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Xpert - OER database

Please enter your keywords Attribute images | Advanced search | Browse Resources Popular Tags Education Science Podcasts Humanities Politics Engineering Organic.Edunet Web Portal Literature History Business mathematics Arts art knowledge wharton museum Religion English politics news General education media society Art Klartext Podradio SR P4 TV. A guide to millions of free, hi-res images. Learning. Post 16 Chinese teaching resources. OER World Map. The Environment and Health Atlas. Scholarship in the digital age: Open educational resources, publication and public engagement - Scanlon - 2013 - British Journal of Educational Technology. Abstract This paper explores the impact of the digital age on the work life of academics and reports research on how and whether technologies are facilitating and adapting the teaching and research practices of academics, offering a description of scholarship for the digital age.

Scholarship in the digital age: Open educational resources, publication and public engagement - Scanlon - 2013 - British Journal of Educational Technology

Khan Academy. OER Myths. A number of myths perpetuate about Open Educational Resources.

OER Myths

This section of the infoKit aims to explain and dispel some of them. UKOER myths The JISC CETIS team have established a page around OER myths for the JISC/Academy Pilot Programmme: OER release. The sharing myth JISC has commissioned a number of studies into the 'sharing' of learning and teaching resources (Community Dimensions of Learning Object Repositories CD LOR, Trust in Digital Repositories TRUST DR, WM-Share, RepoMMan, Rights and Rewards survey, Sharing e-learning content, Good Intentions report) and also funded a series of projects focussed on 'exchange'of learning resources (Exchange for Learning Programme (X4L). When we use the word sharing we usually imply an intent – where someone, or some organisation, chooses to share something of value with either a specific audience or more widely. An interesting OER metaphor One way of visually representing this analogy: Main image CC BY-NC-SA Steve took it.

MAODE: Big OER, little OER. It's funny how you take things for granted...

MAODE: Big OER, little OER

I hadn't realised just how much I use OER in my own practice. What prompted this was a post in another galaxy far, far way, where the question was 'do you, or have you ever used OER in FE? ' I thought about this for a while before I realised that I had been using computing resources/notes from the Colleges Open Learning Exchange Group (COLEG) for over 10 years, heck I even produced and vetted support packs for them!! Anyway, I dug a bit deeper to find that COLEG doesn't exist anymore and resources from the now [Scottish] College Development Network now utilise Jorum as well as a European funded resource (in conjunction with SQA) called TranSETT - I've yet to investigate further.

Rambling aside, a quick definition of... ----------------------------References. Learning Objects: Resources For Distance Education Worldwide. Stephen Downes Abstract This article discusses the topic of learning objects in three parts.

Learning Objects: Resources For Distance Education Worldwide

First, it identifies a need for learning objects and describes their essential components based on this need. Second, drawing on concepts from recent developments in computer science, it describes learning objects from a theoretical perspective. Finally, it describes learning objects in practice, first as they are created or generated by content authors, and second, as they are displayed or used by students and other client groups. Suggested OER Reading List (for Academics New to OER) We would like to build up a suggested reading list for academics who are new to OER and would welcome suggestions in this cloud either as comments or links below.

Suggested OER Reading List (for Academics New to OER)

SCORE is a HEFCE-funded project (2009-2012) based at The Open University supporting individuals, projects, institutions and programmes within higher education in England who are engaged in creating, sharing and using open educational resources (OER). As well as publishing its own OER content, SCORE has a fellowship scheme, offers support and advice, mentors UK OER projects, offers events and online community support. A central part of SCORE is its fellowship scheme. SCORE expect to fund 36 fellowship projects between 2010 and 2012 with two thirds drawn from outside the OU. Fellows work is expected to inform, influence and impact on OER policy and practice across the higher education sector.

Based flexibly at the OU in Milton Keynes, fellows can draw on the OU’s expertise in creating, sharing and using OER. Connexions - Content Library. Preface : Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy. Preface In early 2007, I was at dinner with some friends in Berlin.

Preface : Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy

We were talking about global warming. After an increasingly intense exchange about the threats from climate change, one overeager American at the table blurted, “We need to wage a war on carbon. Governments need to mobilize. Get our troops on the march!” It was obvious that my friend was speaking metaphorically. The response sparked a rare moment of recognition (in me).

But in America, associations with war are not necessarily negative. That romance in turn allows the metaphor to spread into other social or political conflicts. Free Online Course Materials. OER. Free learning resources for teachers. What's so good about Open Educational Resources? OER KnowledgeCloud. Join us in building understanding of open education.