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Ilustracion +Pintura-02

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Incredible and Exciting Artwork from Creative Mints (+ Process Shots) Untitled. Ilustreishnzz on the Behance Network. Best Bookmarks - Nightly (Build 20120407031232) Best Bookmarks - Nightly (Build 20120407031232) I_ron: Bruce Pennington - Nightly (Build 20120404031301) Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials - Nightly (Build 20120403063158) By marcos333 Tue, 04/10/2012 - 03:07 I'm proud to announce that Abduzeedo + Sticker + Hydro 74 contest got over 200 entries, that's almost a record in terms of contest on our website, thanks everyone who submited your artwork.

Graphic Design Inspiration and Photoshop Tutorials - Nightly (Build 20120403063158)

As we had little a problem on getting all the submissions previously, we will announce the winners on April 30th, for now I will leave you guys all this awesome submissions. monking_m eclips987 JasonWStanley ShaunAtkinson To The Moon Studios Vasileios Stergioudis velozobas Salinia steve.schiavello heinenstroodle Cax One AtekaAveck EightyDeuceDesign Method99 Nina Palomba Trikymikfoley Mr.

Nairbnorb Capsoman Jkellam phycogus misnopalesart neilhanvey DaveyJones1134 JamesHugo. Flickr: Intercambio de fotos - Nightly (Build 20120403063158) Flickr: Intercambio de fotos - Nightly (Build 20120403063158) Tsevis' mosaic illustration - digital complexity - geeky designs - photomosaic - Nightly (Build 20120325031055) Manolo Gallardo - Nightly. Manolo Gallardo Mansylla, pintor guatemalteco.

Manolo Gallardo - Nightly

Nació en 1936 en la ciudad de Guatemala. Jason Bard Yarmosky. Aides1. EMPTY KINGDOM You are Here, We are Everywhere - Nightly (Build 20120320043530) EMPTY KINGDOM You are Here, We are Everywhere - Nightly (Build 20120320043530) EMPTY KINGDOM You are Here, We are Everywhere - Nightly (Build 20120320043530) EMPTY KINGDOM You are Here, We are Everywhere - Nightly (Build 20120320043530) A u d r e y * k a w a s a k i - Nightly (Build 20120320043530) Canadian painter, printmaker, illustrator. Mark Battista - Aurora.

Mark Battista, fine artist and illustrator, was born in 1963 in West Haven, Connecticut and graduated from Paier College of Art with a B.F.A. in 1985.

Mark Battista - Aurora

Upon graduation, he was awarded "The Outstanding Illustration Major Award" and received recognition for graduating with the highest grade point average. He received a M.S. degree in Art Education from Southern CT State University in 1990.He presently teaches art for the West Haven school system. Mark has worked as an illustrator, fine artist, and art educator for over 25 years. The artist has won major awards and is currently represented by The DaSilva Gallery, and The Frame Shop Gallery of New Haven, CT. Mark has exhibited and has been represented by the following galleries and art organizations: * The Salmagundi Club, New York, NY * The Grand National Exhibition, Boston, MA * The Robert Wilson Gallery, Nantucket, MA and Palm Beach ,FL * The Mary Lou Fischer Gallery, Guilford ,CT. Entry1_1539_Large_Fullsize. EMPTY KINGDOM You are Here, We are Everywhere - Nightly (Build 20120805030518)

EMPTY KINGDOM You are Here, We are Everywhere - Nightly (Build 20120805030518) Search Results: gallery - Nightly (Build 20120805030518) Alfons Mucha – Arte decorativo - Nightly (Build 20120729030516) Alfons Mucha – Arte decorativo.

Alfons Mucha – Arte decorativo - Nightly (Build 20120729030516)

David A. Welker, Artist. Paintings - Drawings - Interiors - Nightly (Build 20120806030517) Fantasy ART - Ken Kelly - Nightly. Ian Anderson - Nightly. FINE ART - Nightly. Jake Baddeley - Nightly. Pittura * Scultura * Poesia * Musica. Jane Whiting Chrzanoska, American painter, began drawing and painting at such an early age that by 14 she felt confident enough to attempt her first mural, an 8’x12’ depiction of Napoleon at Waterloo on her bedroom wall.

