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Edward L. Bernays interview, 1986-10-23. How I Reached 35k Reddit Karma by Automating 120+ Posts Per Month. My name is Pat Walls, and I'm the founder of and Pigeon, a powerful CRM for Gmail.
This is the story about how I built automation around my Reddit marketing strategy, how I auto-share ~120 blog posts/month, reached 35k karma, and reached millions of views on my posts. And why I love building automation so much! A thread! I have hit the top of Reddit hundreds of times. Through all of the love and hate that I get on the platform, I think I've found that it's here to stay.
A Valediction – Another Word. By Bradley Hughes – In August of this year I retired from my career as Director of the Writing Center and Director of Writing Across the Curriculum at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
I had the privilege of directing the Writing Center for 35 years (from 1984-2019) and the Program in Writing Across the Curriculum for 29 years (from 1990-2019). To celebrate my retirement, my fabulous colleagues Emily Hall, Nancy Linh Karls, and Jennifer Fandel organized a celebration of writing on Wednesday, May 15, 2019, in the Alumni Lounge at the Pyle Center, a beautiful room on campus overlooking Lake Mendota.
The weather and that location were perfect—the Alumni Lounge in the Pyle Center is where we launched the very successful first International Writing Centers Association Summer Institute in 2003, and when the IWCA Summer Institute returned to UW-Madison in the summer of 2008, we began the week in the same beautiful spot.
Hall, PhD, Emily – Writing Across the Curriculum – UW–Madison.
Writing Quality. Communication. How To Speak by Patrick Winston. Sacha Baron Cohen's Keynote Address at ADL's 2019 Never Is Now Summit on Anti-Semitism and Hate. Thank you, Jonathan, for your very kind words.
Thank you, ADL, for this recognition and your work in fighting racism, hate and bigotry. And to be clear, when I say “racism, hate and bigotry” I’m not referring to the names of Stephen Miller’s Labradoodles.
APA Sample Paper. This page is brought to you by the OWL at Purdue University. When printing this page, you must include the entire legal notice. Copyright ©1995-2018 by The Writing Lab & The OWL at Purdue and Purdue University.
"I seen it" and other stupid mistakes. How to READ FASTER: 2 tricks. How to Read a Paper Efficiently (By Prof. Pete Carr)
How to Write a Paper in a Weekend (By Prof. Pete Carr)
Ten Simple Rules for Writing a Literature Review. How to avoid death By PowerPoint: David JP Phillips at TEDxStockholmSalon #2/2014 Think Again. Explaining science won’t fix information illiteracy.
Photo illustration by Slate.
Photo by DragonImages/Thinkstock. If you consider yourself to have even a passing familiarity with science, you likely find yourself in a state of disbelief as the president of the United States calls climate scientists “hoaxsters” and pushes conspiracy theories about vaccines. The Trump administration seems practically allergic to evidence. And it’s not just Trump—plenty of people across the political spectrum hold bizarre and inaccurate ideas about science, from climate change and vaccines to guns and genetically modified organisms.
Free Book (RTF) - HUNTER: The Strange and Savage Life of Hunter S. Th0mpson by E. Jean Carroll. The Review of Literature for Research. Psychology_teaching_08.30.pdf. 24 books that will make you a more well-rounded person. o5com/FlickrRead everything!
Do you aspire to be one of those people who knows at least a little bit about a lot of things? There's any easy way to do it: Read everything!
Students, Read Me. Primary Sources. Introduction | Questions to Consider | Source Survival of the Fittest Applied to Human Kind (1851)Herbert Spencer Introduction Even before Charles Darwin (1809-1882) published his work on evolution and the struggle for survival in 1859, such concepts were known.
Indeed, one can argue that the basic tenets of liberalism were imbued with the concept of survival of the fittest: those with greater intelligence, will power, industriousness, etc., succeeded while those without these qualities failed.
Choosing a Topic. Choosing a topic poses a major obstacle for many students in the dissertation writing process.
Some proactive ways to select a topic follow. 1.
"Never lose sight of the fact that the dissertation should be the crowning achievement of your graduate education and will influence the direction of your career for many years to come.
" Tomorrow's Professor Msg.#352 HOW DOES ONE CHOOSE A DISSERTATION TOPIC? Folks; The excerpt below examines some of the factors to consider in choosing a dissertation topic, particularly in the humanities and social sciences. It is from Chapter 4, Writing a Dissertation in: The Chicago Guide to Your Academic Career: A Portable Mentor for scholars from Graduate School through Tenure. By John A.
TheSage's English Dictionary and Thesaurus. TheSage is a comprehensive English dictionary and thesaurus that provides a number of useful and in some cases unusual search tools.
Please take a look at the feature list and documentation for details. We are linguists. Our interest in this project is academic, not commercial.
The Trivium Method - Gene Odening (entire) - what you should have been taught in school but weren't.
Writing Examples
PSY_480_SeniorProject. WritingQuotes. Writers. Publication. 1st vs. 3rd person - OWLL - Massey University. Pronouns are a set of words that replace nouns.
They are used to make your work less complicated and less repetitive. Examples of pronouns include:
yWriter5 - Free writing software designed by an author, not a salesman. yWriter5 is designed for Windows XP, Vista and beyond. Win98 and Win2k users should be able to use it, but those operating systems are unsupported. These downloads contain yWriter5 version, dated 04/Jul/2014 Download yWriter5 installer (2.1mb) from the primary site. OR download yWriter5 installer (2.1mb) from the secondary site.
Sigil - The EPUB Editor. Best free software for writing: 10 programs to unleash your creativity. Writers tend to make a very big deal of their tools, whether those tools are delicate pens or ancient typewriters. Increasingly, though, they'll talk about their software. Even the most genteel literary event can soon devolve into a fist-fight between fans of Scrivener and Ulysses (both of which cost around £27, US$40, AU$50).
Storyist Alternatives for Windows. WikidPad - wiki notebook for Windows/Linux/Mac OS.