Web mashups & APIs
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API. Visualizing earthquakes. API Management, Infrastructure, Strategy and Developer Outreach. Mashery API Network - Welcome to the Mashery API Network!
API Network - API Explorer. Developer Network - APIs & Tools. Site Explorer Web Services. Yahoo!
Site Explorer has moved to Bing Webmaster Tools. Gain a unique perspective on your online presence. Foursquare API Explorer. What do you want to do? - foursquare. API Endpoints. Graph API Explorer. APIs Explorer. Google Analytics Tools - Query Explorer. API Directory - ProgrammableWeb. ProgrammableWeb - Mashups, APIs, and the Web as Platform. DERI Pipes. Hojoki: Make All Your Cloud Apps Work As One. Yahoo! Pipes. Yahoo!
Pipes is a web application from Yahoo! That provides a graphical user interface for building data mashups that aggregate web feeds, web pages, and other services, creating Web-based apps from various sources, and publishing those apps. The application works by enabling users to "pipe" information from different sources and then set up rules for how that content should be modified (for example, filtering). A typical example is New York Times through Flickr,[1] a pipe which takes The New York Times RSS feed and adds a photo from Flickr based on the keywords of each item.
Other than the pipe editing page, the website has a documentation page and a discussion page. History[edit]
Rewire the web. The Ultimate Yahoo! Pipes Creations List. Learn How To Use Yahoo Pipes. 10 Common Mistakes Made by API Providers. Twitter was one of the first to see what happened when traffic to the site came more from the API than the Web.
It now has more than 65 million tweets per day, most coming from services that use the Twitter API. Twitter has made numerous changes to fix its API. Those experiences have taught providers what mistakes not to make when launching a service. But there is still a lot for providers to learn. Considering this, we asked developers and service providers to help us prepare a list of 10 common mistakes made by API providers. Our group of commentators include Adam DuVander executive editor at Programmable Web; Mike Pearce, a developer out of the United Kingdom who writes a lot about scrum and Agile; Mashery's Clay Loveless and Sonoa Systems Sam Ramji. 1. "Databases fail, backend dependencies get slow, and/or someone somewhere along the line doesn't escape output properly. 2.
"Sometimes we see providers expecting the API alone to attract developers. 3. 4. 5. 6. Source: San Ramji 7.
Mashup (Internet)
So können z.
Mashup (web application hybrid)
In the past years[when?]
, more and more Web applications have published APIs that enable software developers to easily integrate data and functions the SOA way, instead of building them by themselves. Mashups can be considered to have an active role in the evolution of social software and Web 2.0. Mashup composition tools are usually simple enough to be used by end-users. They generally do not require programming skills and rather support visual wiring of GUI widgets, services and components together.
Therefore, these tools contribute to a new vision of the Web, where users are able to contribute. The broader context of the history of the Web provides a background for the development of mashups. The advent of Web 2.0 introduced Web standards that were commonly and widely adopted across traditional competitors and which unlocked the consumer data.
Mashup enablers have also been described as "the service and tool providers, [sic] that make mashups possible".
Programmierschnittstelle. Eine Programmierschnittstelle (englisch application programming interface, API; deutsch Schnittstelle zur Anwendungsprogrammierung) ist ein Programmteil, der von einem Softwaresystem anderen Programmen zur Anbindung an das System zur Verfügung gestellt wird.
Im Gegensatz zu einer Binärschnittstelle (ABI) definiert eine Programmierschnittstelle nur die Programmanbindung auf Quelltext-Ebene.[1] Zur Bereitstellung solch einer Schnittstelle gehört meist die detaillierte Dokumentation der Schnittstellen-Funktionen mit ihren Parametern auf Papier oder als elektronisches Dokument.
Application programming interface. In computer programming, an application programming interface (API) specifies how some software components should interact with each other.
Detailed explanation[edit] API in procedural languages[edit] In most procedural languages, an API specifies a set of functions or routines that accomplish a specific task or are allowed to interact with a specific software component. This specification is presented in a human readable format in paper books, or in electronic formats like ebooks or as man pages.
For example, the math API on Unix systems is a specification on how to use the mathematical functions included in the math library. The Unix command man 3 sqrt presents the signature of the function sqrt in the form: SYNOPSIS #include <math.h> double sqrt(double X); float sqrtf(float X); DESCRIPTION sqrt computes the positive square root of the argument. ...
API / Programmierschnittstelle. Try Google APIs From the Browser with Google APIs Explorer. 8,000 APIs: Rise of the Enterprise. Enterprises rarely move as quickly as the rest of the web.
Many, including us at ProgrammableWeb, have been saying for some time that big companies will embrace the open API movement. It appears this may be happening in earnest now, as our directory hits the milestone of 8,000 APIs. And it makes sense, because APIs are helping companies do business, with the tradeoff between adding an external dependency being out-shined by the ability to move faster building upon someone else’s expertise. The Last 1,000 APIs It’s been just just three months since the directory hit 7,000 APIs, meaning it continues to grow at an incredible pace. Yes, the enterprise has arrived.