Pittura * Scultura * Poesia * Musica

Two years later she convinced he best friend to provide he own bedroom wall so that Jane could paint “The Ride of the Valkyries” from Wagner’s Ring Cycle. At age 16 she was accepted into the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia to begin studies the following year. She also made her first important sale, a study of 50 orchestral musicians, to the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, N.Y. She then undertook another impressive project, The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Jane credits her father, the late William A. In 1983 she moved to Paris. Unfortunately, after a few months at the Academy, the emphasis on abstract expressionism proved boring and Jane began skipping classes and spending more time at the University of Pennsylvania city campus. Elisabetta Trevisan. Elisabetta Trevisan "I was born in 1957 in Merano, a town in northern Italy bordering on Austria.

Elisabetta Trevisan

I attended the art school of Padua. My father is a famous illustrator and cartoonist. I have always devoted myself mainly to painting. My works are realized using Medium Density panels on which I usually mix different techniques: gouache, pastel, watercolour. The Illustration of David Palumbo. Morte%2Bdi%2Bamore%2Bolio%2Bsu%2Btela%2B50%2Bx%2B100%2Bcm. Keith Wigdor presents Surrealism Now! La Imaginación Dibujada: Ilustracion moderna - Nightly (Build 20120724071408) Bueno, bueno... hace mucho que no publicaba, la culpa la tiene un videojuego que me tiene sorbido el seso, de momento el vicio corre por mis venas y las entradas en el blog se están espaciando.

La Imaginación Dibujada: Ilustracion moderna - Nightly (Build 20120724071408)

Hay que decir que también me viene bien para poder coger fuerzas de cara al futuro, porque el ritmo de publicaciones diaria era agotador. Para compensar la larga espera os voy a dejar con una entrada del siempre espectacular y polifacético Amano, del que ya hice una entrada tiempo atrás... Para mi un artista estupendo, de esos que es capaz de cambiar de estilo y siempre le queda bien, con influencias y tributos a muchos ramas del arte como el simbolismo de Gustave Moreau del que soy un gran admirador... Recogedor: Jean Paul Egred - Ilustraciones - Nightly (Build 20120723030606)

Recojo una muestra de los trabajos de "Jean Paul Egred", si te gustan y quieres ver más pásate por su espacio en Behance.

Recogedor: Jean Paul Egred - Ilustraciones - Nightly (Build 20120723030606)

Annie Stegg Illustration. Kazuhiko Nakamura « KlímtBaLan - Nightly. VICENTE · ROMERO: Galería 2010-2011 - Nightly. 6628734703_873b32b310_o. La Imaginación Dibujada: Pintura - Nightly. Hoy voy a presentaros a un artista que me imagino que para el público general será poco conocido.

La Imaginación Dibujada: Pintura - Nightly

Se trata del pintor ruso Nicholas Roerich, hombre de grandes talentos, siendo su profunda humanidad y amor por la naturaleza el mas sobresaliente de todos ellos. Polifacético artista; pintor, escritor, humanista, viajero impenitente que recorrió el Asia central de cabo a rabo, desarrollo sus trabajos en la primera mitad del siglo XX. En occidente, la gran división que imperó entre Rusia y el resto de Europa a raíz de la Guerra Fría mantuvo a este hombre en un injustificado olvido. Hoy por hoy su prestigio es ampliamente reconocido. Como en otras ocasiones me quito el sombrero y no me canso de admirar el toque mágico y especial que tiene los artistas rusos, cada día los aprecio mas y mas. Os dejo con estas pinturas e ilustraciones tan diferentes...

La Imaginación Dibujada: Chen Chong Ping - Nightly. Los viernes suelo hacer entradas mas libres metiendo también algunas cuñas de pintura, miniaturas medievales, lo que sea que tenga que ver con las bellas artes pero que no sea necesariamente Cómic e ilustración.

La Imaginación Dibujada: Chen Chong Ping - Nightly

Os voy a presentar a este estupendo artista chino, Chen Chong Ping, que tiene gran fama en todo extremo oriente y cuyo talento empieza a ser reconocido en occidente. Con un estilo de pintura realista su cuadros nos ofrecen habitualmente imágenes de mujeres ataviadas con vestidos tradicionales de la región, super vistosos y coloridos que a mi personalmente me encanta. A ver si os gusta. m6e94qmcoa1qhlhj1o1_500.jpg (imagen JPEG, 410 × 507 píxeles) - Nightly. Художник Michael Whelan » Фото, рисунки - Nightly. Paintings by Justyna Kopania. Paintings by Polish artist Justyna Kopania.

