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Create A Graph. Scriblink - Your Online Whiteboard. Create and share visual ideas online. Emaze - Create Amazing Presentations Online in Minutes. 65 Free Interactive Whiteboard Resources. Interactive whiteboard resources are a great way for teachers to engage classrooms in learning.

65 Free Interactive Whiteboard Resources

While many teachers are spending hours a day creating their own activities for their interactive whiteboards, there are tons of free sources to help teachers learn about and use IWBs with students to further their use of technology in the classroom. Here is a list of some great interactive whiteboard resources and activities guaranteed to stimulate learning: General Interactive Whiteboard Resources for Teachers TeacherLED – TeacherLED is a site dedicated to making the use of Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) easier and more productive. This comprehensive site features resources to use with IWBs in math, English, and geometry.

With many kids at home due to COVID-19, maintaining the same level of physical... The recent ongoing pandemic has schools reimagining how they celebrate their... With the school year coming to a close, providing closure for students is... SMART Board Website Resources. Free online PDF Extractor. Free Online OCR - convert scanned PDF and images to Word, JPEG to Word. Online PDF Converter - – 100% FREE. Convert JPG to PDF for free - JPG to PDF online converter. PDF to Word Converter - Free. Create A Free Online Portfolio Website. Make Online Presentation in PowerPoint. Emaze - Amazing Presentations in Minutes.

PowToon: l’animation pour les noobs. Étiquettes : expérience utilisateur, formats éditoriaux, Web 2.0 Vos textes sont trop longs ?

PowToon: l’animation pour les noobs

Vos slides sont soporifiques ? Vos vidéos explicatives sont has-been ? Utilisez PowToon pour créer des vidéos facilement. PowToon est une application en ligne pour créer facilement et gratuitement des vidéos d’animation. PowToon : L’alternative aux présentations soporifiques Sur PowToon, on peut aussi créer un million de slides et pourrir son sujet avec des transitions à la con. Textes, images, animations (pré-conçues) arrivent d’un côté et repartent de l’autre, le tout selon un timing à choisir.

En quelques minutes, vous créez facilement des animations aussi fraiches que celles créées par ceux qui n’emploient plus le mot « fun » depuis la fin des années 80. Votre blog a du swag (Si vous ne savez pas ce que veut dire swag, continuez à dire «fun») 66% des contenus partagés sur le Web sont des vidéos. Les vidéos sont de loin les contenus les plus consultés sur le Web. Bref. Microsoft PowerPoint Templates and Backgrounds. That's why we deliver only the very best premium PowerPoint templates to suit every need.

Microsoft PowerPoint Templates and Backgrounds

From athletics to science and from people to religion, we offer the most comprehensive and usable database of Microsoft PowerPoint backgrounds you'll find anywhere on the web. Free PowerPoint themes for every person and every business Microsoft PowerPoint is a versatile program used all over the world in boardrooms, classrooms, community centers, and even homes. But despite its many useful features, built-in PowerPoint themes leave something to be desired. With predictable color schemes and ho-hum graphics, they're just not interesting enough to add much value to your presentations - and, sometimes, they can even detract from the impact of the information you're sharing.

Download free PowerPoint backgrounds and templates - Brainy Betty. Online Whiteboard and Collaboration - Prezi - The Zooming Presentation Editor. Prezi For The Win? Ten Top Tips To Make a Good One. Update, May 2013: I’ve re-updated a newer guide to Prezi, actually in Prezi itself: See also: 6 useful things Prezi can which even experienced users miss The ten tips of the title are near the top of this post – it’s quite long, so don’t worry about reading the examples bit if you just want the nuts and bolts.

Prezi For The Win? Ten Top Tips To Make a Good One

[Update: I've also created a slide-deck which acts as a simpler version of this post - you can read and view it here. It also includes a more advanced Prezi with screen-grabs detailing how it was made.] I’ve created or had a hand in creating three Prezis that have made it into the public arena (plus some previous attempts that I’ve deleted). Incidentally, if this top 10 tips had to be just a top 1, it would be: a good Prezi is a balance between exploiting the capabilities of the medium, and ensuring these capabilities don’t become and end in themselves.

