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"Art, Architecture, and Innovation: Celebrating the Guggenheim Museum" (1) Croissance & PIB pour les nuls (avec Le réveilleur) - Heu?reka #20. (1) Croissance & PIB, les limites (avec Heu?reka !) (7) Skeptics in the Pub - Paris - Accueil. - Accueil | Collection numérique de cartes et plans | BAnQ. 10e Observatoire 30 09 2013.pptx - 10e Observatoire AE - oct0213 - UAE _ LE ROCH.pdf. 11 Empty Climate Claims. Below are a series of rebuttals of the 11 most common climate alarmists’ claims such as those made in the recently released Fourth National Climate Assessment Report.[2] The authors of these rebuttals are all recognized experts in the relevant fields.

H/T Joseph D’Aleo for compiling work by many experts at his website ACRESEARCH Fact Checking Climate Claims. Excerpts in italics with my bolds. For each alarmist claim, a summary of the relevant rebuttal is provided below along with a link to the full text of the rebuttal, which includes the names and the credentials of the authors of each rebuttal. Claim: Heat Waves are increasing at an alarming rate and heat kills.Fact: They have been decreasing since the 1930s in the U.S. and globally. There has been no detectable long-term increase in heat waves in the United States or elsewhere in the world. Detailed Rebuttal and Authors: Heat Waves (08/19/19) Detailed Rebuttal and Authors: AC Rebuttal Hurricanes (10/19/19).

Conclusion: Like this: 2.2: Geometrical factors governing bonding and structure. Two parameters, radii and the electron attracting power of atoms or ions, determine the bonding, structure, and reaction of elementary substances and compounds. Much effort has been devoted to finding numerical values for these two factors applicable to all materials. It is hoped that the chemical properties of a known compound, and of a still non-existent new material, can be predicted with a combination of suitable numerical values.

Firstly, geometrical factors will be described. Atomic and ionic radii The electron density in atoms gradually approaches, but never reaches, zero as the distance from the nucleus increases. *Numbers in parentheses are the coordination number of the ions. Since the cations and anions of different elements in an ionic compound are bonded by electrostatic interactions, the bond distance is the sum of ionic radii assigned to the cation and anion. Exercise Which ionic radius is larger, Cs+ or F- ? Answer Cs+ (167 pm) > F- (133 pm). Lattice enthalpy Madelung constant. 20000 lieues sous les mers. 24 Cognitive Biases stuffing up your thinking. 247153e. 2509-FP-ContratTravail_2014 - 55 New (2019) Scientific Papers Link Solar Activity To Climate Change. By Kenneth Richard on 3. October 2019 In the last few years, hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific papers have been published linking changes in solar activity to Earth’s climate (2016, 2017, 2018).

The evidence for a robust Sun-Climate connection continues to accumulate in 2019. When it comes to the Sun’s influence on climate, one conclusion is certain: there is no widespread scientific agreement as to how and to what extent solar activity and its related parameters (i.e., galactic cosmic rays, geomagnetic activity, solar wind flux) impact changes in the Earth’s temperature and precipitation.

The disagreement is so chasmic and the mechanisms are so poorly understood that scientists’ estimates of the influence of direct solar irradiance forcing between the 17th century and today can range between a negligible +0.1 W m-2 to a very robust +6 W m-2 (Egorova et al., 2018; Mazzarella and Scafetta, 2018). “There is no consensus on the amplitude of the historical solar forcing. 92 New Papers (2018) Link Solar Forcing To Climate . . . Some Predict Solar-Induced Global Cooling By 2030! By Kenneth Richard on 27. December 2018 Image Source: Abdussamatov, 2012 When it comes to the Sun’s influence on climate, one conclusion is certain: there is no widespread scientific agreement as to how and to what extent solar activity and its related parameters (i.e., galactic cosmic rays, geomagnetic activity, solar wind flux) impact changes in the Earth’s temperature and precipitation. The disagreement is so chasmic and the mechanisms are so poorly understood that scientists’ estimates of the influence of direct solar irradiance forcing between the 17th century and today can range between a negligible +0.1 W m-2 to a very robust +6 W m-2 (Egorova et al., 2018; Mazzarella and Scafetta, 2018).

