to make the same style of the same product over and over! Bags are one of my favorite things to make when I feel like changing up the pace a little. I whipped up a few of these hobo/sling bags to put in the shop.
Super cute sewing tutorials
Have you visited Anna Graham's blog Noodlehead yet? If you like to sew things that are so cute you can't stand it, rush right over there. Here's her free tutorial for gathered clutches (also available as a PDF pattern with other styling options for purchase right here.) Or maybe you want a little zippered pouch with a key ring. Tutorial here. Maybe you want that zippered wallet to have some adorable detailing.
From T-shirt to scarf
In the winter I always try to add a touch of color to my looks, because usually I use very dark colors. And what’s better than to put color near the face to illuminate it? Create this fringe scarf from an old T-shirt. Recycle your summer T’s and give a boho-chic look to your outfit .You just need a pair of scissors! Materials: T-shirtFabric scissors
the library tote tutorial
Here's a fun tote bag project I thunk up (yes, thunk) the other day. Of course there are tons of ways to make a tote bag, but I thought this one was fun and gives you a lot of options no less! | The Library Tote Tutorial |
Made By Rae: (Free!) Buttercup Bag Sewing Pattern
This pattern uses a mere fat quarter of fabric for the outer + a little less of another fabric for lining. If you’re using quilting cotton for the outer fabric, I recommend using a fusible interfacing to strengthen it. You’ll also need a magnetic snap and (optionally) a couple of buttons, although it looks pretty cute without the buttons too. I think this would also look great with some piping or ric-rac over the pleats…I can’t wait to see what y’all do with this one! While I appreciate links to this post (but not directly to the pattern), please don’t “borrow” my pictures without permission. Thanks and enjoy!
Free Skirt Sewing Patterns - over 100
Introducing an EPIC list of free skirt sewing patterns. I KNOW you all love free patterns – its the most searched for area of my site. And you LOVE the Pinterest Group Board where you all share your favorite free sewing patterns. And the Free Dress Patterns List was the biggest traffic generator on the site for weeks after it was published. So, here you have it. The BIG List of free skirt sewing patterns for every type and style of skirt you can imagine.
Bag-Making Basics: A Reversible Tote & Zipper How To Class on Craftsy!
When you're looking for a quick, fun project that won't break the bank or tax your nerves, turn to Kristin Link's Bag-Making Basics: Reversible Tote & Zipper Pouch . In this absolutely free class, the founder of the popular website Sew,Mama,Sew! guides you through the process of creating two handy and attractive bags that make great gifts - if you can bear to give them away! Even beginning sewists will feel at ease following Kristin's precise and simple directions - yet the finished product will look entirely professional. And if you're afraid of zippers, fear no more! Kristin has a clever trick that makes sewing them easier than ever.
Sewing 101 with Gwen, Mitered corners
What a fabulous way to start the new year...a fun new Sewing 101 Guest. Please enjoy Gwen's tutorial on making a mitered corner. Hey! I'm Gwen from Gwenny Penny. I was so excited when Chris asked me to write a post for her Sewing 101 series. I love to sew!
pattern drafting
You need 1 18″ reversible nylon closed zipper2.5 yds. of shell fabric, 60″ wide1.5 yds. of liner fabric, 60″ wideCoordinating thread1 roll of kraft paper or pattern-making papper1 tracing wheel On a sheet of kraft paper, draw a straight line about 2″ from the edge along the length. In the middle of this line, mark point 1. 2 from 1 = 29″