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> Symphonicquasar
Floating Cities Won't Save Us From Climate Change. Slate’s Use of Your Data. Why Orange Is the New Black deserves even more respect than it already gets. Les 17 meilleurs livres du monde, selon Ernest Hemingway. En février 1935, Ernest Hemingway parle littérature au magazine américain Esquire.
Dans cet article intitulé Remembering Shooting-Flying: A Key West Letter, l’auteur livre une liste de 17 chefs-d’œuvres qu’il préfererait « relire pour la première fois (…) que d’avoir un revenu fixe d’un million de dollars par an. » Voici la fameuse liste de ces livres – où se cotoient beaucoup de russes, et quelques français - qui pour Hemingway, valaient plus que des millions :
C'est à 40 ans que j'ai réalisé que vieillir était la plus belle chose qui puisse m'arriver. Georgia O’Keeffe’s Vision. Eradicating pupil illiteracy in Scotland.
It is mid-morning at St Mary's primary school in Alexandria, a bleak, post-industrial town north-west of Glasgow that often features on Scotland's list of areas of multiple deprivation.
In Margaret Mooney's primary 1 class, 20 five-year-olds have gathered on the floor at the teacher's feet, pretending to be trains. "Ch, ch, ch, ch, ch," they intone, small arms circling wildly like the wheels of a locomotive.
How Ryan Murphy Became the Most Powerful Man in TV. Ryan Murphy hates the word “camp.”
He sees it as a lazy catchall that gets thrown at gay artists in order to marginalize their ambitions, to frame their work as niche. “I don’t think that when John Waters made ‘Female Trouble’ that he was, like, ‘I want to make a camp piece,’ ” Murphy told me last May, as we sat in a production tent in South Beach, Florida, where he was directing the pilot of “American Crime Story: The Assassination of Gianni Versace,” a nine-episode series for FX.
Donald Glover Can’t Save You. Donald Glover sat behind the wheel of the Nissan Sentra, his door ajar, and lit a joint.
Hiro Murai Shares ‘This Is America’ Inspiration. “City of God,” “This Is America,” “mother!”
Miramax/YouTube/Paramount Hiro Murai is arguably Donald Glover’s most important artistic collaborator. The director has been behind the camera for numerous Childish Gambino music videos and multiple episodes of Glover’s FX series “Atlanta,” but Murai’s crowning achievement thus far might just be “This Is America.” The music video has earned universal acclaim and over 70 million views since its May 5 premiere.
Why Cultural Critics of Color Matter. Slaver! Invader! The tour guide who tells the ugly truth about museum portraits. Last June, Alice Procter started running free gallery tours.
She had answered a call-out from Antiuniversity, a project that helps organise radical educational events, and wanted to try out an idea. Her plan was to take people through museums, looking at the ways colonialism continues to influence their displays and the aesthetics of art, and examine the role of empire in funding the spaces themselves. She didn’t think they’d be popular – but they sold out. The MA student now does Uncomfortable Art tours at the National Gallery, the National Portrait Gallery, the British Museum, the V&A, the National Maritime Museum and Tate Britain.
He Wanted to Escape His Childhood. Now, It Fuels His Art.
La télé-réalité, du divertissement à l'abrutissement. Temps de lecture: 8 min Je ne crois pas au choc des générations.
The Femivore’s Dilemma. The polish version of black mirror might be the best thing on the internet. Nailed It! Is Netflix's cooking show the perfect anti-Bake Off palate cleanser?
Nailed It!
Is the new Netflix show in which three amateur bakers compete to recreate professional bakes for $10,000 prize money. The twist is that these amateurs are all somewhat lacking in the kitchen department.
Les acquis féministes sont-ils irréversibles ?, par Mona Chollet (Le Monde di...
Jack the Ripper and 7 Other Killers Who Left Notes. L'Ifrap d'Agnès Verdier-Molinié : faux institut de recherche et vrai lobby ul...
C’est le diablotin qui sort de la boîte médiatique, dès que le mot « dépense publique » apparaît à l’écran.
The Okay Place: the psychological value of mediocre TV.
Black woman character actors are popping up on your favorite shows as therapists to white characters (VIDEO).
What is “The Dynamic,” Anyway? – The Niche. If you’ve been around The Niche for any amount of time, then you’re at least peripherally aware of The Dynamic.
But you probably have questions.
Lycée Saint-Cyr: une machine à broyer les femmes. L'héritage colonial de la francophonie. Couverture du cahier scolaire par G.
Buddhism in America: Before mindfulness was popular, the religion was conside...
What Does It Mean to be a Millennial? – The Vector – NJIT's Student Newspaper. “My generation is going to be known for wanting to die and memes.”
Go Ahead, Millennials, Destroy Us. As with all historic tipping points, it seems inevitable in retrospect: Of course it was the young people, the actual victims of the slaughter, who have finally begun to turn the tide against guns in this country. Kids don’t have money and can’t vote, and until now burying a few dozen a year has apparently been a price that lots of Americans were willing to pay to hold onto the props of their pathetic role-playing fantasies.
But they forgot what adults always forget: that our children grow up, and remember everything, and forgive nothing. Those kids have suddenly understood how little their lives were ever worth to the people in power.
Agnès Varda, cinéaste géniale mais tellement sous-estimée. Call Me by Your Name: inside the film’s beguiling sets. If there’s an air of timeless sophistication about Luca Guadagnino’s swooning coming-of-age romance, Call Me by Your Name, it surely stems from the grand 17th-century mansion where the majority of the story unfolds. The film is both a faithful adaptation of André Aciman’s 2007 novel and a personal love letter to the Lombardian countryside where the Italian filmmaker lives.