“There is no consensus on the amplitude of the historical solar forcing. “According to the IPCC (2013), solar forcing is extremely small and cannot induce the estimated 1.0–1.5 °C since the LIA. “Cold period during 1645–1706 (Maunder solar minimum). Image Source: Oliva et al., 2018 Mörner, 2018. A brief introduction to minerals. A Critical Framework For Climate Change. Accueil - ASTEC. ACCUEIL - C.Q.F.D. - Science et esprit critique. Actualités - Fedae Grand Ouest (Bretagne, Pays de la Loire) Le centre de formation officiel des travailleurs indépendants par la Fédération des auto-entrepreneurs A partir du 1er janvier 2016, la Fédération des auto entrepreneurs lance sur le grand Ouest la FEDae academy : une offre de formations, d’ateliers à destination des créateurs d’entreprise, travailleurs indépendants déjà installés, écoles de commerce, facultés, collectivités et institutions ainsi qu’un outil de développement pour les formateurs indépendants.

La FEDae et CGEI lancent la FEDae academy Depuis 2009, la Fédération des auto-entrepreneurs (FEDae) accompagne et défend le régime de l’auto entreprise. L’auto entreprise, qui devient micro entreprise au 1er janvier, est avant tout une entreprise individuelle. Une offre de formation pour tous les créateurs en entreprise individuelle. A partir du 1er janvier 2016, c’est la fédération et CGEI qui proposent des formations adaptées aux créateurs d’entreprise, dispensées par des intervenants, eux-mêmes créateurs.

La FEDae academy en détail. Afis Science. Alarmist Claim Rebuttals – ACRESEARCH. Alarmist Claim Rebuttal Overview[1] Below are a series of rebuttals of the 11 most common climate alarmists’ claims such as those made in the recently released Fourth National Climate Assessment Report.[2] The authors of these rebuttals are all recognized experts in the relevant For each alarmist claim, a summary of the relevant rebuttal is provided below along with a link to the full text of the rebuttal, which includes the names and the credentials of the authors of each rebuttal. Heat Waves – have been decreasing since the 1930s in the U.S. and globallyHurricanes – hurricane activity is flat to down since 1900, landfalls in the US are decliningTornadoes – the number of strong tornadoes have declined over the last half centuryDroughts and Floods – no statistically significant trendsWildfires – decreasing since 1800s.

Claim: Heat Waves are increasing at an alarming rate and heat kills. Summary of Rebuttal (Updated: 08/16/19) Clearly, there is no evidence for increased heat waves. Rebuttal. Americas Historical Maps. Skip to Content Libraries Home | Mobile | My Account | Renew Items | Sitemap | Help | University of Texas Libraries Home > Finding Information > PCL Map Collection > Historical > Historical Maps of the Americas MapsMaps FAQ Map Room Guide World Africa Americas Asia Australia/Pacific Europe Middle East Polar/Oceans Russia/Republics Texas Historical Thematic Map DealersOther Map SitesMap Sites City Map Sites Country Map Sites Historical Map Sites Outline Map Sites Route Planning Sites State Map Sites Weather Map Sites Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection Historical Maps of the Americas United States Historical Maps Alberta 1921 (1105K) From Putnam's Handy Volume Atlas of the World.

Bahia (Bay of all Saints) 1882 [Brazil] (294K) A Dictionary, Practical, Theoretical, and Historical of Commerce and Commercial Navigation, by J.R. Anegada 1832 [British Virgin Islands] (692K) "Anegada with it's Reefs by R.H. Brasile Orientale 1899 [Brazil] (925K) From Atlante Mondiale Hoepli di Geografia Moderna Fisica e Politica. St. "St. An introduction to minerals and rocks under the microscope: 3.3.1 Olivine - OpenLearn - Open University - S276_1. An Irish Overview of the Latest Climate Science for Policymakers. Help us move forward with your donations made here. This elegant and graphic filled 36 page whitepaper provides a brief overview of the latest Climate Science, compiled by the Irish Climate Science Forum Here is their introduction: "It is a summary compilation of the latest climate research and observations by independent scientists worldwide.

The summary does not claim to be scientifically rigorous in every aspect, but hopefully encapsulates the key facts in this rapidly‐evolving field. The latest research and observations indicate that while there is an anthropogenic Green‐ House Gas (GHG) influence, it is considerably less than depicted by the IPCC. Much more is also now understood about solar and other natural influences, weather events and many physical observations. Many of the major issues are touched on, from paleoclimate and hot models to floods and global greening. This paper is a useful textbook. Analysis of a carbon forecast gone wrong: the case of the IPCC FAR. By Alberto Zaragoza Comendador The IPCC’s First Assessment Report (FAR) made forecasts or projections of future concentrations of carbon dioxide that turned out to be too high.

