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20 Linux System Monitoring Tools Every SysAdmin Should Know. Need to monitor Linux server performance?

20 Linux System Monitoring Tools Every SysAdmin Should Know

Try these built-in commands and a few add-on tools. Most Linux distributions are equipped with tons of monitoring. These tools provide metrics which can be used to get information about system activities. You can use these tools to find the possible causes of a performance problem. The commands discussed below are some of the most basic commands when it comes to system analysis and debugging server issues such as:

10 Best Security Software Tools for Linux. That you should check out. 1.

10 Best Security Software Tools for Linux

John the Ripper 2. Nmap Nmap is my favorite network security scanner. Nmap runs on Linux, Microsoft Windows, Solaris, and BSD (including Mac OS X), and also on AmigaOS. The touch keyboard - Windows app development. February 2, 2012 This paper provides information about the invocation and dismissal behaviors of the touch keyboard for Windows operating systems.

The touch keyboard - Windows app development

It provides guidelines for developers to understand how the touch keyboard shows and hides itself. This information applies to the following operating systems: Windows 8Windows Server 2012 Disclaimer: This document is provided "as-is". This document does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property in any Microsoft product. OwnCloud, un sueño por hacerse realidad. Tras unas semanas probando a fondo ownCloud 6, es hora de compartir la conclusión -y otros muchos, muchos detalles- de una experiencia, que, como resume el titular, es un sueño por hacerse realidad.

ownCloud, un sueño por hacerse realidad

Es un sueño por las increíbles posibilidades de un proyecto de software libre único en su categoría… que está por hacerse realidad porque, aristas aparte, hasta que el gran público pueda disfrutar de él, todavía falta. Pero comencemos por dejar las cosas claras: ownCloud no es “un Dropbox Open Source”. Decir eso sería como decir que Google es un buscador. Si te quedas ahí, te dejas lo mejor. De hecho, ownCloud no solo es una alternativa a los servicios de almacenamiento y sincronización de archivos en la nube, tales como Dropbox, Google Drive o Ubuntu One, sino que es una completa suite de aplicaciones en la nube, ampliable hasta el infinito. Que ownCloud sea software libre otorga al usuario las libertades de dicho software. Desmiguemos un poco lo, a priori, más suculento de este menú. 16 commands to check hardware information on Linux. Hardware information Like for every thing, there are plenty of commands to check information about the hardware of your linux system.

Some commands report only specific hardware components like cpu or memory while the rest cover multiple hardware units. This post takes a quick look at some of the most commonly used commands to check information and configuration details about various hardware peripherals and devices. The list includes lscpu, hwinfo, lshw, dmidecode, lspci etc. Descargar vídeos de YouTube en Ubuntu 13.10 y derivados. A veces cuando entramos en YouTube y vemos un vídeo que nos gusta, en más de una ocasión hubiésemos querido descargarlo para poderlo visualizar en nuestro ordenador, iPod, verlo offline, etc.

Descargar vídeos de YouTube en Ubuntu 13.10 y derivados

Si sigues con atención este artículo vas a aprender como descargar los vídeos de YouTube, utilizando tu Ubuntu. Como he comentado me encanta visualizar los vídeos de YouTube, pero lo único que no me gusta es que para seguir volviendo a ver los vídeos, tengo que estar conectado a Internet. Además, no puedo enviar los vídeos de YouTube a mis amigos que tengan bloqueado YouTube en sus puestos de trabajo, para ahorrar ancho de banda o por otras razones. Se que hay aplicaciones para Windows que nos permite guardar los vídeos de YouTube para verla sin conexión, pero como me gusta trabajar con Ubuntu, quería algo similar para Linux y he estado buscando la forma de descargar estos vídeos que están colgados en YouTube.

Download Advanced Linux Programming. DeveloperWorks : AIX and UNIX : Technical library. Linux Knowledge Base and Tutorial. Installing SSL using OpenSSL on a WAMP localhost. Image via Wikipedia I’m working on a project that is requiring me to use SSL (to make a https connection) on my local installation of WAMP.

Installing SSL using OpenSSL on a WAMP localhost

After much searching and a couple tries, it appears that I finally got it working. This post should be useful to anyone who is trying to do the same. Before starting with all the key stuff, I installed the OpenSSL binaries for Windows into the System directory. The following is ripped from a comment buried on Again in the command prompt, go to C:\wamp\Apache2\bin and run the following command: The command runs and prompts you to enter a PEM pass phrase and verify it.

It will then ask you to enter information that will be incorporated into your certificate request. Run the following command: You will be prompted for the pass phrase from the previous step. Run the following command to create a certificate which expires after one year: Create a folder c:\wamp\OpenSSL with the following subfolders: 20 Ubuntu Derivatives You Should Know About. Whether you like Ubuntu or not it is here to stay.

20 Ubuntu Derivatives You Should Know About

Ubuntu has contributed a lot to the Linux community and it’s influence spreads to more than 20 Ubuntu derivatives. Whether you like Ubuntu or not, it is here to stay. Ubuntu has contributed a lot to the Linux community in sparking interest in new Linux users and opening the doors to “ease-of-use” Linux. Their Influence has spread throughout the Linux community sparking new distributions.