Kopania’s work covers a wide variety of genres, from landscapes and seascapes, the moon, the sky and still life.Paintings are painted this way – creates a kind of reliefs. Paintings are painted in a sort of style, original … Big paper airplane - ethan murrow : RECENT PROJECTS : Zero Sum Pilot Drawings - Nightly. 19 Amazing Paintings, Not Photos. One of my favorite things I like to do on this site is share the work of amazing artists. These seven artists were chosen because each has the ability to create paintings so realistic they look like pictures.

These mind-blowing, hyper-realistic scenes are made by using nothing but oil-based paints on linen or canvas. Though some critics may discount their artistic ability, saying that creating paintings from photos isn't "true art," I happen to disagree. As Louis K Meisel describes, photorealism must be "tight and precise, often with an emphasis on imagery that requires a high level of technical prowess and virtuosity to simulate. " From Eric Zener's amazing underwater scenes to Doug Bloodworth's incredible pop art, I hope you enjoy this wonderful collection of my favorite photorealistic paintings. Paul Roberts [Link] Fine arts blog » Very beautiful drawings. Hydro74 - Piety within Progression. Untitled. Paintings by Tomas Sanchez. Tomás Sánchez is a Cuban painter and engraver, known for his landscape paintings. Sánchez is the most valued of live Cuban painters. In 1964, he moved to Havana and began to study painting at the National Academy of Fine Arts San Alejandro.

In 1966 he interrupted his studies and later, in 1967, moved to the newly founded National Art School, where he graduated in 1971. Also in 1971 he was awarded the First Prize of Drawing for Young Artists at the National Exhibition of Arts. View the website. Illustrations by Nicebleed. Nicebleed is a collaboration project between Francis MInoza and Laurence Minoza based in Cebu Philippines. The Eyes of the Cat - but does it float - Nightly.

Illustrations by Moebius (Jean Giraud) Moebius collaborating with Alejandro Jodorowsky on their first comic together, Les Yeux du Chat (The Eyes of the Cat). It was made to be a gift to staff and friends of Les Humanoïdes Associés. Fullscreen Previously on Moebius: one, two, three, four, five, six Folkert. Психоделические космопейзажи художника Марио Мартинеза (Mario Martinez) aka MARS-1 (34 фото - 13,75Mb) » Фото, рисунки - Nightly. Las ilustraciones satíricas de Pawel Kuczynski. Gran trabajo del ilustrador polaco Pawel Kuczynski, que muestra que una idea simple pero bien representada, puede ser muy poderosa. A través de ilustraciones satíricas, Pawel retrata la realidad social, política y cultural que se vive actualmente. Illustration - Aurora (Build 20120811042009)

- Do you see yonder cloud that’s almost in shape of a camel? - By th’ mass, and ’tis like a camel indeed.- Methinks it is like a weasel.- It is back'd like a weasel.- Or like a whale.- Very like a whale. There are pictures which it is not enough to simply look at: a measure of intuition is also required for their perception. From the above text, it seems that Polonius possessed just this ability, or at least he played as if he did, in order to satisfy the provocative Hamlet. Of course, this capacity can also be developed. “Nova invenzione di speculazione”, i.e., the new method of speculation – proposed Leonardo, as if he wanted to offer a mission for the revival of art, whose Such depiction would postulate the presence of a combination of two fundamentally different representational systems – let us call them iconic and symbolic, or quite complex cerebral function.

Every novelty, and even a quite free cultural atmosphere, if we consider the other side. The Incredible Skull Illusions › Illusion - Aurora (Build 20120811042009) Renown artist Istvan Orosz has made illustrations for a new edition of “Ship of Fools,” a late 15th century book by Sebastian Brant. Orosz’ optical illusions revolve around Medieval themes, and they are meticulously planned and executed. You can view more images from this collection at Gallery Diabolus. See also: “Magical Mirror Anamorphoses,” and “The Skull Illusion.” Max Ginsburg Paintings - Nightly (Build 20120808030529) I have lived and worked in New York all my life.