From 1990 to 2018, the increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations was about 25% higher in FAR’s Business-as-usual forecast than in reality. More generally, FAR’s Business-as-usual scenario expected much more forcing from greenhouse gases than has actually occurred, because its forecast for the concentration of said gases was too high; this was a problem not only for CO2, but also for methane and for gases regulated by the Montreal Protocol. This was a key reason FAR’s projections of atmospheric warming and sea level rise likewise have been above observations.

Some researchers and commentators have argued that this means FAR’s mistaken projections of atmospheric warming and sea level rise do not stem from errors in physical science and climate modelling. Calculations regarding the IPCC’s First Assessment Report Data. Applying Basic Physics to Climate · Science Speak. The scientists who believe in the carbon dioxide theory of global warming do so essentially because of the application of “basic physics” to climate, by a model that is ubiquitous and traditional in climate science. This model is rarely named, but is sometimes referred to as the “forcing-feedback framework or paradigm.” Explicitly called the “forcing-feedback model” (FFM) here, this pen-and-paper model estimates the sensitivity of the global temperature to increasing carbon dioxide.

The FFM has serious architectural errors. Fixing the architecture, while keeping the physics, shows that future warming due to increasing carbon dioxide will be a fifth to a tenth of current official estimates. The large computerized climate models (GCMs) are indirectly tailored to compute the same sensitivity to carbon dioxide as the FFM. Increasing carbon dioxide traps more heat. This material was introduced in a series of blog posts on Joanne's blog. New Science 1: Introduction to the Series. Apprendre à exercer son jugement et son esprit critique - Support et ressources pour le 1er degré.

Argumenter et débattre. Arrhenius 1906, final. Arrhenius – Earth To Boil | Real Climate Science. 23 Oct 1902, Page 1 – The News-Herald at And 115 years later, Stephen Hawking was parroting the same nonsense. Stephen Hawking: Earth Could Turn Into Hothouse Planet Like Venus | Live Science Arrhenius made a fundamental error in that he didn’t recognize H2O is a greenhouse gas. Knut Angstrom pointed this out in 1901, and showed experimentally that adding CO2 has very little impact on climate. mwr-029-06-0268a.pdf Rasool and Schneider confirmed this in 1971. rasool_schneider_1971.pdf I generated this graph using the RRTM-LW model, which shows how little impact CO2 and CH4 have on earth’s radiative balance. Artist Steve Spazuk Paints with Fire. This is a lovely video profile of artist Steve Spazuk (previously) who has developed a unique way of “painting” using the soot left behind from candle smoke.

While it seems like he just holds a candle to paper and draws with the smoke, his range of techniques are a bit more subtle. Spazuk often doesn’t know what images he intends to make but instead explores patterns and shapes found in the soot to guide the artwork. He also employs stencils and a reductive process akin to etching, where he scrapes images into the soot with feathers and paint brushes. You can see more of his recent work on his website. Atlas du Canada. Depuis 1906, l'Atlas du Canada représente une source clé d'information géographique pour tous les Canadiens.

Vous trouverez plusieurs cartes en ligne portant sur l'environnement, la société, l'économie et l'histoire du Canada. Toporama : Offre la couverture complète du pays à l'échelle nationale, régionale et locale (cartes topographiques seulement). Le visualisateur de cartes dynamiques permet la recherche de noms de localité, de zoomer ou panoramiquer, de mesurer des distances, d'obtenir des coordonnées et plus encore. Pour en savoir davantage sur les cartes topographiques Cartes de référence : Les cartes de référence incluent des cartes à l'échelle internationale, nationale ou provinciale en plus d'être des cartes de base sommaires, en noir et blanc, indiquant l'emplacement et/ou les noms des capitales. Archives de cartes : Toutes les cartes de l'Atlas du Canada sont disponibles sans frais. Atlas du Monde. Au-delà des faits.

« Un message peut faire le tour de la terre le temps que la vérité mette ses chaussures. » (Attribuée, à tort, à Mark Twain) Internet pourrait bien être la plus importante technologie de l’information jamais développée : chaque minute, 4 millions de vidéos sont visionnées sur YouTube, 3,5 millions de recherches sont effectuées sur Google, et 156 millions de courriels sont envoyés[1].

Internet et les médias sociaux ont permis à tout le monde d’accéder, de partager et de publier des renseignements, mais il y a un prix à payer : il est plus difficile que jamais de faire une différence entre le journalisme responsable ou les renseignements exacts et les publicités, les renseignements erronés et les parodies, et il est facile pour n’importe lequel d’entre nous de propager des renseignements erronés sans le vouloir.

