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.NET on Web - C#, VB.NET, C++, ASP.NET programming tutorials. Index of Code. Andrea VB Programming - Visual Basic and VB.NET source code site. Visual Basic Code , VB Code , VB.NET Code. Visual Basic Code at Coding4Fun : Managed Library for Nintendo's Wiimote. In code, the process is as follows (shortened from the original code for space): ' read/write handle to the devicePrivate mHandle As SafeFileHandle ' a pretty .NET stream to read/write from/toPrivate mStream As FileStreamPrivate found As Boolean = FalsePrivate guid As GuidPrivate index As UInteger = 0 ' 1. get the GUID of the HID classHIDImports.HidD_GetHidGuid(guid) ' 2. get a handle to all devices that are part of the HID classDim hDevInfo As IntPtr = HIDImports.SetupDiGetClassDevs(guid, Nothing, IntPtr.Zero, HIDImports.DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE) ' | HIDImports.DIGCF_PRESENT);

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