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The Roots of Colorism, or Skin Tone Discrimination. How does colorism play out in America?
An old children’s rhyme captures the definition of colorism and its inner workings: “If you’re black, stay back;If you’re brown, stick around;If you’re yellow, you’re mellow;If you’re white, you’re all right.” Colorism refers to discrimination based on skin color. Colorism disadvantages dark-skinned people while privileging those with lighter skin. Research has linked colorism to smaller incomes, lower marriage rates, longer prison terms, and fewer job prospects for darker-skinned people. Origins In the United States, colorism has roots in slavery, because slave owners typically gave preferential treatment to slaves with fairer complexions.
Slave owners were partial to light-skinned slaves because they often were family members. Outside the United States, colorism may be more related to class than to white supremacy. While peasants became tanned as they labored outdoors, the privileged had lighter complexions because they didn’t.
This African Braiding Technique Was Created By Our Ancestors To Help Prevent Hunger During Slavery. Braids – our common go-to protective style – represent our heritage and the survival of our ancestors.
Obsessed with all things beauty?
Black History Month Library. What's Wrong with Cultural Appropriation? These 9 Answers Reveal Its Harm. 7 Reasons Why White People Should Not Wear Black Hairstyles. Armenian Genocide. In April 1915 the Ottoman government embarked upon the systematic decimation of its civilian Armenian population.
The persecutions continued with varying intensity until 1923 when the Ottoman Empire ceased to exist and was replaced by the Republic of Turkey. The Armenian population of the Ottoman state was reported at about two million in 1915. An estimated one million had perished by 1918, while hundreds of thousands had become homeless and stateless refugees. By 1923 virtually the entire Armenian population of Anatolian Turkey had disappeared. The Ottoman Empire was ruled by the Turks who had conquered lands extending across West Asia, North Africa and Southeast Europe.
In its heyday in the sixteenth century, the Ottoman Empire was a powerful state. In response to the crisis in the Ottoman Empire, a new political group called the Young Turks seized power by revolution in 1908. The deportations were disguised as a resettlement program. Resistance to the deportations was infrequent.
Cultural Appropriation In Fiction: Here Are Some Tips To Consider When Your Writing Includes Different Cultures.
As a child, my dad told me he hung onto the wings of an airplane and flew all the way from his pueblo in Honduras to Los Angeles, where we’ve lived ever since.
For a long time, I believed this to be true. It wasn’t until I was a teenager when I told the story to my friend that I realized this was likely impossible. As I grew older though, I understood my dad’s need to coat the story with fiction and fantasy. It helped make an otherwise difficult reality easier to digest. Since then, I’ve often wondered how much fiction is grounded in truth. At the same time, I wonder if someone is able to respectfully retell experiences they didn’t live through without being inaccurate or appropriative.
The cushion that is fiction can lead writers to support their stories with the argument that it’s a made-up reality, that is, that it’s just a movie, just a TV show, just a book. Inclusive Fiction K. Fiction plays a large role in society and how individuals view themselves and others. 1. 2. J.K. 3. 4. 5.
Black woman character actors are popping up on your favorite shows as therapists to white characters (VIDEO).
For some time now, therapists have helped movie and TV characters cut through to the emotional core of their messy lives. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend’s Rebecca Bunch (Rachel Bloom) has taken her sage and very patient psychiatrist, Dr. Noelle Akopian (Michael Hyatt), on a tumultuous ride of lows and (occasional) breakthroughs that have largely culminated in her ignoring her doctor’s advice.
When Ilana (Ilana Glazer) needs to confront her inability to orgasm after a tedious several-month dry spell in a Season 4 Broad City episode, she seeks out a sex therapist—a soothing, free-spirited older woman named Betty (Marcella Lowery). And on the most recent season of Grace and Frankie, Sol (Sam Waterston) and Robert (Martin Sheen) seek professional counseling from Rebecca (Lorraine Toussaint) on how to navigate marriage to one another as older, out gay men. Des internautes inventent des agressions racistes lors des projections de "Black Panther"
#aaeSPfp. Dear bitter internet trolls who are pissed that Black Panther is already blowing every superhero movie out of the water: boy, bye.
That's basically what Rotten Tomatoes and Facebook told a short-lived campaign to bring down the upcoming film's audience score before anyone even saw the damn thing. After critics who attended early screenings of Black Panther raved about it on social media, a Facebook group titled "Down with Disney's Treatment of Franchises and its Fanboys" cropped up. It accrued roughly 4,000 angry fanboys — before promptly being shut the hell down. The group claimed it was motivated by a now familiar and hilariously misinformed conspiracy theory: Touted by DC fans, it alleges that Disney somehow pays off nearly every critic from every major publication to trash DC movies. But I dunno — I think most of us can agree that Ben Affleck did a fine job of trashing DC's movies all by himself in Batman v Superman and Justice League.
What's Wrong with Cultural Appropriation? These 9 Answers Reveal Its Harm. Rémy Hamai, président d’Act Up : « Le VIH bouffe encore nos vies »
« De toute façon, toi tu ressembles à Ngolo Kanté « – Les bavardages de Kiyémis.
White Privilege, Explained in One Simple Comic - Everyday Feminism. White privilege can be a tricky thing for people to wrap their heads around. If you’ve ever called out white privilege before, chances are you’ve heard responses like “But I’m didn’t ask to be born white!” Or “You’re being reverse racist.” The next time that happens, just show the nay-sayer this succinct comic by Jamie Kapp explaining what white privilege is — and what it isn’t. Read more on white privilege and institutionalized racism at Jamie Kapp’s Tumblr page. Jamie Kapp is a 19-year old artist.
