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PhoneGap. Titanium Mobile Application Development. Mobile JavaScript Framework for Developing HTML5 Web Apps. Multiple phone web-based application framework. A multiple phone web-based application framework is a software framework that is designed to support the development of phone applications that are written as embedded dynamic websites and may leverage native phone capabilities, like geo data or contact lists.

Multiple phone web-based application framework

For more general frameworks see List of rich internet application frameworks. Current frameworks[edit] History[edit] With mobile device manufactures each having its own preferred development environment, a growth mobile phone application developments that are World Wide Web capable and a large population of HTML savvy developers, there has arisen web based application frameworks to help developers write applications that can be deployed on multiple devices. March 6, 2008 - the first iPhone SDK beta is released to a limited number of developers (4,000). Create Mobile and Web Apps with HTML5 and JavaScript.