As a New Yorker, I feel a personal and deep connection to this rich, energetic and beautiful city with its amazingly diverse population. My objective is to paint about the people of New York, realistically and with compassion. I have expressed my strongly held feelings about peace and justice; deep outrage to war, injustice and torture are conveyed in some of my paintings. With regard to these themes, I have been inspired by Old Masters such as Caravaggio, Goya, Kollwitz and Picasso. I choose to paint realistically because I believe realism is truth and truth is beauty. Pasa la vida » Historia del arte - Nightly (Build 20120729030516) El mayor motor de búsqueda de internet ha logrado seducir a una treintena de museos e instituciones españolas para que ‘cuelguen’ sus obras de arte en Google Art Project, según ha informado hoy la empresa durante una presentación celebrada en Madrid. La iniciativa del gigante californiano permite visitar on line los principales museos mundiales y ver las imágenes de sus cuadros digitalizadas con una resolución de hasta 7.000 millones de píxeles en las obras más destacadas.

Oleg Shuplyak Optical Illusions Paintings. Oleg Shuplyak is a talented Ukrainian oil painter who uses hidden images to turn his artworks into mind-blowing optical illusions. Optical Illusion Paintings › Illusion - Nightly (Build 20120728030524) “More than meets the eye,” seems like the right slogan for Oleg Shuplyak’s fine art. Warning: This post may contain images with nudity. Viewer discretion is advised. Artwork © Oleg Shuplyak Link via Inspix. Die, Jedi, die! › Illusion - Nightly (Build 20120728030524)

The colorful and stringy art of Nicky Barkla. Nightly (Build 20120728030524) Portfolio - Nightly (Build 20120725030556) 4277406162_74c209d999_b. Roberto Ferri - Nightly (Build 20120724071408) Roberto Ferri© – Le delizie infrante Roberto Ferri es un pintor nacido en Taranto, Italia en 1978. En 1996 se gradúa en el Liceo Artístico Lisippo, una escuela de arte de su ciudad natal. Comienza a estudiar pintura de forma autodidacta hasta que en 1999 se traslada a Roma para aumentar sus investigaciones sobre pintura antigua, empezando por el extremo del siglo XVI.

En el 2006 se gradúa con honores en la Academia de Bellas Artes de Roma. Creative Satirical Illustrations by Pawel Kuczynski. Pawel Kuczynski was born in 1976 in Szczecin. He graduated the Fine Arts Academy in Poznan with specialization in graphics. Since 2004 he deals with satirical illustration, and so far he has been rewarded with 92 prizes and distinctions. "Like art could save a wretch like me." - wryer: I’ve been practising drawing hands :-) A Moment to Escape it All › Illusion - Nightly (Build 20120721041038) Tiago Hoisel – Keith - Nightly (Build 20120721041038) Hawser Series - Portfolios - Huguette Despault May - Nightly (Build 20120719030543) Tim Shumate.

Dirk Dzimirsky, Drawings - Nightly (Build 20120717030555) Daniela Uhlig – Ilustraciones « Nueva dirección: - Aurora (Build 20120714042007) Nanami Cowdroy - Nightly (Build 20120320043530) Nathan Walsh, Contemporary British Realist Painter / Intro - Nightly (Build 20120320043530) 70 Incredible Illustrations to Celebrate The Avengers Pop-Culture - icanbeCreative - Nightly (Build 20120320043530) Mathew Borrett - BOOOOOOOM! - CREATE * INSPIRE * COMMUNITY * ART * DESIGN * MUSIC * FILM * PHOTO * PROJECTS - Nightly (Build 20120320043530) EMPTY KINGDOM You are Here, We are Everywhere - Nightly (Build 20120320043530) EMPTY KINGDOM You are Here, We are Everywhere - Nightly (Build 20120320043530) Art of Keith Thompson - Nightly (Build 20120320043530) Edwin Lord Weeks – Pinturas - Nightly (Build 20120320043530) Vintagraph - Vintagraph Fine-Art Wall Prints and Posters. Nebulae - Nightly (Build 20120320043530) Jasper Goodall: Artist - Nightly (Build 20120320043530)

Michael Zavros. Artist Nicky Barkla Creates Incredible Rainbow-Hued Pop Portraits (PHOTOS) - Nightly (Build 20120320043530) Creepy Pencil Art › Illusion – The Most Amazing Creations in Art, Photography, Design, and Video. - Nightly (Build 20120320043530) Surrealistic Paintings by Vladimir Kush - Nightly (Build 20120320043530) Beautiful Wildlife Paintings by Collin Bogle - Nightly (Build 20120320043530)