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CURRY S Y S T E M <-> A C C E S S. Curate and publish. Memotice publier s_exprimer_en_ligne. Vérifier l'information - CLEMI. Objectifs Distinguer les sources d’information, s’interroger sur la validité et sur la fiabilité d’une information, son degré de pertinence.Distinguer un fait d’une opinion.Développer son esprit critique face aux informations.Connaître les méthodes et critères de validation d’une information.

Vérifier l'information - CLEMI

Déroulement Construire des critères de fiabilité des sources À la suite d’un travail de recherche mené sur Internet, les élèves doivent évaluer les informations trouvées et définir des critères de fiabilité des sites internet sélectionnés. Les élèves, répartis par groupes, réfléchissent : quelles questions doit-on se poser face à une source d’information ? Au cours d’une mise en commun, les élèves décrivent la stratégie qu’ils ont utilisée : essayer de contacter l’auteur, croiser les sources, lire les commentaires s’il y en a, analyser la présentation du site.

Certains auteurs de bonne foi peuvent aussi commettre des erreurs : les reconnaître et les corriger est un autre signe de crédibilité. Affiches couleur pour la classe. CURRY S Y S T E M <-> A C C E S S. SWOT Analysis - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Use SWOT Analysis to assess your organization's current position before you decide on any new strategy. Find out what's working well, and what's not so good. Ask yourself where you want to go, how you might get there – and what might get in your way. These are big issues, and you'll need a powerful but simple technique to help you: SWOT Analysis. This article, video and infographic will help you to discover what SWOT Analysis is, how to carry one out, and how to apply its benefits to the max. What Is a SWOT Analysis? SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, and so a SWOT Analysis is a technique for assessing these four aspects of your business.

You can use SWOT Analysis to make the most of what you've got, to your organization's best advantage. Better still, you can start to craft a strategy that distinguishes you from your competitors, and so compete successfully in your market. Click here to view a transcript of this video. How to Do a SWOT Analysis Figure 1. Tip: Présentation vidéo de PIX by myriam.lecerf on Genially. Pix se substitue au B2I,tests de positionnementpour tous les eleves(niveau 1 minimum),référentieleuropéendigcomp,tests de certification dans un environnement surveille pour les 3èmes et terminales,ENVIRONNEMENT IMMERSIF AVECRECHERCHES EN LIGNE,UNE INTERFACE "GAMIFIEE" POUR STIMULER LES APPRENTISSAGES,CULTURE NUMERIQUE COMMUNE,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.

Présentation vidéo de PIX by myriam.lecerf on Genially

,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. ,Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Dossier sur la veille. Diigo outil de social bookmarking.

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Tools. Net. Curry Bilbao. Partners. Professionals Against Cyberbullying. 1 October 2017 – 1 October 2019 Sadly, (cyber)bullying remains a reality for millions of teenagers across the European societies.

Professionals Against Cyberbullying

Most of the victims have suffered from (cyber)bullying more than once as the aggression can become repetitive and the violence escalating. The remaining rise of social media has offered a new environment where bullying can occur and cause serious consequences not only for the bullied but also the bullies and the bystanders of these incidents. Skills for school Professionals Against Cyberbullying Events The project SPACE intends to answer to the training needs of school teachers. Assumed deliverables The SPACE project intends to: develop an online system that host a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) and OER (Open Educational Resources) on cyberbullying; plan, develop a MOOC for teachers in order to help them acquire competences to prevent and fight cyberbullying; make available a toolkit for teachers, trainers, experts, parents and students about cyberbullying.