Ten Top Tips Create your structure first, fill in the details afterwards. Glogster - join the visual communication network. Templates - Free Printable Certificates - Silkslides. Upload & Share PowerPoint presentations and documents. SmartBoard Favorites. Advanced features in Prezi. Interaktiv whiteboard. Online whiteboard & online collaboration tool. Stoodle. Draw It Live. Sketchlot - Create a sketch Online, share it with students.

VideoScribe. Whiteboard. PowToon, free business presentation software animated video maker and PowerPoint alternative. You Are No Longer Allowed To Present - by PowToon! Here are some reasons why your presentations are BAD!

You Are No Longer Allowed To Present - by PowToon!

We know that so many of you use programs like PowerPoint or Prezi because they have been around for a while, and it is what you know, but change is not always a bad thing, especially if that change can lead to presentations beyond your wildest imagination. Based on PowToon’s recent “Presentation Frustration Survey”, many of you aren’t happy with the outcome of your presentations, so let’s go into some depth on the real problems out there, the reasons why many of you shouldn’t continue presenting until you change your ways, and how we can solve the issues at hand.

Lack of engagement This is perhaps the biggest presentation killer out there, but luckily it is something that is easily fixed if you have the right knowledge and tools. Let’s go over some main causes of “engagementitis” as I like to call it. Uninteresting presentation of content Poorly Designed Slides Text: length & presentation In Conclusion Article written by: Jordana Pepper. Create and share visual ideas online. Piktochart: Infographic and Graphic Design for Non-Designers. Popplet. Pinwords. 3D presentation tool. 5000+ Free PowerPoint Templates, Free PowerPoint Backgrounds. Create your Icon Font in seconds with 6000 ready to use Vector Icons - Free Icon Font Generator. 7 Ways to Create and Deliver Online Quizzes. How to integrate technology when nothing works right.

I’d love to do more with technology in the classroom, but I don’t have the equipment and infrastructure I need.

How to integrate technology when nothing works right

What can I do? That’s the question we sought to answer at this morning’s Hack Education 2013 unconference in San Antonio, Texas. A group of about 25 educators had some casual conversations in a session we called Effective Tech Integration with Limited Classroom Resources. The following info is a combination of the notes I took during our discussion and my own elaboration. Create Icons Instantly with Iconion. By AJ Walther Previously I shared some tips for creating your own great looking flat design eLearning.

Create Icons Instantly with Iconion

A recurring trend in flat design is the use of simplified icons in lieu of detailed drawings, images, or photos. Many icons can be found by inserting symbols or certain Clip Art images from within PowerPoint. Creating your own icons from scratch is also not terribly difficult. PowerPoint Games. Racing Games No preparation required, just have a sheet of vocabulary or review questions in your hand.

PowerPoint Games

Click a button on the screen and the car or horse moves one step closer to the finish line and victory. (Whole Class Participation Game) Download Car Race (Beach Rally) Download Horse Race | Instructions | Office 2007 Instructions | Video Tutorial | What is Louie Thinking (Pyramid Game Show) Similar to Pyramid Game. Download Guess Louie. Free web bullets, arrows and icons for your next design. Post-It Notes. 200+ High Quality Free Paper Background Textures to Grab. Using paper backgrounds is quite common these days.

200+ High Quality Free Paper Background Textures to Grab

Paper is a not only used to write but it can be also useful as a texture in doing some web design or graphic projects as well. In fact you can see some websites on the web applying more paper concept now a days and come up with a very neat results. Looking for some High Quality Paper Textures? Here I compiled 200+ High Quality Paper Textures for everyone to Grab for FREE. Abstract Cat And Mouse And Pattern On Background Royalty Free Cliparts, Vectors, And Stock Illustration. Image 6639954. Image ID : 6639954 Image Type : Stock Vector Resolution CreditsEach credit from €0,68 onwards. 394 x 450.

Abstract Cat And Mouse And Pattern On Background Royalty Free Cliparts, Vectors, And Stock Illustration. Image 6639954.

Free Vector Art & Vector Graphics. Free fonts, best and cool fonts. 5 Things Every Presenter Should Know About People, Animated. Cacoo. Advanced features in Prezi. - combine your slides with your in-person recording. 10 Best Presentation Websites. Free Slideshow and Collage Maker. Free Slideshow and Collage Maker. Movenote. Connect-A-Sketch - Upload and connect your sketches to create clickable prototypes. Slidebean - creating online presentations. Create and share visual ideas online.

Presentation Software. Animoto - Video Maker & Photo Slideshow Maker.