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Brickfilm. An example of a brickfilm.


A Brickfilm is a film made using LEGO , or other similar plastic construction toys resembling LEGO toys. They are usually created with stop motion animation, though CGI , traditional animation , and live action films featuring plastic construction toys (or representations of them) are also usually considered brickfilms. [ 1 ] The term 'brickfilm"' was coined by Jason Rowoldt, founder of . [ citation needed ] Brickfilming history [ edit ] Machinima. Machinima (/məˈʃiːnɨmə/ or /məˈʃɪnɨmə/) is the use of real-time computer graphics engines to create a cinematic production.


Most often video games are used to generate the computer animation. Machinima-based artists, sometimes called machinimists or machinimators, are often fan laborers, by virtue of their re-use of copyrighted materials (see below). Machinima offers to provide an archive of gaming performance and access to the look and feel of software and hardware that may already have become unavailable or even obsolete; for game studies, "machinima’s gestures grant access to gaming’s historical conditions of possibility and how machinima offers links to a comparative horizon that informs, changes, and fully participates in videogame culture. "[1] Minecraft Mod. Adaptations en jeu vidéo. Middle Earth Roleplaying Project ou MERP est un mod pour Skyrim qui reprend l'univers de JRR Tolkien et qui permet de jouer sur la Terre du Milieu.

Adaptations en jeu vidéo

Ce mod a été réalisé par des fans et existe depuis 2008 donc vous connaissez peut être. Si je vous en parle aujourd'hui, c'est surtout parce que ce mod extraordinaire (La map fait 9 fois la taille de celle d'origine de Skyrim !!) Partage de fichiers / Piratage. Ça commence très fort pour la saison 3 de "Game of Thrones", la série-phare d'HBO. Le premier épisode a été diffusé par la chaîne américaine dans la soirée du 31 mars, rassemblant 4,4 millions de téléspectateurs. Fansubing et scantrad. A l'heure ou le projet de loi « Internet et Création » fait l'objet d'intenses discussions au Parlement avec en ligne de mire l'abonnement Internet des contrevenants, une offensive de Warner Bros France contre les sites français de FANSUBING place cette pratique répandue mais peu médiatisée sous les feux des projecteurs.

Fansubing et scantrad

Derrière cet anglicisme, le FANSUBING vise en réalité la traduction et le sous-titrage des séries télévisées étrangères non encore disponibles en France. Sont concernées les séries américaines à succès ou encore les dessins animés japonais ; la chronologie des médias et des accords de diffusion de séries auprès des chaines télévisées s’en retrouvent bouleversés. Dans les deux cas, la traduction est au cœur du processus, et l’Internet le vecteur qui en favorise la diffusion généralement au sein de communautés de « fans » (pour une anatomie du fansubing, voir notre précédent article « Fansubing et droit d’auteur », 2004 disponible sur ). 1. 2.

Reprises. Mashup musique. Mashup vidéo. Remix. A remix is a song that has been edited to sound different from the original version.


The person who remixed it might have changed the pitch of the singers' voice, changed the tempo and speed and has made the song shorter or longer, or instead of hearing just one person singing they might have duplicated the voice to make it sound like two people are singing, or make the voice echo. Songs are remixed for a variety of reasons: Remixes should not be confused with edits, which usually involve shortening a final stereo master for marketing or broadcasting purposes. Another distinction should be made between a remix and a cover . A remix song recombines audio pieces from a recording to create an altered version of the song.

Roots of the remix [ edit ] Since the beginnings of recorded sound in the late 19th century, technology has enabled people to rearrange the normal listening experience. Modern remixing had its roots in the dance hall culture of late-1960s/early-1970s Jamaica . Fanfictions.

Fanfilm. Fan art. Fan art or fanart are artworks created by fans of a work of fiction (generally visual media such as comics, movies, television shows or video games) and derived from a character or other aspect of that work.

Fan art

As fan labor , fan art refers to artworks that are neither created nor (normally) commissioned or endorsed by the creators of the work from which the fan art derives. A different, older meaning of the term is used in science fiction fandom , where fan art traditionally describes original (rather than derivative) artwork related to science fiction or fantasy , created by fan artists, and appearing in low- or non-paying publications such as semiprozines or fanziness , and in the art shows of science fiction conventions . The Hugo Award for Best Fan Artist has been given each year since 1967 for artists who create such works. Like the term fan fiction (although to a lesser extent), this traditional meaning is now sometimes confused with the more recent usage described above.

Fandom. A fandom can grow up centered around any area of human interest or activity.


The subject of fan interest can be narrowly defined, focused on something like an individual celebrity, or more widely defined, encompassing entire hobbies, genres or fashions. While it is now used to apply to groups of people fascinated with any subject, the term has its roots in those with an enthusiastic appreciation for sports. Cosplay. Favorite sources include manga, anime, comic books, video games, and films.


Any entity from the real or virtual world that lends itself to dramatic interpretation may be taken up as a subject. Inanimate objects are given anthropomorphic forms and it is not unusual to see genders switched, with women playing male roles and vice versa. There is also a subset of cosplay culture centered on sex appeal, with cosplayers specifically choosing characters that are known for their attractiveness and/or revealing costumes. The Internet has enabled many cosplayers to create social networks and websites centered on cosplay activities, while forums allow cosplayers to share stories, photographs, news, and general information. Gif animés.