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Une philosophie de vie de génie! Au fil du temps, il y a des tas de gens géniaux qui ont dit des tas de choses géniales, dont nous pouvons nous inspirer pour élaborer notre propre philosophie de vie… de génie.

Une philosophie de vie de génie!

A condition de chercher des idées à partir desquelles réfléchir à un art de vivre, pas des maîtres à penser. Alors même si nous avons déjà démarrer cette série avec la délicieuse rétivité Eastwoodienne, qui de mieux qu’Einstein pour lancer officiellement une série sur le sujet? De façon générale, je ne suis pas une grande fan des citations, qui se propagent sur internet plus vite qu’une invasion de zombies et qui ressemblent à des injonctions censées vous permettre d’atteindre le Bonheur, celui, avec un B majuscule, accessible seulement à ceux qui ont tout compris à la vie.

Je suis souvent mal à l’aise face à la façon dont elles sont érigées en principes de vie pour trois raisons: Certitudes: essayer avant d’acheter Einstein ne s’est pas contenté d’être l’un des plus grands génies de la physique de tous les temps. Les aphorismes. Ces phrases qui rendent sage. Elles se glissent partout : dans les magazines, sur les réseaux sociaux, sur les tee-shirts, et même sur les tatouages.

Les aphorismes. Ces phrases qui rendent sage

Chacun cherche la sienne, originale, inspirante ou profonde. Les maximes mystico-philosophiques nous envahissent, pour le meilleur ou pour le pire. Les plus belles citations de Gandhi, la sagesse orientale, latine, les phrases du Bouddha, de Platon… participent au mouvement. Aujourd'hui, elles s'affichent sur des tee-shirts (« La simplicité est la sophistication ultime », Léonard de Vinci), des mugs (« Le monde est la totalité des faits, non des choses », Ludwig Wittgenstein), sont réunies en recueils… Stimulation ou décor Apparus durant l'Antiquité en Orient et en Occident, les aphorismes ont été élevés au rang de genre littéraire à part entière par les Français dès le XVIe siècle, grâce à Rabelais. Une main tendue témoignages. Injonctions modernes. Why You Should Avoid Wise-Sounding But Meaningless Quotes. What it says about a person who posts wise-sounding but meaningless quotes to social media.

Why You Should Avoid Wise-Sounding But Meaningless Quotes

People who are impressed by wise-sounding-but-meaningless quotes tend to have a lower IQ. The conclusions come from a new study which asked people to evaluate a series of statements. Some of the statements were mundane like: “most people enjoy some kind of music”. Others were from Deepak Chopra, a well-known author and public speaker. These included quotes like: “Attention and intention are the mechanics of Manifestation.”Imagination is inside exponential space time events.Nature is a self-regulating ecosystem of awareness.In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you.” The quotes seem primarily designed to impress you rather than actually inform you of anything. Other quotes were randomly generated by a website that mixes up buzzwords into grammatically correct but meaningless sentences.

19 Cliché Quotes on Happiness and Do They Hold True? Last Updated on March 13, 2019 Photo by Rawpixel from Pexels You don’t have to look very far to find some of the many, many quotes on happiness that exist. But do you ever wonder how these quotes hold up when you consider the evidence? There’s nothing wrong with getting a quick mood boost from a quote—no matter how “accurate” it is—but if you’re like this author you always have the urge to dig a little deeper and see whether these statements hold water. In this piece, we’ll do just that! There are few among us that haven’t found solace, encouragement, motivation, inspiration, or validation from a spot-on quote. As a reminder, it’s fine to love a quote and continue to draw strength from it even if it’s not 100% in line with current research findings; this exercise is meant to provide an opportunity to familiarize yourself with the literature on happiness and perhaps think a little more critically when you receive cliché or trite advice on how to be happy.

"Ce qui ne me tue pas me rend plus fort" Citations sur Pinterest. Quotes sur Pinterest. Mantras sur Pinterest. Coaching sur Pinterest. Psychologie sur Pinterest. Pretium Doloris sur Pinterest. Imaginatio Vera sur Pinterest. Vis Comica sur Pinterest. Victor Hugo - Citations. Joachim du Bellay. Citations et Pensées. Citations de poésie. List of Top 20 Life Lesson Quotes. List of Life Lesson Quotes Pondering on the lessons that life freely gives us could be a very hard task; life lessons are mostly learned and experienced, not something that you read from a book or seen from a movie.

List of Top 20 Life Lesson Quotes

But if you are in search for valuable life lesson quotes to inspire you, here are 20 of the most popular ones: Don’t judge a book by its cover. There is more to a person than what he is on the outside. You need to get to know someone before you have the right to pass judgment.The only constant thing in life is change. Bottom line: This life is not always perfect, things may not seem to be going your way, but you have to wait for your moment when you will be there to decide your fate, you need work hard to achieve that point, you have to struggle. If only you can become irrelevant to success of others, of what they earn what status they gained, what they wear, what they drive, what they own, your life will become a whole lot more peaceful and enjoyable.