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Using E-Portfolios in the Classroom

Using E-Portfolios in the Classroom
For decades, students have been completing assignments in school. Often, these were seen only by the teacher, graded and returned to the student. Sometimes, the work was posted on a classroom wall or in a school hallway. Many teachers kept portfolios of student work for report card conferences, and the rare teacher taught students how to build their own portfolios from their work. With more and more schools going paperless or migrating to the "cloud" (storing files on the Internet), student work has become more easily shareable, accessible by many, and more easily organized. Many teachers have turned to digital portfolios -- or "e-portfolios" -- for their students. However, with so many options for collecting and sharing student work, it's hard to know which method or tool to use. Defining Your Needs Here are some guiding questions to consider before you commit to a tool or platform: Can student work be made public or is it housed inside a "walled garden?" Some Options Project Foundry

Mr. Salsich's Class - Third Grade Explorations in Learning Using Technology | Electronic Portfolios in the K-12 Classroom The use of personal portfolios for assessment and presentation long has been a component of higher education. In fact, personal portfolios are a graduation requirement at many colleges and universities. Now, electronic portfolios have begun to enter the world of K-12 education as well. Learn what electronic portfolios are and discover how they can help you and benefit your students. "A portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work demonstrating the student's achievement or growth as characterized by a strong vision of content," according to Todd Bergman , an independent consultant and a teacher at Mt. Helen Barrett, an assistant professor and educational technology coordinator for the School of Education at the University of Alaska, Anchorage, provides another definition, one developed by the Northwest Evaluation Association: A portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the student's efforts, progress, and achievements in one or more areas.

ePortfolio Levels (K-12 Schools) - ePortfolios with GoogleApps Levels of ePortfolio Development in K-12 Schools Most of the research on the implementation of electronic portfolios has been in higher eduction. Most of the customized e-portfolio tools, both commercial and open source, have been created in and for higher education, whereas the paper-based portfolio process itself began in K-12 schools. The work below was developed for use in a K-12 school district for implementing electronic portfolios for students across the grade levels (ESUSD, 2009). Level 1 - ePortfolio as Storage Collection -- Creating the Digital Archive (regularly – weekly/monthly)A Focus on Contents & Digital ConversionDigital Conversion (Collection)Artifacts represent integration of technology in one curriculum area (i.e., Language Arts) The most basic level of creating an electronic portfolio is the collection of work in a digital archive, stored on a server, whether locally or on the Internet. Primary Google Tools: GoogleDocs & Picasa Level 2 - ePortfolio as Workspace

How (And Why) It's Time To Create Digital Student Portfolios Warning: True Confession of an Educator Ahead… I always find it quite confusing when educators tell me that students in their classroom are reading at a 7th grade reading level. What does that really mean? I wish that instead I had more valuable information that I could draw on at the beginning of the year: past work, past oral reading examples, all the things that would help me to make a difference much earlier than October. Digital Portfolios Digital Student Portfolios are becoming more important now than ever! There are many reasons to begin the journey to digital portfolios – here are just a few. We MUST Archive Student Work Students are creating amazing work in both analog and digital versions. Empower Students to Create Their Own Digital Footprint Students are building their own personal web presence with each post and status update they share. Students Can Expand On Work As Their Skill Base Improves Reflection, Reflection, Reflection Pushing the Envelope of Redefinition

Tools for Educators - free worksheet templates, printable game templates, 100% customizable worksheet makers with images! 3 Tools for Creating Digital Portfolios | Edutopia A digital portfolio is a collection of artifacts of learning that demonstrates growth, acquisition of skills or knowledge, and student creativity over time. As a mother, I knew I wanted to save these items so we could enjoy the memories, but as a teacher I was thrilled to discover the pride and joy my daughter felt as she reflected on her learning experiences. I realized that a digital portfolio could be more than simply a collection of things—it could be a vehicle for reflection and an opportunity for creating a sense of pride in students. Years later, I enjoy helping teachers across the country discover new ways to create digital portfolios with their students. With many choices in terms of organizational structure, procedures, and format, as well as a wide variety of applications to streamline the process of creating portfolios, there’s no one right way to create them. G Suite for Education Google’s suite of education tools has great potential for creating digital portfolios. Seesaw

The Beginner's Guide To Creating Digital Portfolios The Connected Student Series: Last week on the Connected Student Series, I discussed the ‘why’ of digital portfolios. It is imperative that in 2014, students be able to curate, archive and expand on the work they are producing in class. As an added bonus, student digital portfolios help students authentically learn important digital citizenship lessons. Where to Begin? Do NOT delve straight into the portfolio process. Now that you have included the parents…what type of portfolios are you looking to produce? The Three Types of Portfolios Process A process portfolio is simple. Showcase This type of portfolio seeks to highlight the students’ best work. Hybrid This is a combo of the two portfolios above and my favorite of the three. The Process Students can create and house their work using Google Drive, Dropbox or a folder on their desktop. Note: Remember there are probably more cameras in a classroom than people. Collecting Teachers collect work samples via a Google form. Publishing

The power of digital student portfolios SmartBlogs This past spring, I was asked to substitute teach in one of our first-grade classrooms. There were no guest teachers available that day so, as the elementary principal, I was it. Being a former fifth- and sixth-grade teacher, I was a bit out of my comfort zone. How would I document what students learned during their time with me? During the literacy block, I found moments to capture learning with my iPad. Using the device’s camera, I was able to take photos of both the students’ work and of them actually working. Why digital portfolios are important for students With the spreading use of computers and mobile technology in schools, going digital with student portfolios has become more popular. Students and teachers can use digital tools to document current understandings, make revisions as thinking changes, share student products both locally and globally and celebrate successes with peers and parents. Become a digital citizen Use technology with purpose Find a global audience

A Peek Inside Summit’s Personalized Learning Software Over the last three years, Summit Public Schools, a network of charter public high schools in northern California, has made a radical shift from a traditional high school model to an innovative, competency-based learning model. In this new model, students are responsible for independently mastering basic content, freeing up teachers to spend class time on projects and other tasks that promote deeper learning. Summit’s push to reimagine its programs was based on four core ideas: To succeed in college and in life, students must be self-directed learners. These ideas are no longer aspirational. In this article, we will do a guided tour of the PLP software to describe the student experience and explain how the school model works. The Big Picture Summit leaders felt it important to control the student experience and the pace of innovation. Teachers use Personalized Learning Time to mentor students and do weekly, 10-minute one-on-one check-ins with their advisees. Tracking Progress Across Years

Movenote & App 30 cortometrajes para educar en valores El cine ha llevado a la gran pantalla muchas películas en las que se tratan temas relacionados con el mundo de la educación. Continuamos ampliado esta entrada con vuestras propuestas hasta alcanzar los 30 cortometrajes para educar en valores. Con ellos, el alumnado reflexionará sobre la amistad, la solidaridad, el trabajo en equipo, el respeto a las personas… 1. Cuerdas: El guionista y director Pedro Solís García dirige esta pequeña obra de arte que ha sido reconocida recientemente con el Premio Goya 2014 al Mejor Cortometraje de Animación. La ternura, la amistad, la inocencia o la generosidad son algunos de los valores tratados. 2. 3. 4.El viaje de Said: Coke Riobóo dirigió en 2006 este cortometraje musical de animación hecho con plastilina. 5.Pipas: Avalada por diferentes premios y conocimientos, Pipas refleja la importancia de aprender y muestra el fracaso escolar de la sociedad a través de la mirada de dos chicas jóvenes. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.
