Buy Netting and Polythene 3m Grow Tunnels at - Your Online Shop for Garden equipment. POLYTUNNEL GREENHOUSE POLY TUNNEL POLLYTUNNEL GALVANISED FRAME WITH COVER GARDEN. D h m s day hour hours Free P&P See item description Approximately: (Enter ##1## or more) (Enter more than ##1##)
Buy Large Walk-in Greenhouse at - Your Online Shop for Greenhouses. POLYTUNNEL GREENHOUSE POLY TUNNEL POLLYTUNNEL GALVANISED FRAME WITH COVER GARDEN. Polytunnel superpower for your veg. Growing Schools Garden: Teachers' Resource Pack : The Department for Education. Mint Growing and Harvest Information. Mint is a quick growing and often invasive perennial herb which comes in many varieties.
It can be used to calm an upset stomach and to relieve muscle spasms. Leaves are used in jellies, sauces, teas and to flavor various candies. There are numerous species with various scents. More popular mints include spearmint, peppermint, apple mint and orange mints. How To Grow Spearmint & Peppermint. How To Grow Peppermint Mentha x piperita How To Grow Spearmint Mentha spicata Image Credit: File: Mint-leaves-2007.jpg Hardy perennial herbs of the Mint Family, Peppermint (Mentha x piperita) and Spearmint (Mentha spicata), grown for their leaves which are used to flavor vinegar and jelly (often served with roast lamb and other meats), and to enhance thirst-quenching cooling beverages.
Growing the Herb Mint Mints should be planted where they will not encroach on other plants, as they spread so readily that, unless curbed, they are likely to become a pestiferous weed. Mint revels in deep, rich, moist ground and requires little care except manicuring or fertilizing in the spring. Orange spots on the backs of mint leaves are caused by a rust which can be controlled by using an organic garden dust. Growing Cultures Outdoors, in containers, and hydroponics. Autumn Planting. Top 10 vegetables to grow over winter. What to sow in autumn & winter. Although the main sowing times are springtime and then late summer, there are quite a few things that you can sow in the autumn and winter-time, particularly salad leaves and greens If you have a polytunnel or greenhouse, you will be able to grow more things.
If not, you might want to consider investing in some fleece, or even better a mini plastic tunnel (cost about £20) to keep the cold winds off your tender seedlings. ORIENTAL GREENS - milder greens for salads, or tasty mustard greens There are a whole range of remarkably cold hardy oriental greens. Many are good both in salads and cooked - try Pak Choi, Mizuna, 'Pe Tsai' Chinese Cabbage, Mibuna, and Mispoona, all of which can be sown from June through into the winter.
We keep sowing small batches every few weeks right through until March, starting a new tray each time we plant out the previous ones into our polytunnel. KALE Kale is delicious sown in autumn in a polytunnel for tender baby leaves. The best winter salad leaves - Grow your own winter salad - Garden. Choose a selection of your favourites from these 12 lettuces and mustards for delicious home-grown salad all through winter.
Butterhead lettuce Taste Good buttery lettuce flavour Maximum yield per plant 330g Cropping period Mid-March to May This was the most successful of the three types of lettuce we grew, and was worth waiting all winter for. Chicory Taste Bitter Maximum yield per plant 185g. Gardening - Gardening Guides - Techniques - Grow your own winter salad. Vegetable Garden planting guides - Gardeners Calendar. Vertical Gardening on Wheels in Saugatuck. Hydrofarm Tomato Trellis Garden on Wheels GCTR - Container Gardens at Simply Planters. Vertical Allotments & Edible Walls - Wall Mounted Gardens - Living Walls. Top 10 Best DIY Garden Ideas. By Magda Knight Indoor plant art.
Urban and guerilla gardening. Upcycling plant containers. Moss graffiti, seed bombs and more... These 10 great DIY garden ideas approach greenery as life and art. 1. Photo: Eco Village International Network Turning a shoe organizer into a vertical herb garden is a clever idea. 2. Photo and moss graffiti recipe: Yababoon Make like UK artist Anna Garforth. 3. Photo: Duitang While it's much easier to make vases with plastic bottles, glass is just... nicer. 4. Photo: Greenaid. Vertical-allot-480. How to make your own container with water reservoir. Using old recycling boxes and pvc piping Step by step instructions All ready to plant…. and the perfect size for growing squash, potatoes, vine tomatoes, runner beans or any other large, hungry vegetable crop. In this post you’ll learn how to make a long lasting, high performance container with water reservoir. Level of difficulty: moderate Water reservoirs make watering easier and dramatically improve yields.
You can add reservoirs in various ways. Old recycling boxes are perfect for this project because: They are large (usually 40 – 55 litres), ideal for hungry vegetables like squash, tomatoes or potatoes. The main drawback of recycling boxes is what they look like – see below for ideas on how to make them more attractive. Drip Irrigation Kit 40 Dripper. Product Rating: In stock Here at Easy Watering we have put our wealth of knowledge on the subject of drip irrigation systems to good use and bring you the perfect pack to get you started with installing a watering system for yourself.
Let us present the Drip Irrigation Kit 40 Dripper, a comprehensive kit that includes all the parts needed to get a drip system of your own set up quickly and easily. Once installed, this kit will save you both a lot of time and a lot of water compared to using a hose pipe. This kit comes with everything required to water up to 40 plant containers or 20 metres of hedging and can be easily extended if you so wish. You can also automatically control this watering system by adding a watering timer, which can be purchased separately. How to set up a drip irrigation system. Please note: Due to exceptional demand, you may have been supplied with a substituted version of the irrigation kit.
This new kit has all of the same benefits of the original kit and is even easier to set up. Click here for our simple instructions on how to set up the substituted irrigation kit. There are 3 really good reasons to install a drip irrigation system in your garden - it will save you time, water, and money. Drip irrigation systems are far more efficient than watering with a hose or sprinkler system as they deliver the water to the base of the plant - precisely where it is needed.
In fact this is the reason why irrigation systems are often excluded from a hosepipe ban. Micro Irrigation Supply Tube. Irrigation Tutorials Homepage and Main Index.