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Meshroom - 3D Reconstruction Software. Il faut absolument que je vous parle d'une carte. Enfin, plutôt de 15 cartes. Dans un projet qui en compte quasiment une centaine. Ce sont les cartes des « Ancient meanders of the Mississippi river », réalisées en 1944 par Harold Fisk Elles sont M.A.G.N.I. Marshmallow Laser Feast - Kikk Festival 2019. Blog - Setting Up Unity XR in 2020. Setting up an augmented or virtual reality project in Unity has gotten much easier over the past few years.

Blog - Setting Up Unity XR in 2020

It used to be that you would need many special plugins from various companies to even interface with a VR or AR headset, simply due to how new the technology was. These days however, you can get started using Unity’s VR and AR (XR) plugins without ever downloading another asset. Finding a tutorial on how to do this quickly can be quite a pain however, so we figured that this would be a great opportunity to go over how to quickly setup an XR project in Unity! We’re going to specifically target how to do so for virtual reality headsets with 6 degrees of freedom (6-dof), as well as with tracked controllers; however, much of this will also apply to anyone looking to do this with an AR headset like the Magic Leap One as well!

It is important to note that as of this post, we will not have compatibility with OpenVR. Installing Unity Unity Hub is one of the best tools you can have. Poptronics ' L’art d'éditer l’esprit libre avec do.doc. Les modules de la station do.doc, un programme conçu par les designers de l’Atelier des chercheurs, Sarah Garcin, Louis Éveillard et Pauline Gourlet. © DR L’art d’éditer l’esprit libre avec do.doc Comme son nom l’indique, do.doc est un logiciel qui documente une expérience collective, que ce soit un atelier, un temps de création, une résidence, etc.

poptronics ' L’art d'éditer l’esprit libre avec do.doc

Très simple d’utilisation, il permet de capter via différents moyens (vidéo, son, photo, animation), d’éditer du texte, de réunir les médias collectés, de les retoucher, de les éditer et finalement de créer un PDF ou une page web. Une façon ouverte et simple de produire des récits multimédias partageables. Collaboratif, il permet de travailler depuis différents postes en même temps via le wifi local, toutes les contributions étant ajoutées automatiquement une fois enregistrées. Démonstration du fonctionnement de do.doc en images :

How This Guy Uses A.I. to Create Art.

Flood and climate change

Nvidia built an AI that creates 3D models from 2D images. What if developing a 3D gaming world were as easy as snapping pics with your phone?

Nvidia built an AI that creates 3D models from 2D images

Nvidia researchers recently developed an AI system capable of predicting a complete 3D model from any 2D image. Called “DIB-R,” the AI takes a picture of any 2D object – an image of a bird, for example – and predicts what it would look like in three dimensions. This prediction includes lighting, texture, and depth. Welcome to the wonderful world of Smell DJ’ing. Nodes is a new way to create with code. Case study: IBM Technology Garden - Variable Notes. Nodes is currently in active development, getting ready for a private beta launching in Q4 2019 / Q1 2020.

Case study: IBM Technology Garden - Variable Notes

Learn more about our journey so far or visit and subscribe to be among first ones to try Nodes. Initial explorations For our initial pitch, we wanted to quickly prototype the experience of having an animation split across 3 screens in portrait mode. Using frustum offset in our camera class, we were able to record a particle simulation three times; once for each third of the image. When put together next to each other, it creates very rough yet convincing demo of large scale visuals. Intro: instanced rendering & GPGPU animation The IBM Technology Garden experience starts with an idle mode known as attractor state. In our early tests, we were able to push the system to 10M particles yet 1M turned out to be enough for the final installation. Flower A — AI Highlights a particle system based on procedurally modelled curves.