Le jeu Au-delà des faits Puisque la vérification des faits ne devrait pas être une corvée, chaque scénario se joue en moins de quinze minutes. Les renseignements utiles. Austria’s ZAMG Meteorology And Geodynamics Institute Concedes Climate Models Not Reliable. Austrian ZAMG Meteorology Institute Says Drivers In Climate Models Still Not Correctly Understood By Die kalte Sonne In climate science, as is generally known, there is a 97% consensus on all topics. The remaining 3% are just crazy. This is so because anyone who openly contradicts the “consensus” can forget about his career, and gets marginalized and excluded from project funding opportunities. So it’s best to keep quiet. Thus, it’s all the more surprising that the Austrian Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG) has taken a critical look at the topic of climate change.

On the ZAMG’s website, the Vienna-Austria-based scientists discuss important criticisms: Future natural climate drivers not accounted forIf the share of individual climatic drivers in the development of global temperature are misjudged by climate models, and even if they delivered a realistic result thus far, future simulations will be wrong.

The article in German can be found at the website of the ZAMG. Auto-entrepreneur : " La réforme, ce n'est pas pour demain " selon Philippe Kaltenbach, Sénateur PS Hauts-de-Seine. Blogue: élection fédérale de 1891 dans la région de Québec: l’affaire McGreevy-Langevin. Boite à Esprit Critique by svt adour on Prezi Next. Caroline Poulin-Gluard - Accompagnement à l'orientation tout au long de la vie. Cartes d'Amérique du Nord. Cartes historiques. Cause of Global Climate Change. Chapter 3b miller_indices. Chem.libretexts. Chlorite Mineral Occurrence, Uses and Properties -

Christophe Colomb à Luis de Santangel, 14 février 1493 by sylvain.perot on Climate at a Glance. Climate change activists are focused on all the wrong solutions. Climate Change your Mind | Friends of Science Calgary. Climate Change – Ebb and Flow of the Tide Part 1 of 3. Climate Reductionism | Science Matters. Collectif de Recherche Transdisciplinaire Esprit Critique & Sciences | Le CorteX (COllectif de Recherche Transdisciplinaire Esprit Critique & Sciences) est un collectif né en 2010 à Grenoble, Marseille et Montpellier. Son but est de réunir tous les acteur. Comment cultiver l’esprit critique à tous les âges ?

Comment former à la différenciation pédagogique. Confessions of a climate scientist. CRISES IN CLIMATOLOGY. CROQUIS DE LA FRANCE. Crystal Form, Zones, & Habit. Crystal Habits and Forms of Minerals and Gems. Curiologie – n.f. Être curieux de tout, mais pas n'importe comment. Danger, nos émotions prennent le pouvoir !

David Kolb les tyles d'apprentissage. Dictionnaire sceptique. Différenciation et numérique. Divorce par consentement mutuel. Doctors for Disaster Preparedness Climate Change IQ Project. Déchets radioactifs. Découvrez comment faire du graffiti végétal ! Le résultat est vraiment classe... Démarches et les formalités à accomplir après un décès. Détail sur les lampes de la façade. E-Portfolio de Mélanie Deum. Earth Climate Layers. Entrez dans le paysage. Envoi d'e-mails sécurisé. Epuisement des ressources. Esprit critique. Esprit critique, esprit scientifique: la main à la pâte.

Etalement urbain : "Liège est la seule ville wallonne sans document d'aménagement du territoire" Evidence Based Bonne Humeur. Facebook. Faire réussir les élèves avec la pédagogie différenciée en cycle 3. Fear Not CO2! Fiche Formation differenciation neolithique S Mallet. Fiche gabarit Apprendre a realiser une fiche de synthese AP 1. Fiche romanisation Formation differenciation 1 (1) First detection of climate change on another planet?

Fiscalité (plus-values immobilières) Formation 2015 - Différenciation pédagogique by Berthon Roselyne on Prezi. Gavin’s Falsifiable Science. GEOGRAPHIE au cycle 3: fiches pédagogiques sur LA FRANCE. GetNotice. Global Warming Fraud Exposed In Pictures. Global Warming – Just Facts. Granite. Greenhouse effect: “How a cold atmosphere can warm the Earth’s surface” Greta’s Spurious “Carbon Budget” Groupe Facebook Zététique. Guggenheim extérieur. Géographie.