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Aliens Living Among Us. A special report of Juan von Trillion and Gary Vey Aliens Living Among Us (Start Part 1) Part 1 - What, When, Who & Why An overview of the current status of the "official" disclosure to the public about the presence and history of alien races on our planet.

Aliens Living Among Us

Revelations include the influence and utilization of alien technology by such defense contractors as McDonnell Douglas and Lockheed-Martin, including the now shocking death-bed revelation by former secret "Skunkworks" director, Ben Rich, that "Extraterrestials and UFOs are REAL. " The recent announcement by high level military personnel, stating that UFOs have compromised our nuclear missiles on more than one occasion, is also included. Part 2 - Evidence of "Alien/UFO" This reviews some of the famous people -- presidents and astronauts -- who have witnessed UFOs and/or aliens and have come forward (more or less) to alert the public that these phenomenon are real. HomeRemedySecrets. LLC. Simple Homemade 3-Ingredient Facial Oil Moisturizer - Customize It For Your Own Gorgeous Skin. Shoot, you guys.

Simple Homemade 3-Ingredient Facial Oil Moisturizer - Customize It For Your Own Gorgeous Skin

I owe so many of you an apology. For years, so many of you have been asking about what I use to moisturize my face. Every time, the conversation goes like this: Curious Person: “Hey, Leslie? What do you use to moisturize your face?” Healing Herbs Wall Chart. and Mountain Rose Herbs have teamed up to bring you this gorgeous 18 inch by 24 inch Healing Herbs wall chart.

Healing Herbs Wall Chart

It is printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper with soy ink, and is printed in the U.S.A. The chart has a matte finish. It will look beautiful mounted or framed. Here is a close up.... Note: As you see in the graphic above, the illustrations are not located right next to the herb description. is dedicated to creating herbal learning tools that flow into your life so you learn as you go about your day. This Healing Herbs chart, which is also "wall art," will bring your passion for herbs into your home decor.

Want a copy for FREE? Sorry, but we're only GIVING AWAY this wall chart. All new members get a free copy of the Healing Herbs chart shipped to them for free, no matter where they live. For a short while, we are offering a $1 trial offer on HerbMentor. BMI Calculator. Natural Health School Lesson 20, Weight Management. Self-Evaluation for Lesson 1 - Introduction. Natural Health School - Glossary. Brilliant Body Health Assessment. Natural Health School. Medicinal Herb Vaults. Supermarket Herbalism: Day 6, Oats and chamomile are great herbs for stress. Did you know that one of the most nourishing herbs for stress could be purchased at your local market?

Supermarket Herbalism: Day 6, Oats and chamomile are great herbs for stress

Yesterday we had a really brief introduction to oatmeal and chamomile as digestive aids. Today, we’re going to relax with them. Make sure you get an hour for yourself tonight. You deserve it. Just imagine you're that person in that bath. Make yourself a cup of chamomile tea. Make yourself a luxurious Oat bath. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Oats are an amazing plant. Six days ago… Six days ago you may have not known much about how to use herbs in home remedies. When we meet tomorrow… We'll wrap it all up! Supermarket Herbalism: Day 5, Herbal Cough Sore Thorat Remedies and Garlic too! Welcome to Day 5.

Supermarket Herbalism: Day 5, Herbal Cough Sore Thorat Remedies and Garlic too!

We're on the home stretch now. Here’s a couple herbal cough and sore throat remedies, and more! First, watch the video. It's the longest one, but it shows you how to make a simple herbal cough syrup as well as how to make garlic oil for coughs as well... REALLY great stuff... OK... More with garlic and the onion... Supermarket Herbalism: Day 1. Welcome to Supermarket Herbalism!

Supermarket Herbalism: Day 1

Learning about herbs is an incredibly rewarding, inspiring, creative and nourishing experience, not to mention healthful. I remember how overwhelming it can be as well. Supermarket Herbalism: Day 4, Pink eye remedy. Supermarket Herbalism: Day 3, Peppermint tea is your upset stomach remedy. Ready for the simplest and possibly the most effective upset stomach remedy?

Supermarket Herbalism: Day 3, Peppermint tea is your upset stomach remedy

Let me put this simply: Do you need an after meal digestion aid? Do you have gas and want to prevent gas build up? Supermarket Herbalism: Day 2, Ginger Tea Recipe. Before getting to our ginger tea recipe with lemon and honey, there's a really important point to understand.

Supermarket Herbalism: Day 2, Ginger Tea Recipe

When you look in herb books and look up ginger you might find something like this written: GINGER (Zingiber officinale) possesses strong antibacterial activity against several food bourse pathogens such as E. coli and salmonella, it is the choice herb for treating colds and flus, it reduces and eliminates diarrhea, relieves pain, stimulates immune activity, reduces inflammation, has clinical uses for burns, and has been found effective in the treatment of cataracts, heart disease, migraines, stroke, bursitis, fatigue, coughs, fever, kidney stones, sciatica, tendonitis, viral infections, indigestion, and dizziness….

WHEW!!!! Now I am dizzy!!!!