Your Partner in Brachytherapy. IsoAid is a full-service Brachytherapy company We manufacture Advantage™ I-125 and Advantage™ Pd-103 seeds at the activity you want, when you want them.
No restrictive list. IsoAid - Your Partner in Brachytherapy. Bard Medical - Prostate Health. Bard Medical. Products & Solutions - Real-time Prostate Brachytherapy. Truly integrated, fully dedicated.
Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG GmbH: HDR brachytherapy. Lavi. TargetScan Touch 3D Prostate Ultrasound and Biopsy System. Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG GmbH: Home. Prostate Brachytherapy Advisory Group UK, Ireland: Official Website: Prostate Cancer Advisory Group. MR Compatible Robot Technology. A critical tool for Neuroscience and Image Guided Interventions Revolutionary robots guided by real-time 3D magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning would enable reliable and precise minimally invasive operations with minimal recovery time.
On the other hand, using a robotic interface in conjunction with functional MRI (fMRI) would enable neuroscientists to 'view' and investigate the brain mechanisms involved in performing tasks with arbitrary dynamics. There is, however, a major problem for robots working within an MRI environment: conventional materials, actuators and sensors interfere with the static magnetic field, switching magnetic field gradients and radio frequency (RF) signals generated by the MR scanner. Goal. Robot-Assisted Surgery: Bibliography. Robot-Assisted Surgery: Neurosurgery. Introduction By the early 1980s, neurosurgeons were beginning to reach their limits based on traditional methods alone.
Even with technological improvements in image guidance, intraoperative imaging, and microscopy, the scale of surgery has become so small that even the best human surgeons become limited by their natural dexterity2,3. The increasing need for greater magnification and smaller tools has made the human hand unfeasible to perform the tasks. Improvements in computer technology, engineering, minimum invasive surgery, along with the new neuroimaging techniques, created the concept of digital robotic neurosurgery2,3. Neurosurgery was one of the first organ systems in which robotic surgery was introduced, due to the high precision that was required to localize and manipulate within the brain, and the relatively fixed landmarks of the cranial anatomy1. How we got to the Technology today. Probot. Worldwide Medical Device Regulatory Updates.
April 10, 2014 by Stewart Eisenhart A new Health Canada report on regulatory inspections of domestic and foreign medical device companies active in the Canadian market has shown a 98% overall compliance rate among importers, manufacturers and distributors.
Health Canada inspected a total of 2057 Medical Device Establishment License (MDEL) holders over the course of the regulator’s 2012-2013 fiscal year, citing 3251 observations of noncompliance with various sections of the Canadian Medical Device Regulations. Private Montreal MRI Clinic: Our Specialists. South West MRI is led by a group of leading Radiologists from various Montreal hospitals, with many years of accumulated experience.
Leading team of Radiologists affiliated with McGill University Health Center (MHUC), Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CHUM), Montreal Neurological Hospital & Institute. Our professionals providing services at the clinic are members of the the Quebec Radiologists Association (QRA), Collège des médecins du Québec, the Canadian Medical Association (CMA), the Canadian Association of Radiologists (CAR), the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC).
Canadian Association of Radiologists (CAR) Improving the accuracy of prostate cancer detection. 3D Animation, Flash Animation, and Illustration & Print. 416.703.3662 590 KING ST W, TORONTO, ONTARIO INFO@INVIVO.COM Continue to Site Lost in the Stream?
Medical Devices Active Licences Search. Medical Device Regulation In Canada: A Primer. Medical devices are monitored through annual licence renewals.
Image courtesy of Health Canada. Medical devices areused in the diagnosis,treatment, mitigation orprevention of a medicalcondition. They include avast range of equipment,from a simplethermometer or tonguedepressor to highlysophisticated magneticresonance imaging (MRI)machines or roboticallyassisted surgicalequipment. In Canada, medical devices are regulated by Health Canada’s Therapeutic Products Directorate and are subject to the Medical Devices Regulations under the Food and Drugs Act. The goal of the Medical Devices Regulations is to ensure, to the extent possible, that devices offered for sale in Canada are safe, effective, and meet quality standards. Device Licensing.
EUR-Lex. Prostate Biopsy and Treatment. 3D Imaging and Navigation for Prostate Biopsy Incorporating the following features and advantages over existing technology, Artemis provides several imaging enhancements to standard 2D ultrasound.
Study of Robotic Template Guidance for Needle Placement in Transperineal Prostate Brachytherapy. This study has been completed.
Sponsor: Information provided by (Responsible Party): Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center Identifier: First received: September 27, 2006 Last updated: November 15, 2012 Last verified: November 2012 This is a study that will try see if a device can help to better guide the needle that places prostate cancer treatment. FDAAA 801 Requirements - This page provides summary information on the clinical trial registration and results submission requirements described in Section 801 of the Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act (PDF), known as FDAAA 801. It includes information about Responsible Party, Applicable Clinical Trials, deadlines for submitting required information, and penalties. For details about the data submission process, see How to Register Your Study and How to Submit Your Results.
For descriptions of data elements, see the Protocol Data Element Definitions and Basic Results Data Element Definitions. Contents. 510(k) - AdvaMed. FDA’s 510(k) pre-market review process for medical devices provides strong protections to American patients and promotes medical innovation. It provides FDA the flexibility it needs to ensure the safety and effectiveness of low- and moderate-risk medical devices whose risks are well-understood from experience with similar devices.
The 510(k) review process provides for the thorough FDA review of a wide range of products – from syringes to imaging systems – in a timely fashion that facilitates patient access to needed medical advancements. Getting to First-in-Man Studies - CDG Whitepapers. Last month I had the opportunity to attend the CRT2011 meetings in Washington, DC. My purpose was to report on the March 1 "Workshop with the FDA" on device development in the US.
My whitepaper today is to combine the cardiovascular message from "Workshop with the FDA" with significant findings published by AdvaMed in a November 2010 publication titled "FDA Impact on US Medical Technology Innovation. " I hope to take a deeper look into the why behind the what, and then hopefully propose a way forward. The Device Development 'Ecosystem'When I talk about innovation, I am referring to either the conception and invention of new devices or to incremental improvements to existing devices. When I talk about development, I am referring to the bench, animal safety, pre-clinical and clinical studies that occurs before FDA clearance or approval or EU certification. Christian Doppler Laboratory for Medical Radiation Research for Radiation Oncology. Medical Technology. With our world class engineering teams in Cambridge UK and Boston, we design and develop innovative medical devices and technologies for the world’s leading companies and for innovative start-ups.
We provide our clients with an unparalleled skill set – from product design, human factors and mechanical engineering, through software, electronics and wireless communications, to life science – enabling them to trust us with their most technically and commercially challenging projects.