Competenze digitali, ecco perché sono importanti (per tutti)
DigCompEdu: ecco come dev'essere il docente della scuola digitale. Abbiamo da dicembre 2017 la versione definitiva del quadro di competenza DigCompEdu il documento che descrive le competenze di cui deve essere in possesso chi insegna: un documento che è diretta espressione della Commissione Europea (che ha commissionato il lavoro al suo Centro di Ricerca – JRC, Joint Research Center), un documento che recepisce in modo maturo la conoscenza ormai patrimonio delle tante esperienze di Scuola Innovativa digitale realizzate dal mondo della Ricerca e della Scuola.
La versione definitiva del framework DigCompEdu riporta tutti gli elementi distintivi descritti nell’articolo comparso su questa rivista a luglio 2017 e modifica in modo sostanziale solo un elemento, quello dell’area di competenza sull’impegno professionale del docente (Professional Engagement) da cui è stata “stornata” la competenza di “gestire dati digitali”. Leggi: Competenze digitali, dall’Europa all’Italia la strategia per uscire dall’emergenza Ue, faro su innovazione e competenze digitali.
The Best Content Curation & Ideation Tools for 2017.
More than simply re-sharing content, curation is a way to provide extra value to your followers while highlighting your own industry expertise. Bonus: Download our free, customizable social media calendar template to easily plan and schedule all your content in advance. What is curated content? Curated content is content created by others that you select to share with your own audience. This could be a valuable blog post from a company in your field, expert advice from a relevant thought leader, or anything else that you think your audience will appreciate and enjoy. Just like a museum curator’s role is to choose the most important artifacts and artworks to display, your role as a content curator is to select only the best content to share with your followers. This curated content definition isn’t complicated.
Benefits of content curation 1. The bulk of that content will likely be produced in-house. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 2.
Content curation. Content curation is the process of gathering information relevant to a particular topic or area of interest, usually with the intention of adding value through the process of selecting, organizing, and looking after the items in a collection or exhibition.[1] Services or people that implement content curation are called curators.
Curation services can be used by businesses as well as end users. Concept[edit] Museums and galleries have curators to select and interpret items for collection and display. There are also curators in the world of media, for instance DJs of radio stations tasked with selecting songs to be played over the air. Methods[edit] Content curation can be carried out either manually or automatically or by combination of them.
Collaborative filteringSemantic analysisSocial rating Collaborative filtering[edit] Collaborative filtering is a method of forecasting often used in recommendation systems. Semantic analysis[edit]
Metodologia per la ricerca e la gestione di informazioni