Oser la modernité rurale, par Philippe Madec. «L'architecture est un art borné, dit-on ; oui, dans l'esprit des architectes ; mais en lui-même, je n'en connais point de plus étendu.
Qu'on fasse entrer dans son projet la considération du temps, du lieu, des peuples, de la destination, et l'on verra varier à l'infini les proportions des pleins, des vides, des formes, des ornements et de tout ce qui tient de l'art»*. Denis Diderot. La doxa contemporaine assigne à l'aménagement du territoire national un horizon urbain métropolitain. Entre les grandes agglomérations et les infrastructures qui les relient, la messe territoriale serait dite.
Recettes Urbaines. Ondées rocheuses - ccclxxix. Www.terencegower.com. Pedro Reyes - Artist. Alejandro Aravena. Benjamin parco. How To Start Software and SaaS Companies From Nothing. Pat Flynn best articles & podcasts. I’ve been writing articles and publishing podcasts online since 2008.
I’ve also been featured on other sites a fair bit during that time. It’s been a fun ride filled with some memorable moments. I created this collection to share some of those moments. They’re fun to look back on. I hope you enjoy them. Pat’s Most Enjoyed Articles 1. And lastly, an option that I think is pretty risky but is what a few people I know have done successfully in the past, is charge customers before the project is finished. 2. Podcasting is extremely fun and exciting, but there is one thing you must do before you start podcasting: Commit. 3.
MICKEY MUENNIG - HERB GREENE. I met Mickey Muennig when he walked in late to one of my first design classes after I returned to teach at OU in '58.
It wasn't long before I realized that while short on physical height he was long on design talent. In contrast to his mild manner, he could be uncommonly forceful in thought and action, we became friendly, with Mickey indulging my enthusiasm for Alfred North Whitehead. We also had young children about the same age. BUILT WORK - HERB GREENE. Steve Bishop. Steve Bishop About Steve Bishop believes that sustainability is an essential aspect of any “good” design.
As Global Lead of Environmental Impact at IDEO, he helps companies build brands, develop new offerings, and shape their innovation processes by repositioning environmental challenges as platforms for growth. He also works with IDEO colleagues to incorporate a green dimension into the design-thinking approach. Steve applies his expertise across industries: he’s worked with the US General Services Administration to devise a high-performance green building strategy, helped utilities bring energy efficiency into their smart grids, and designed instrument panels for Ford’s 2010 Fusion Hybrid (for which he holds patents). After earning a graduate degree in product design from Stanford University, Steve returned as guest lecturer and adjunct professor.
Steve serves as an adviser to several companies and frequently speaks at conferences and other events. Speaking Highlights Speaking Topics. It is Time to be Disruptive. Credit: Stephen Voss Tedd Benson is the founder of Bensonwood Homes and Unity Homes, both based in Walpole, N.H., and the Vision 2020 co-chair for Building Design + Performance.
If we fully accepted the implications of failing to stem global warming, Architecture 2030’s 2030 Challenge wouldn’t be a challenge at all. We currently have proven antidotes to our energy-guzzling, heavy-carbon footprint ailments, and we have the knowledge and capability to apply the solutions on a broad scale. What is holding us back are belief and conviction. We have a wide gap between our capabilities and our actions, and our home building industry is strangely bipolar: We are both Dr.
Magnesium Oxide-Based Cements: Answer to Climate Change? “There is a way to make our city streets as green as the Amazon forest.
Almost every aspect of the built environment – from bridges to factories to tower blocks, from roads to seawalls – could be turned into structures that soak up carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas behind global warming. All we need to do is change the way we make cement.” — John Harrison of TecEco in article “Green Foundations” by Fred Pearce, New Scientist magazine (July 2002)
Kacey Wong 黄國才. Atelierphilippemadec. Né en Bretagne (France) en 1954, pionnier du développemnt durable en urbanisme et architecture, Philippe Madec vit à Paris et Bruxelles.
Formé à l'architecture au Grand-Palais à Paris (atelier Ciriani/Maroti) de 1972 à 1979, il crée son atelier à Paris en 1989. Entre temps, il n'a pas de pratique professionnelle, voyage et vit à l'étranger, conduit une recherche sur la pédagogie et la théorie architecturales et écrit son premier livre sur Etienne Louis Boullée. Lucien Kroll. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
Pour les articles homonymes, voir Kroll. Lucien Kroll est un architecte belge né à Bruxelles le . Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] Terunobu Fujimori. Torolab - Raúl Cárdenas Osuna. A day at the Farmlab Working, digging, excavating and planting fruit trees at the Farmlab.
Internet en La Granja Internet en La Granja Transfronteriza gracias a Red Siete. Un profundo agradecimiento a ellos por su valiosa contribución. Contra la desnutrición El escritor mexicano Elmer Mendoza Valenzuela, publicó en su columna en EL PAÍS Semanal un artículo sobre Torolab. Ideas que generan cambios Una entrevista con Raúl Cárdenas de Torolab aparece hoy en la revista Astillero del Diario Noroeste de Sinaloa (Mazatlán y Culiacán).
RT @MuseumModernArt.