7 Ways of 'Honoring' Other Cultures That Are Really Just Cultural Appropriation - Everyday Feminism. 7 Ways of 'Honoring' Other Cultures That Are Really Just Cultural Appropriation - Everyday Feminism. "Les Proies", le nouveau film de Sofia Coppola, est-il raciste ?
Alors que Les Proies, le nouveau film de Sofia Coppola, sort en salles ce mercredi 23 août, une polémique a éclaté il y a quelques mois aux Etats-Unis concernant la représentation raciale dans le sixième film de la cinéaste ainsi que dans le reste de sa filmographie.
Seren Sensei, une écrivaine militante s’est notamment indignée à ce sujet dans une tribune publiée sur la plateforme Medium. “La blancheur n’est pas une race mais elle est la norme” Au départ, tout allait pour le mieux pour Les Proies. Après les retours globalement positifs du festival de Cannes où le film remporte le prix de la mise en scène, son parcours vers les Oscars semble se dessiner sous les meilleurs auspices. La controverse jaillit véritablement lorsque, un peu plus tard, la réalisatrice déclare pour se défendre qu’elle “souhaitait explorer les dynamiques de genre de la Confédération, et non les dynamiques raciales.” “Dis que tu voulais créer un fantasme raciste et suprématiste blanc, Sofia Coppola”
4 Ways Humanitarian Work Abroad Reinforces the Oppression It Should Be Fighting - Everyday Feminism. 4 Ways White People Can Process Their Emotions Without Bringing the White Tears - Everyday Feminism. Plongée au cœur de la forêt interdite de Tokyo.
12+ Ways Job Applications Discriminate Against Applicants - Everyday Feminism. Klanswomen, les femmes féministes du KKK. Alors c’est un peu bizarre comme titre, j’en conviens.
Selon moi, on ne peut pas être féministe et appartenir au KKK, du fait même que si on veut l’égalité femme-homme il faut nécessairement souhaiter l’égalité femme-femme, ce qui n’est pas du tout le cas des Klanswomen… Mais je vous avais promis cet article il y a déjà quelque temps lors de la publication de l’article sur le KKK, le voici ! Le WKKK, ou Women Ku Klux Klan est une organisation créée en 1921 mais officialisée en 1923. Effectivement, le 10 juin 1923, le WKKK devient une organisation auxiliaire du KKK.
Quand Macron s’attaque au ventre des femmes africaines. You Can Be Brown and Anti-Black: On Lilly Singh and Modern Day Blackface. Singh has made videos where she’s wearing backwards caps with bandanas, oversized shirts, cornrows, chains and braids because #thatswhatblackpeoplebedoing.
In the music video for “Lilly Singh & Humble the Poet: #IVIVI,” Lilly raps while dancing innovatively on a basketball court. In yet another video, she throws dollars at a camera while seated on a throne and dabs while reciting lyrics that rhyme with archaic terms like ‘homie’ and ‘haters.’
A Much-Needed Primer on Cultural Appropriation. YOU CAN'T GET PERMISSION FROM A CULTURE.
You can't. Gwen Stefani got permission from four Japanese women to tour around with her and be called "Love, Angel, Music, Baby" as though they were figments from her imagination. And you know what? Harajuku girls are all about that shit. They spend their yen on L.A.M.B. I am radically liberal. Last year for Halloween, I put on a war bonnet and my Korean boyfriend donned a cowboy hat. And when I go on the internet and read these CONVOLUTED rules about how to "appreciate other cultures", I want to fucking SCREAM. I used to be really in to K-pop, J-pop, manga, etc.
9 Phrases Allies Can Say When Called Out Instead of Getting Defensive. Welcome To The Anti-Racism Movement — Here’s What You’ve Missed. 11 conseils pour être un.e bon.ne allié.e – Lallab. More Than a Theory, More Than a Trend: Making Your White Anti-Racism a Lifestyle Commitment - Everyday Feminism. More Than a Theory, More Than a Trend: Making Your White Anti-Racism a Lifestyle Commitment.
Hey, White People! If You Really Want to Help End Racism, You Need to Invest in Other White People (Yeah, We Know It Sounds Counterintuitive)
What to Tell Someone With Mental Illness When Feeling Low. Laura Darrall launched the #ItAffectsMe social media campaign on Tuesday, a movement to help end the stigma associated with mental illness.
The idea behind the campaign is pretty simple. Write “#ItAffectsMe” on a Post-It note, stick it on your forehead and take a selfie. “#itaffectsme is simply the statement that we have all known or will know mental illness in our lives, whether through ourselves, families, friends or a stranger in the street,” Darrall writes on her website.
What Everyone Needs to Know About #BlackLivesMatter, MLK, and Why Our Protests Are No Overreaction - Everyday Feminism. A poignant comic about a girl's struggle to find her identity, racial and otherwise.
Le racisme est un système de privilèges. I Recorded the Racist Things People Did to Me For 2 Weeks – And Here's the Result - Everyday Feminism. Avant-propos. Oppression. Le racisme «anti-blanc» n'est «pas une expérience de masse»
Ce que le «racisme anti-blanc» a de différent des autres discriminations - BuzzFeed News.