It was Guadagnino’s intimate knowledge of the region that led him to Villa Albergoni in Moscazzano near Crema, which he tasked his close friend and frequent collaborator Violante Visconti di Modrone with dressing for the film. What direction did Luca give you with regards to the set design?
Inside Darebin Council's Trans And Gender Diverse Swim Night. For many of those in attendance it was the first time they'd worn a swimsuit in years. On Saturday evening around 75 people went for a dip at the Reservoir Leisure Centre in Melbourne’s north. For some of those in attendance it was the first time they’d been swimming in years.
Le français “petit-nègre”, une construction de l'armée coloniale française. Systemic Racism And Air Pollution Create A Dangerous Reality For Black People.
Women better represented in Victorian novels than modern, finds study. Women in novels have tended to “feel”, while men “get”; women smile or laugh, while men grin or chuckle. An analysis of more than 100,000 novels spanning more than 200 years shows how gendered even seemingly innocuous words can be – as well as revealing an unexpected decline in the proportion of female novelists from the mid-19th to the mid-20th century. Academics from the universities of Illinois and California at Berkeley used an algorithm to examine 104,000 works of fiction dating from 1780 to 2007, drawn mostly from HathiTrust Digital Library. The algorithm identified both author and character genders. The academics expected to see an increase in the prominence of female characters in literature across the two centuries.
The Political Economy of Women's Liberation.
How to Be a Responsible Music Fan in the Age of Streaming. Brit Marling on Harvey Weinstein and the Economics of Consent. When the Harvey Weinstein story broke, I thought of something my mother told me when I was a little girl. She said: To be a free woman, you have to be a financially independent woman. She wasn’t wrong. I studied economics in college and went to New York to become an investment banker. To be blunt, I wanted the freedom money can buy.
A Netflix Movie Doesn’t Need To Be Good — It Just Needs To Be There. My great-great-aunt was a terrorist: women’s politics went beyond the vote.
My great-great-aunt was a terrorist. I’m not talking about the sense in which the pacifist Mahatma Gandhi was branded a terrorist by the British parliament in 1932: Pritilata Waddedar was an active participant in armed struggle against the British state. She supplied explosives. She fired a gun. And I’m proud of it. As Tuesday marks 100 years since some British women were given the right to vote, now is the time to consider the impact of imperialism on women’s suffrage, and the crucial role played by women in anticolonial movements. The Representation of the People Act 1918, which granted voting rights to property-owning women over 30, is more often than not depicted as a “reward” for women’s contributions during the first world war.
For figures such as Flora Annie Steel (sometimes known as the “female Rudyard Kipling”), the ability of white women to wield power over natives in the colonies justified their demand for greater political participation on the British mainland.
All the Fake News That Was Fit to Print. Les Indigènes de la République. Du Vietnam au Vietnam en passant par l’Indochine Quelques faits tout de même pour situer l’homme dans l’histoire.
Tran Duc Thao naît en 1917 dans le Nord du Vietnam.
Cachez ces ados que nous ne saurions voir. Le film le plus acclamé de cette saison, Lady Bird [sortie en France le 18 avril, ndlr] coche toutes les cases d’un film d’ados classique.
How the far right has perfected the art of deniable racism. In July 2016 the bigoted troll Milo Yiannopoulos, a British darling of the American far right, was banned from Twitter after encouraging a torrent of racist abuse at Leslie Jones, a black actor who starred in the remake of Ghostbusters. In one example he branded her “barely literate”. A few months later it emerged that Threshold Editions, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, had given Yiannopoulos, 33, who calls feminism “cancer” and Donald Trump “Daddy”, a $255,000 book deal.
“I met with top execs … earlier in the year and spent half an hour trying to shock them with lewd jokes and outrageous opinions,” he said. “I thought they were going to have me escorted from the building – but instead they offered me a wheelbarrow full of money.”
Rape Myths: History, Individual and Institutional-Level Presence, and Implications for Change. Ex-doctor's victims recount sex abuse as young gymnasts. The Trouble with White Women. "Les faux aliments ont colonisé jusqu’à 50% de nos supermarchés"
The #MeToo Moment: Blue-Collar Women Ask, ‘What About Us?’
Powerful Hollywood Women Unveil Anti-Harassment Action Plan. Au Cameroun, le premier film d’animation 100 % local redonne vie à un conte p...
« La fin du passé simple, c'est la perte d'une nuance de l'esprit »
Kelly Marie Tran on Representation in ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ – Variety. Ava DuVernay and Rowan Blanchard on Female Storytelling in Film. I Was a Warehouse Wage Slave – Mother Jones. 35ème jour de grève des agents de nettoyage Onet : les négociations avancent,...
Harvey Weinstein’s Army of Spies. Clinton's State Dept. calendar missing scores of entries. When it comes to Trump, a Republican Treasury secretary says: Choose country over party.
DARKNET, L'AUTRE RÉSEAU - Documentaire 2016. Google collects Android users' locations even when location services are disa...
This Year I Devour: Life After Abuse – Blueprint. Donald Trump Is the First White President. L’objectivation sexuelle des femmes : un puissant outil du patriarcat – Introduction. The Lack Of Women Leaders Is A National Emergency. Republicans, it’s time to panic. Rise of the racist robots – how AI is learning all our worst impulses.